3dmark01 SE settings


Nov 2, 2003
What are the general accepted benchmark settings for 3dmark01 SE? I finally got around to downloading this. I'm wondering because I'm only getting 13,153 in it.

I'm using:
-1024x768 32-bit color
-No AA
-Double Frame Buffer
-Compressed Texture format
-24-bit Z-Buffer depth
-D3D Pure Hardware T&L
-1 loop
-Sounds, Music not disabled
-Level detail low

System in sig.
I think that's low but I'm not sure. My friend with a 2000+ and a 9600 was only getting 9000 points. I told him something was up and he should check it out because I thought the norm was around 15k+ ?
Originally posted by Drisler
13k is about right for your VC...i think

:( *Jumps off a cliff*

Oh well who cares, at least my games dont lag.
Originally posted by yusoweird
hehe thats what i thought... 9600pro should perform better than a 4x ti4200

Somebody told me I should get the Catalyst 3.7 drivers instead of the 3.10 ones I have because they're the best. I'll try that.