3dmark03 and GFX6800

Originally posted by evilchris
You registered 3 months before me. OMGz! Also, post count and lame little titles mean nothing to me.

I call it like I see it. His statement was asinine and deserved the statements.

It has nothing to do with post count. It has to do with the insults you consistently throw around.

Insults are never deserved. Your no better for giving them.
it means that the drivers don't cheat on the app, nullifying ATi fanboys using "NVIDIA cheats" as a reason to refute the fact that the 6800 annhilates the 9800XT at it.

without getting in the middle of this flame war, i think the point is the 6800 does 'annhilate' the 9800XT, and so it should, but that 3dMark2003 is not the best way to prove it as Nvidia have undermined the reliability of the program so much as to be near useless in comparisons. Also real world benchmarks, such as using FarCry, are better for guaging performance of programs you will actually play and if optimizations are going to occur, better they be on games than benchmarks as then the consumer will see a real and tangible benefit.

I am not a fanboy, i have had 3 Geforce (1,3 and 4) and am now enjoying my 9800XT, i will say the 6800U is a superb card, and if i could swap now i would, I just dont think 3d2003 is the best way to prove that.

just my 2p

Originally posted by pbXassassinX1524
It's called 3Dmark for a reason... its supposed to measure performance in your GPU. Had it been designed to test your system they would have called it something like PCMark. Get the drift? I see it as being a very valid GPU performance gauger.

So? Older revisions were also called 3Dmark, and they tested your system, not just the card.

Look at Futuremarks own description of the program:

3DMark®03 is the latest version of the highly favoured 3DMark series. By combining full DirectX®9.0a support with completely new tests and graphics, 3DMark03 Pro continues the legacy of being the industry standard benchmark. The high quality game tests, image quality tests, sound tests and others give you an extremely accurate overview of your system’s current gaming performance. Benchmarking has never been so good!

It doesnt say anywhere in there that it tests only the GPU. Instead it goes on to say if gives you an accurate overview of how your system will play games. You can probably get 6k putting a 9800XT in a 1gig Celeron, with 128megs of ram. And according to the final score, it will beat a 3gig P4 with a 9700 Pro. Which is just silly.
Your right 3dmarks are not the best way to prove perf but you can't argue with the numbers from the real world games that the reviewing sites were able to achieve with the 6800u. Just take a looks at the toms hardware review and you see my point. The 6800U blows the doors off the 9800XT hands down. It also has comparable IQ for the first time. The only unresolved IQ issues have cropped up in farcry but just like the changes in 1.1 patch of the game I'm sure by 1.2 you'll see that IQ diff vanish.

The real question is how the R420 compares, but for now NVIDIA beat them to the punch by getting the 6800U out first. I'm guessing that the R420 is going to be close to the 6800u in performance.

Just like we've seen with previous cards each will have its crowning benchmarks where each cards performs better. Only this time ATI can't play the IQ trump card. NVIDIA has that card now with PS3.0

Just my thoughts

"prepares from Flames from fanATIcs"
I have the download version of 3d03, and I seem to notice that the program does test the CPU and memory (I may be wrong but I think its 5th and 6th test). I use it to gauge the limits of my memory and cpu OC, if I push either too hard, the program will crash to the desktop. So I imagine that they are incorporating system results into thier overall scores. The program is a useful tool IMO. (No flames please, I have a 9800pro)

That said, I think its time to congratulate Nvidia on producing a great piece of hardware period, there is nothing else out there to compare this card to. If ATI's 420 surpasses NV6800 then props to them.

Whats wrong with a little competition?, In the end doesn't it result in a better gaming, and lower prices for all of us?