3ds Max Export


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2004
Greetings all!

I would like to export an animation in Max as a sequence of .obj files. (Let's say my animation is 30 frames long -- I would like to export each frame as a separate .obj file)

In the MaxScript reference files, I could not find a call to invoke the .obj exporter. However, if a script existed to automate this task, I would be happy.

If not, is there a way I could record a macro (click on next frame, click on export, enter sequenced filename, press enter twice) to automate this process for me?

Thank you in advance!
I am not sure what your asking for, (granted I am not the most skilled in here...)

It sounds more like you are trying to get a seperate file for each frame of your render?
If so just select .tga for your file type and it will render out each frame. I dont remember but I think there is anoter format but tga is usually the best, and easy if you are doing a net render.

Sorry but I am not fully sure what you are trying to do with exporting as .obj... (I dont know obj as I said I dont know too much)

Sorry if that wasted time heh.
All is okay! Clarification:

.obj is a file format for describing 3d object. Basically, it's a list of groups of vertices/faces/normals/texture coordinates. Coupled with a .mtl file (colors, textures, specular, et cetera), it describes a 3d model.

I would like to export an animation in 3ds Max (one .max file of, say, a man walking) as a sequence of .obj files representing each individual frame in the animation.

Rendering a .tga for each frame would yield, well, a 2d image. I'd like the full 3d scene at each individual frame in .obj format.
Well I'm sure there's a way to do it with scripts...well, not "sure" since I don't use scripting but more like I think it could be done.

Why are you doing this though? Why would you possibly need an animated scene in separate obj files for each frame? Why not export the obj with animations in it?