470-SLI vs 5870-CF

i decided to just pull the trigger on a 480gtx instead now if i could get this dell coupon for 20% off i would be set

I love pissing people off, I am done arguing about something I don't give a flying F about

Good to know you have nothing to contribute and just post nonsense to "piss people off"; I'm sure your presence on this forum will be highly valued.
unless your whole case is on water your case fans are probably louder than the gpu fans! I never hear my gpu, never did with my 8800GT SLI setup either, I just hear the sweet sound of 8 case fans.

unless your fans are whining or you have paper thin walls do you really need a silent computer? just put on some headphones or crank your sound up

This statement is just plain wrong. I had 8800GT Sli setup and you'd have to be def to never hear the fans rev up. The 470 is no different in that respect.

Calling people fanboys why every single post you make reeks of brand loyalty. Defending your beloved company to the edges of the earth and to the end of time doesn't make for objective comparison.

Um most people measure heat in C or F and not in watts ;)


heat 8800gt = 88
heat GTX 470 = 93

wow, a whole 5 degrees hotter, and since I had two of them I actually reduced the heat generated by my gpus almost 50% and got a performance increase

Thanks for the laugh man, it made my day.

the 400 gets hot, that is simply fact. So much so that the fans rev up from 70's-90's% during a normal gaming session in a graphic intensive game. That is why they are so loud. Crank any of the modern video cards with stock coolers to 70-100% and it is going to be pretty damn loud, as the noise increases seamingly exponentially the higher you crank it. My 4870x2 was loud as fuck. My 8800GT's were loud as fuck. The toasty temped Fermis are no different.

I can see the 470 SLI beating out 5870CF in Nvidia dominant games like Metro because of 10% superior scaling. They are unlikely to outdo 5870CF all together on the average basis.
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see the above post with the definition, as I have always understood it, Engery gives off heat, heat is measured in tempature, Energy can be measured in Watt ;)

The way you have understood it is wrong, plain and simple.

Heat and temperature are two different things. Always have been, always will be.

Saying heat is measured in temperature is like saying weight is measured in velocity. It makes no sense.

Heat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat
Temperature: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperature

When people ask what the heat index is, they don't say 200W, they say X degrees, yes its the energy from the sun creating that heat but the heat is measured in tempature

Heat index is not heat, it is something else entirely. Heat index is the temperature combined with the humidity, it has nothing to do with the energy from the sun. It tries to map real temperature to perceived temperature.

Uh, heat is not wattage either, that's power. Heat is energy, joules. Wattage measures the energy output over time periods.

Yes, but in this context we really don't care about the energy itself but rather the rate at which it is produced - which is power. Thus, watts.

I love pissing people off, I am done arguing about something I don't give a flying F about

Don't think you pissed anyone off. I just tried being helpful since you obviously had no idea what you were talking about.

Pity it wasn't appreciated.