4870 Crysis DX10 Shader Bug?


Jan 14, 2008

This bug is pretty bizarre. I deleted my entire profile directory (documents/my games/crysis) and then started a new game and the bug went away. But after about halfway through the first level, speed and armor had lost their shaders (on the hands and legs too if you look down) and gone into flat mode again. It's very strange.

So I uninstalled Crysis, reinstalled, patched, same thing. So I installed Windows 7 fresh on another drive, installed Crysis, patched, SAME DAMN THING. It starts out right but then after a cinematic it goes to flat mode with the shader on the hands broken in some modes (often depending on what mode you were in when the cinematic started/ended).

So here is what I do to reproduce it every time:

Start a new game, DX10 All VERY HIGH settings. After your suit is reinitialized all of the shaders should work fine. Use speed to get to aztec. Have speed on when the cinematic begins. After the cinematic where he is vaporized ends, your speed hands will be flat shaded. This will never correct itself and if you load a game saved after this point it will always be flat shaded.

I would like to say this is a game bug but it simply doesn't happen on nvidia hardware. The Way It's Meant To Be Played?

Can anyone else confirm this bug? Or is it just me?
Ooooo...windows 7...

I wouldnt expect anything to work flawlessly (or as expected) on windows 7, it is BETA and you are aware of it, right?
oh, that part wasn't clear, sorry. It does this on Vista as well; I tried Windows 7 after I couldn't get Vista to work.
mastrdrver, this was with the latest 9.2 driver package. although when i tried to reproduce it in windows 7, i was using the Win7 preview package, which i think is 8.12