4870 + Wolfdale & Bottlenecking


Limp Gawd
Sep 9, 2006
What frequency would one have to run an E8400 to unbottleneck a 4870. I have heard 3.6 and 3.8 GHz thrown around but am unsure as to how reliable those numbers are considering I haven't a clue myself.
depends on the benchmark. if you are using 3dmark at lower rez, your score will go up with ghz increase all the way up to 4.2.

if you use real games as your bench, you really won't see any benefit above 3ghz, unless you run at lower resolutions.
core 2 duo at 2.4 is more then enough already as demonstrated by several review sites by running real life gaming tests. Going up to 3.0 ghz core 2 will give you a dozen or two extra fps depending on the game but any higher clocks then that will only start showing even more diminishing returns.