4870X2 at QuakeCon 2008


Jun 7, 2004
Here are a couple of photos from the AMD event a few hours ago at QuakeCon 2008 here in Dallas, Texas. The AMD showing was very :eek: in my opinion. I remember when Intel displayed off the Core 2 Duo overclocking during 2006, now that was worth attending.

What ticks me off is the gentleman in the second photo grabbed the video card, held it up in the air and asked the the crowd if they knew what it was, they respond with cheers of approval. Immediately after that he placed the video card back on the table, all in a matter of about 15 seconds while explaining what it was. Shame on you AMD, we want details in person!

The guys at the exhibition area were really hush hush about it as well. :rolleyes:

So without further ado, here are the only two photos. Courtesy of Jiggaman.



I know a lot of people are extremely eager to pick this bad boy up when it is released. The presentation from AMD was shotty at best.
What details don't we already know?

Just start selling the dang thing around AMD! :p
If they are not going to say anything remotely important why even bother to show up?
Look at this point we know its going to be the fastest single slot card, at least for a few weeks. We don't know what the GT200b is going to look like, probably not as fast as a 4870x2, but its probably going have some appeal, we shall see.

It's been hyped and talked about and everything else. Until its on shelves I'm done talking about it!
They sure are milking this release to ensure good 4850/4870 sales...
For goodness sakes, it's probably coming in 12 days.

Before that you have August 6 for the Phenom-unleashing new motherboards.
Yeah, they need to release the 4870x2 now. Whats the delay?

Drivers. They said they are making the driver profiles as good as possible before release. All these previews were done with beta drivers, and they said with final drivers, the card should perform even better.
Yeah I was there I saw that as well. The whole contest thing from AMD was not all that great but hey, it was something at least.
When he showed off that card he pretty much was like, you guys know what this is? It's the fastest card in the world everyone.

Then he set it down. Sigh.
Lol.. nice card.. but couldnt they find a more appealing/less obese and less angry looking guy to show that card?
Back to topic.. very nice card indeed.
So I bought a loaf of bread the other day, and the expiry date was AUG 14/08. All I could think about was the fact that this bread is gonna expire two days after the 4870 X2 launch. I've got a calander with the days crossed off and my wife thinks it's some kind of surprise, like I'm taking her out to dinner. Oh it's a surprise alright, lol. I'm starting to envision the card in my hands, putting the yet unreleased waterblock on, firing it up for the first time. So am I disturbed, or is there anyone else thinking the same thing?
So I bought a loaf of bread the other day, and the expiry date was AUG 14/08. All I could think about was the fact that this bread is gonna expire two days after the 4870 X2 launch. I've got a calander with the days crossed off and my wife thinks it's some kind of surprise, like I'm taking her out to dinner. Oh it's a surprise alright, lol. I'm starting to envision the card in my hands, putting the yet unreleased waterblock on, firing it up for the first time. So am I disturbed, or is there anyone else thinking the same thing?

I have never seen a loaf of bread have an expiry date of more than 5 days. Really. :eek:

(Oh well, that's the disturbing part.)
You mean the GT200b?

Barely anyone is talking about this card compared to the 4870x2. All I'm saying is that the 4870x2 has been previewed three weeks ago. There's just not a lot left to the imagination without the product in hand!;)
It would have been better had the X2 been sitting on a stand up plateform with god rays shineing down on it.. :)
So I bought a loaf of bread the other day, and the expiry date was AUG 14/08. All I could think about was the fact that this bread is gonna expire two days after the 4870 X2 launch. I've got a calander with the days crossed off and my wife thinks it's some kind of surprise, like I'm taking her out to dinner. Oh it's a surprise alright, lol. I'm starting to envision the card in my hands, putting the yet unreleased waterblock on, firing it up for the first time. So am I disturbed, or is there anyone else thinking the same thing?

I'm eager, but you sir are distrubed. Aug 12th is my birthday so i'm little bit psyched
So I bought a loaf of bread the other day, and the expiry date was AUG 14/08. All I could think about was the fact that this bread is gonna expire two days after the 4870 X2 launch. I've got a calander with the days crossed off and my wife thinks it's some kind of surprise, like I'm taking her out to dinner. Oh it's a surprise alright, lol. I'm starting to envision the card in my hands, putting the yet unreleased waterblock on, firing it up for the first time. So am I disturbed, or is there anyone else thinking the same thing?

lol better plan some kind of surprise dinner for the missus then ;) I don't think you'd be able to enjoy your shiny new toy when she's angry :p
So I bought a loaf of bread the other day, and the expiry date was AUG 14/08. All I could think about was the fact that this bread is gonna expire two days after the 4870 X2 launch. I've got a calander with the days crossed off and my wife thinks it's some kind of surprise, like I'm taking her out to dinner. Oh it's a surprise alright, lol. I'm starting to envision the card in my hands, putting the yet unreleased waterblock on, firing it up for the first time. So am I disturbed, or is there anyone else thinking the same thing?

I suggest that you take your wife to a nice hotel / bed and breakfast. then let her find out about the card after.

are you disturbed? yes, but far less then other things.
Oy Vei Ill need to uypdate my PSU before putting that beast in my case. Oh and Ill need new 120mm fans ugh!
Still I want its power for my new monitor come this winter.
I thought it was a joke about how the Newest, fastes video cards stay fresh about as long as bread...;):D

Still want to know about the 11 day bread. :)

It's actually egg-bread, main ingredients are flour, sugar, vegitable shorting, water, salt, eggs, yeast, and obviously some preservatives.

Actually I joke with my friends that video cards are like lettuce, wether you eat it or not, its gonna be worthless in no time at all.
So I bought a loaf of bread the other day, and the expiry date was AUG 14/08. All I could think about was the fact that this bread is gonna expire two days after the 4870 X2 launch. I've got a calander with the days crossed off and my wife thinks it's some kind of surprise, like I'm taking her out to dinner. Oh it's a surprise alright, lol. I'm starting to envision the card in my hands, putting the yet unreleased waterblock on, firing it up for the first time. So am I disturbed, or is there anyone else thinking the same thing?

Hehehehehehe.......got a big red circle on 12 August on my office calendar......:eek:
When the 0900 hour arrives in California and newegg opens up sales.......I'm there.

Disturbed, no. Not at all.
That guy in the picture holding up the X2 looks disturbed.:eek:
Just go home and give your wife $500 in new 20s on the 11th and tell her to go shopping.:D
Agreed, I am surprised nobody went up there and punched the due in the face and took the card!
Is the 12th August date set in stone?

Nobody is saying anything.......
I googled 4870 X2 release date and 1 site had a post from a guy who knows a guy, that stated 12 August was the date......but .....I guess we just have to stayed tuned.

All part of the Hype I guess.