4GB to 8GB noticable difference?

Jan 20, 2006
Greetings all,

I've got some GC's to spend at the egg and I'm considering increasing my ram to 8GB, (I'm currently running the G-skill 1000Mhz modules.) Big question them becomes... is it worth it; would I see a difference in anything beyond media encoding or would it be a waste?

Thanks in advance,
Fallen Out
No. In fact Vista runs smoother with 4GB. The hog Vista is will use as much as you give it, then get bloated and laggy feeling.
dnottis is just mad because you will have more than him. ;)

I would be a little concerned about speed/timings with 8 GB. Some motherboards have a hard enough time when you fill all 4 slots with 1GB sticks.

Honestly, I doubt you'll see much difference in performance.
No. In fact Vista runs smoother with 4GB. The hog Vista is will use as much as you give it, then get bloated and laggy feeling.

I have found vista runs a lot more smooth with 8 gig when using memory intensive apps such as vmware, i disagree that it gives a laggy feeling.
If your slots aren't full why not, ram is cheap. 2 gigs to 4 gigs in Vista seemed to smooth things out quite a bit and as others have commented it will always use everything you give it. If you were getting rid of 4 1 gig DIMMs I'd say it's a waste, but it's your money
I have found vista runs a lot more smooth with 8 gig when using memory intensive apps such as vmware, i disagree that it gives a laggy feeling.

Well it definitely can run more VMs. Problem with VMware Server is that whatever memory you allocate a VM, it reserves all of that memory when you fire that machine up. Where as, with an ESX box, it only gives the server the memory it needs when it's actually using it, but then again, ESX doesn't run in Vista. I've been running 8 gigs with Vista since it was released, no problems.
Well it definitely can run more VMs. Problem with VMware Server is that whatever memory you allocate a VM, it reserves all of that memory when you fire that machine up. Where as, with an ESX box, it only gives the server the memory it needs when it's actually using it, but then again, ESX doesn't run in Vista. I've been running 8 gigs with Vista since it was released, no problems.

Thats why i use vmware workstation, ESX doesnt run on anything, as you will most likely know its an operating system in itself.