5.1 Smaller-Room Setup


Oct 8, 2002
I actually used to *have* 5.1 speakers for my PC a few years back - however, when the control cable on my Creative Inspires got chewed by the family dog, I was unable to get either a new control cable or repair the one that went; therefore, I dropped back to either stereo speakers or stereo headphones (depending on what I was listening to or playing).

Fortunately, Creative has once again resurrected the budget 5.1 speaker setups they were known for - and I can even get them at MicroCenter (which typically gets my computer parts business).

I have two options - the A550 (http://www.microcenter.com/product/418834/A550_51_Channel_Gaming_Speaker_System_-_Black) or the older Inspire T6300 (http://www.microcenter.com/product/408952/Inspire_T6300_Desktop_Speaker_System). The layout will be the same as my original Inspires - fronts on either side of my display, surround above my display, and the sub on the floor (which is concrete). The sound card driving them will likely be the Sound Blaster Z (white box/OEM) (http://www.microcenter.com/product/414552/Sound_Blaster_Z_Sound_Card_-_White_Box). Which of the two is the better match with the Z?
You've spent more on the card, than on the speakers. That isn't ideal. Furthermore, placing the surrounds above the display kind of kills the point of surround. Save your money and save up for stereo studio monitors.
Is there any way for you to get the surrounds behind you? I've never, ever seen someone place their surrounds in front of them.
Is there any way for you to get the surrounds behind you? I've never, ever seen someone place their surrounds in front of them.

The rear wall is too far back (cable length is a prohibitive factor), which is why the surrounds are above and behind the fronts. (I used the same setup with the original Inspire 5300s.)

The desk itself is a hutch-type - with the display semi-inset with the shielded front speakers to either side. The surround speakers (also shielded) are atop the hutch - far-left, center and far-right - while the subwoofer is directly on the concrete floor, firing either rearward or even downward (using either the foundation or the concrete floor for bass-loading).

I specified "budget" because all too much of the [H] contingent would be trying to blow up my budget - I'm not rich, thank you. Further, I'm well aware that the speaker setup is a decided compromise - the room's own dimensions are the reason for it.

I'd prefer to use headphones - however, headphones with anything close to decent surround reproduction are even pricier than 5.1 speakers - most such headphones are closer to $200USD than $100USD. (As I said, I'm NOT rich.)
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You need to up your budget to $5000 so I can live vicariously through your purchases.
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
I'm not questioning your budget, but why select surround speakers when you won't benefit from surround sound? As noted, a stereo speaker setup would be the better choice.

And speakers should account for about 2/3's of your audio budget. Speakers have a much larger impact on sound quality than the sound card.