5 Screen Eyefinity Demo Reel

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[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Thanks to Skip over at the Widescreen Gaming Forum, we have this video of a 5x1 (portrait) Eyefinity set up in action. The seven minute video takes you through the setup process and then shows in-game footage from HAWX, Half-Life 2, Just Cause 2, Battle Forge and the Heaven demo.
I would love to see that with some 16:10's. The height of the 16:9's just results in too much black-bar factor for me. Still cool though. :)
Yeah, I've got two eyefinity setups at home and even I think that's way too much bezel factor. :p

I'm now very tempted to grab two more U2410's and a 6 card just to try it out. :D
Yeah, I've got two eyefinity setups at home and even I think that's way too much bezel factor. :p

I'm now very tempted to grab two more U2410's and a 6 card just to try it out. :D

I don't think you can do a 6x portrait setup yet....but I could be wrong
The "DELL" need to be blacked out for less detraction on the Bezel's. Other than that is real SWEEET!
Is it strange to anyone else that the black bars, top and bottom, during the H.A.W.X. demo are somewhat see through?

It's supposed to be like cinematic mode right? When was the last time you watched a movie where the black bars were only partially black and you could still see the movie behind them....?

Otherwise, very slick looking. A little less bezel like everyone else has said and I'd be more excited.
Or you can just buy a projector for your screen and sit back a bit if you need emersive video. Yeah, I know, bigger pixels, but it's got to be cheaper and easier than that... and no black bars!
Makes me wonder how cool it would be for a game to be product that took advantage of the bezels.
Like maybe a battle tech game where you are piloting a mech and you are looking out windows (bezels) of the cockpit. Or some kind of space flight game where the monitors are windows, the bezels then would add realism to the game. :)
Looks very not nice with the benzels. Either do it right with a semi benzleless monitor or just get a freaken projector. I will never understand this ati eyeinfinity... I can see for two monitors-3 max, but benzels I think just take away the enjoyement.
i can't stand the bezel bars. That's the major reason why I don't use Eyefinity for gaming.
Like most other people, the bezels just take away too much from the center field of view. I'd be much more interested in a 20p*20p*30l*20p*20p (p = portrait, l = landscape). Your central field of view needs to be unobstructed
Looks very not nice with the benzels. Either do it right with a semi benzleless monitor or just get a freaken projector. I will never understand this ati eyeinfinity... I can see for two monitors-3 max, but benzels I think just take away the enjoyement.

A setup with 16x10 monitors and smaller bezels would be better, but when you sit down in front of them and start playing games the bezels start to disappear and you don't really notice them. I had the chance to play on a 5x1 portrait setup at Quakecon and it was awesome.
Did it say what card(s) he used for the set-up?

I don't know if this was one of the new 69xx series or was it a single/Crossfired 5870 E6 model?

Pretty slick.

I use 3 monitor Surround and have used 3 monitor EF both in landscape and the bezels are not a problem once you get involved in the game.
16:10 monitors would make this go from decent to crap. 16:9 monitors are higher resolution and higher quality. You put up some $150 16:10 monitors and try and compare to those Ultrasharp beauties, and I would almost be forced to tear my eyes out. While mutlit-monitor is really cool in concept, and I love the odd number to prevent center of screen bezel, it is just not ready for main stream. I bet even with 2 6970s you could not play that 5 monitor setup in native resolution on the most modern games. The HL2 engine would probably rock on though, like the demo.
Until they make bezel'less monitors... I could never get into this. I just don't get the appeal of playing with stuff that takes away / obstructs from your field of vision.
for all the naysayers...

bezel or no bezel... play a racing game or a fps... with one then try playing without it.... by choice you won't go back to just a single monitor. You really just focus on the single screen and use your peripheral view for the side monitors so the bezels don't really become a distraction, and what you get is more immersion. You see things you normally don't see and when you take the extra real estate out it feels like losing that sense. For other game, the large POV can be somewhat difficult as it takes too long to drag the mouse from one end to another but for FPS, driving games, and flight sims... once you go there you can't go back.
Yea I dont like the fucking bezels, But I would still do it if I had the cash.. Thats fucking awesome.
I still think its pretty damn cool with that setup, although i would have to agree with the other guys that said you might as well spend the money on a 60+ inch HD TV because it would be the equivalent to buying 5 monitor setups, without having the bezels. Still extremely cool though.
So cool. I still have a problem with the monitor bezels though. Someone needs to come out with a seamless multi-lcd setup.
I'm all for multimonitor gaming. However, screw that setup. There are simply too many bezels there and they are way too close together. I'd rather run 3x24" or 3x30" displays instead. Far fewer bezels.
I'm all for multimonitor gaming. However, screw that setup. There are simply too many bezels there and they are way too close together. I'd rather run 3x24" or 3x30" displays instead. Far fewer bezels.

this ^, thought about adding a 5th Dell 20" LCD, but I'm good w/ my 3, I don't care to have to turn my head when gaming or in windows mode
16:10 monitors would make this go from decent to crap. 16:9 monitors are higher resolution and higher quality. You put up some $150 16:10 monitors and try and compare to those Ultrasharp beauties, and I would almost be forced to tear my eyes out. While mutlit-monitor is really cool in concept, and I love the odd number to prevent center of screen bezel, it is just not ready for main stream. I bet even with 2 6970s you could not play that 5 monitor setup in native resolution on the most modern games. The HL2 engine would probably rock on though, like the demo.

I hate to tell you this but the 16:9 monitors are the crappy ones.

The 16:9 resolution at 1920 is 1920X1080, thus 1080p. The 16:10 resolution at 1920 is 1920X1200, no related "p" number exists because this is a computer resolution and not a television resolution.

The 16:9 monitors are all re-purposed TV LCD's. That's why they are CHEAPER than the 16:10's.
I wonder how much that costed :O (I should've probably read the article) but wow. I mean even with Bezel.

I'm kinda waiting on a good price for a Projector for a bigger image but that would be sweet to have surround gaming. It'd make my brain bleed out.
I think the ideal 5 monitor setup would be a "+" layout. All in landscape. One top, one middle, one bottom, then one each side of the middle monitor. Is something like that possible with eyfinity?

And for those who think a 60"HDTV is a substitute or anything like surround gaming, you don't have a clue what your talking about. With a single HDTV, regardless of size, you are only ever going to see what the middle monitor of surround gaming is showing. That's it. That eyefinity setup is showing the same image as 5X60" HDTV's. Get it?
I wonder how much that costed :O (I should've probably read the article) but wow. I mean even with Bezel.

I'm kinda waiting on a good price for a Projector for a bigger image but that would be sweet to have surround gaming. It'd make my brain bleed out.

I played Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on 3 projectors in Eyefinity mode at the Eyefinity Challenge in Dallas. They were putting out displays that were easily 100" or more. It was quite an experience. The display was almost too large actually.
16:10 monitors would make this go from decent to crap. 16:9 monitors are higher resolution and higher quality. You put up some $150 16:10 monitors and try and compare to those Ultrasharp beauties, and I would almost be forced to tear my eyes out.


Dell U2410 ~$500
HP LP2475w ~$430
Dell U3011 ~$1399

Yeah, clearly only shitty $150 16:10 panels out there.....
i still dont think i would go eyefinity until i can either afford 2 more 30"ers or if they ever make eyefinity work with 20p+30l+20p. seems like a good amount of peripheral screen capacity without sacrificing space in the middle. either that or i'll get a few projectors and skip the bezels all together. :)
Samsung has a tri-monitor setup that has almost no bezel. '

Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...007617 50001077 600030617&IsNodeId=1&name=23"

It's in there somewhere. I couldn't get the direct link because NewEgg is slow right now. Kept timing out.

Yeah, 2 grand for a tri monitor setup.

For people with more money than sense as old Dad use to say.

Single monitor $570

Triple screen version $1,910

Six screen version - $3600

One of the 2 reviewers of the 6-monitor version had problems getting them to all turn on.
Apparently all controls are on a remote, since there's no bezel for control buttons.

Haven't actually seen a review of the monitor anywhere.
Have you guys play on a 5x1 P setup? There's nothing like it. It's quite amazing. But 1080p panels suck for this. (The bezels were too close together for me) So I went up. Way Up. I'm doing 5x1 P with 30"rs. Hell these have bigger bezels then the monitors I was using, but they melt away because of just how big the image is. 3 x 30"rs in Portrait nearly fill my FOV, I'm going for total immersion.

BTW, WTF is with everyone saying that with Eyefinity (3x1 or larger) it forces you to look from side to side in gaming. What kind of bullshit is that? When you play on 1 monitor, where is the action? Right smack in the middle where your reticule is. Why the hell would extending the view left and right change that? It's like you would rather play with blinders on then be able to detect motion with you periphery like most humans do when they walk around.

There are some pretty ridiculous arguments here. Bezels melt from your consciousness unless you're looking for them. Are you one of those people who watch the wipers blades go across your windshield ever time it does it? Are you annoyed by the frame of your car that lines all the windows? or do you ignore it? I meant really, you guys yell "BEZELS BEZELS ARE THE ENEMY" Then why aren't you complaining about having bezels on your one monitor? Because you block it out. It seems that human look at something new (well not really new) and make every excuse why it's bad and don't look at all the benefits. I've been hearing all the same arguments since the TH2Go released, why don't you come up with legitimate reason why not to even try a product.

Look there's a few ways you can try multi-mon and not have to buy much, or anything at all.

Faux Surround: Make a custom resolution in nVidia that a Surround Aspect Ratio (1920x480 for most of you) and then have your card scale it to your panel.

SoftTH: If you have 2 video cards and 3 monitors lying around, you can do this pretty easily. Especially with the 2.0 Alpha being released.

Find someone on here or someone you know in real life with a multimon rig and sit down play, then go and buy yourself one.
