5 straight 2405's with whining noise. Am I just cursed?

Nov 23, 2003
Thought I'd seek out some advice on this one. I bitched about this before but that was on my original 2405. Now I'm on my 5th, and this one is brand new (got Dell to stop sending me refurbs). I've tried using different DVI cables, different power cords, using different outs on my 7800, trying different power outlets. I just can't get these damned things to stop whining. Any suggestions before I spend an hour on the phone with Dell?
Really sorry to hear it dude.. sounds like you must be very frustrated.

I have had 2 of them... the first came with 9 dead pixels.. luckily the replacement was el perfecto. Neither had any sort of whine to them at all but the whine itself is well documented.

Have you tried changing the brightness setting to see if the whine changes in pitch etc ? You haven't wound the brightness right up to 100 or anything have you ? (shudders at the thought of a 2405FPW at 100 brightness when it burns holes in retinas at 30).

Dude after 5 monitors that should show something. Either dell is friggen horrible with the 2405's or there is nothing wrong. Im thinking the second option. Not trying to flame you, but 5 rma's???
digitalrainman said:
Dude after 5 monitors that should show something. Either dell is friggen horrible with the 2405's or there is nothing wrong. Im thinking the second option. Not trying to flame you, but 5 rma's???

Hey I'm with ya chief. I'm starting to believe that insanity has set in. It's just hard not to notice the noticible whining noise that pops up whenever I turn on the monitor. Like I've said, I've changed every variable that I could think of. I just don't know what else to try.

Right now the brightness is at 22.
You could be more sensitive to higher frequencies than most people. Can you hear when a TV is on, or fluorescent lights?
just run a fan or something in the background that just overpowers it. sort of like a cheap white noise generator to negate the buzz.
That's strange, since I have one and I know 3 people who have purchased one, and none of us suffer from this whining problem.

And I once used my 2405 at 100 brightness. It was a bright sunny day and the blinds were open to my room. Even with the sun illuminating my room, the screen looked great at 100 brightness :)
the whining noise IS a problem in many 2405fpws. sorry to hear that after 5 of them you still get the whining noise. maybe you are like me and a little bit more sensitive to high pitched noises than other people. i say just keep trying until i find the perfect one?
Mine has the noise too. It's very faint -- my girlfriend can't hear the noise AT ALL and I can't hear it once the fans on my laptop start running. If I crank the brightness up above 70, the noise goes away.

I decided not to swap for another because this panel is perfect otherwise (no dead pixels, no backlight bleeding). I don't want to risk getting a POS refurb when all I need to do is warm up my laptop. The desktop machine will easily drown it out once I get it built again.
Um, get something else? The whine is one reason why I got a 24" sony crt instead for $325(the $$ was another reason lol) If you can't get a refund try getting credit for it or try a different model. 5 friggin displays and you are still trying? I would have cut my losses after the second. good luck!
spaceman said:
Um, get something else? The whine is one reason why I got a 24" sony crt instead for $325(the $$ was another reason lol) If you can't get a refund try getting credit for it or try a different model. 5 friggin displays and you are still trying? I would have cut my losses after the second. good luck!

Of course I would have, but the original problem didn't crop up until 6 months in, so they are loathe to give me my money back.

Someone brought up an interesting point - Could it be my BFG 7800GT's brightness setting? Since the monitor still whines on 0 brightness maybe it's the graphics card?
clarkkent333 said:
Of course I would have, but the original problem didn't crop up until 6 months in, so they are loathe to give me my money back.

Someone brought up an interesting point - Could it be my BFG 7800GT's brightness setting? Since the monitor still whines on 0 brightness maybe it's the graphics card?

My LCD buzz some times if I use it for a long time. It never happened in summer, because I had my air conditioner on all the time during summer. ( I am living in a condo)
It's a well known problem of dell. Do a search on this forum under noise, you'll see it's not you but dell manufacturing.

Having said that, when everyone has their product made in China, that's what happened. In the old days when stuff are made in Japan, nothing like this happens
yeah in the old days, if the stuff was made in japan we wouldn't be paying $900 or less for this monitor
do you live in a high altititude area? I know with plasmas and certain power supplies that they can buzz a lot more in high altitude areas. In that case there may be not much you can do.
mozmo said:
do you live in a high altititude area? I know with plasmas and certain power supplies that they can buzz a lot more in high altitude areas. In that case there may be not much you can do.
OP's 2405 has a documented issue known to plague some 2405's

OP check out post #6 and #7 in this thread: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=974864

Be sure to ask Dell for a brand new version 2.0 model replacement.
Pyke said:
You could be more sensitive to higher frequencies than most people. Can you hear when a TV is on, or fluorescent lights?
I can, is that a superpower or something ?? :D
whoa.. to bad.

Mine had 0 whining noises.. but, it studdered a bit on heavy FPS even on low resolutions.
it may be because of your outlet. Is the 2405 connected with a 3 prong plug? If so, try getting one of those 2 prong adapters.
I may be completely wrong about this, but it could be current noise.
I have tried 3 different 2405fpw's no buzzing or whine.. They are all hooked up to my APC UPS. Maybe thats why? or im just deaf? or maybe im just lucky with no buzz/whine? :confused:
Should have mentioned that before: I've had it hooked up to 2 different UPS, 1 Triplite and 1 APC, so I doubt it's a power issue.

Can someone list the commands to access the service menu so I can check to see if it's a V2? I'd appreciate it.
Some people are naturally born more sensitive to ambient background noises.

Also, the wiring in your house may be causing noise. This is why many audiophiles have voltage filters on their high end theater setup.
I have a high pitched ringing in my ears constantly, but it's got nothing to do with the 2405 :p
Colin12 said:
Some people are naturally born more sensitive to ambient background noises.

Also, the wiring in your house may be causing noise. This is why many audiophiles have voltage filters on their high end theater setup.

It's entirely possible that I can just pick this thing up on a different level but I've never heard a peep out of my other 9 Dell monitors and that includes the 2005 which has similar internal components.

I may be stuck with selling but I'm going to fight till I pop a blood vessel to get this thing returned. After 6 monitors I think I've got a good case.
Sounds like a feedback loop. Try plugging the power line into different sources, pref. separate from your other components.
maxBR said:
I have a high pitched ringing in my ears constantly, but it's got nothing to do with the 2405 :p

Same here. Damn those loud rock concerts in the 70s! :(
hagbard said:
Sounds like a feedback loop. Try plugging the power line into different sources, pref. separate from your other components.

That would be easy if I didn't have 13 different things to plug into 2 sockets. I can't get away from having different compenents intertwining.
I own 2 Dell/Sony Trinitron CRT monitors. They both make a high pitched squealing sound while they warm up.

I believe I read in LCD's, its more of a sound from the cathode power inverter.

In version 2.0, on Dell forums, alot of people have said that this problem is solved.
DaRkF0g said:
I own 2 Dell/Sony Trinitron CRT monitors. They both make a high pitched squealing sound while they warm up.

I believe I read in LCD's, its more of a sound from the cathode power inverter.

In version 2.0, on Dell forums, alot of people have said that this problem is solved.

My $.02

Your $.02 must include an opinion, not statements of fact. That's why it's your $.02, because it's your opinion.
You won't believe this latest salvo:

I spent another hour and a half on the phone with support/cs and was told I was going to get an email from an upper level representative to help me out. This is the email I get:

You have not spoken to me before. My Name is XXXX and I am level
2 tech in Round Rock, TX. The last tech you spoke with connected me via
chat for help on the issue with the monitors. The reason I sent you the
return airbill is so that you could send one of the monitors to me, so
that I could try to recreate the issue and possibly send it to the Dell
Engineering. We have not seen any issues like the one you are having (a
total of 12 monitors with the same issue in different environments).

If you have any other questions reply back.

This shmuck wants to use me as a guinea pig! God I fuckin hate Dell with a burning passion.
12 Monitors is kind of redicilous! I cant imaqgine them not noticing that many returns being mae by a single person. They probaly just want to further investigate the problem so they dont have to keep sending replacment LCD's to your home.
clarkkent333 said:
You won't believe this latest salvo:

I spent another hour and a half on the phone with support/cs and was told I was going to get an email from an upper level representative to help me out. This is the email I get:

You have not spoken to me before. My Name is XXXX and I am level
2 tech in Round Rock, TX. The last tech you spoke with connected me via
chat for help on the issue with the monitors. The reason I sent you the
return airbill is so that you could send one of the monitors to me, so
that I could try to recreate the issue and possibly send it to the Dell
Engineering. We have not seen any issues like the one you are having (a
total of 12 monitors with the same issue in different environments).

If you have any other questions reply back.

This shmuck wants to use me as a guinea pig! God I fuckin hate Dell with a burning passion.

Yeah! Damn them for trying to solve your problem! How DARE they!