$50-$100 to spend on headphones for an Ipod


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
So this is my dilemma: My girlfriend wants a good set of headphones, not cans or anything over-the-head (she doesn't want anything messing up her hair :rolleyes: ). They must also be relatively comfortable. I was thinking earbuds, and I've read a fair amount about the Altec Lansing IM716. Are these the best pair of earbuds for the money? If not, which are? One last stipulation: this budget is fairly strict (the Altec Lansing are only going to be considered because of what I've heard about them).

So then, recommend away!
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I bought some new Shure E2C headphones off ebay ( from a very good seller ) for $79 shipped and they are great. They do take some getting used to when putting them in your ears but ive had no problems.
i second the shure e2cs. they do take some getting use to but they are great for an ipod.

also look into etymotic and ultimate ears. i havent heard these personally, but i have read great things about these as well.
So the IM716s are too hard to drive from an iPod? Good to know.

I'm going to have a look around for reviews of the CX300, as well as the Shure E2Cs. Thanks for the responses, and keep the recommendations coming!
Take a look at Head-Fi--fantastic resource for everything headphone related. Oh, and sorry about your wallet...
So far I think the CX300s sound to be the best deal. Since these headphones will be primarily used for commuting, I've been reading that it has a much lower phonendoscopic effect than other IEMs, and sounds more in league with the E2Cs for less $$$.
I absolutely love my Shures - I've used E2Cs, E3Cs, etc. I actually prefer the E2C - great bass - even for a canal-phone. Can't go wrong, unless they don't fit your ears well (this is why they come with 6 sizing options)...
Just in case anyone else is looking for some decent headphones in that price-range, let me follow up.

I ended up ordering the CX300s for my girlfriend, and they're excellent...so good in fact that I bought myself a pair! Good, full sound, and great noise isolation.

Also, at ~ $50, the price is very very hard to beat.
You might do well to try for a style of phone like the Koss KSC75. They won't mess up your girl's hair. Indeed, at $~15, the KSC75 could be a cheap alternative that she wouldn't be heartbrken to lose or break.
Viper87227 said:
I have a pair of Altec Lansing iM716's and love them. They are made by Etymotic, based off the ER4S. In HD mode, they sound excellent. Right now, they are $110 on Amazon, which is a decent price for them. However, keep an eye out, every once and a while they hit $70, which is what I paid. At that price, they are a steal. Do a search on head-fi, you will find lots of people raving about these little IEMs.

oh, and those iM716 iems were a lot cheaper just 2 weeks ago at amazon.
paying $169 now would really take them out of the running if it were me.

And the Altec Lansing im716 and 616 are supposedly built by Etyomotic Research, or at least use the same drivers
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