$50 off Sprint Epic 4G Touch (Galaxy S II) - Pre-Order

Where are you seeing anything about $50 in the price after you click "show price"?
how does warranty work with them? does the device have normal 1 year or do you need that protection plan? It says it kicks in on activation, so you have it from day one. I think you must purchase it or you have no warranty. Is that true?
Since Sprint is abandoning their 4G and switching to 4G LTE, will this be compatible?
Wait. This thing doesn't have a slider keyboard? Bollocks. I'll keep my first-gen Epic 4G.
Since Sprint is abandoning their 4G and switching to 4G LTE, will this be compatible?

They never said that. I dont know where you heard that from, yes they have a deal with lightsqaured, but they haven't come out and said that they are abandoning WiMax 4g for LTE. They will announce their 4g plans next month. By the time LTE handsets come out for sprint I am sure there will be galaxsy s 3 out.

To answer your question, no the 4g LTE is not compatible with this handset, they have to use the righ modem.
No sense in getting a 4G phone unless you live DEEP in a city / near the rare 4G towers.

Suburbs are rare 4G and will use 3G instead. This goes for Sprint, and Tmob most especially

100% no reason if you're outside of that.... plus sprint ALSO DOES lameass caps of 5GB data for 3G (but gives 4G unlimited, check the fine print)

Seriously, beware.

Sprint's service is definitely good though for 3G. Much better than Tmob, and probably a little better than AT&T

For the price though, even if you are slick and get the SERO plan... its MUCH MUCH more per month than T-mob. AT&T is obviously going to be not well priced for obvious sucker reasons
They never said that. I dont know where you heard that from, yes they have a deal with lightsqaured, but they haven't come out and said that they are abandoning WiMax 4g for LTE. They will announce their 4g plans next month. By the time LTE handsets come out for sprint I am sure there will be galaxsy s 3 out.

To answer your question, no the 4g LTE is not compatible with this handset, they have to use the righ modem.

Umm, yes they did. But after reading the article further, it's so far out that there's no need for concern now.
No sense in getting a 4G phone unless you live DEEP in a city / near the rare 4G towers.

Suburbs are rare 4G and will use 3G instead. This goes for Sprint, and Tmob most especially

100% no reason if you're outside of that....

The phone isn't just about 4G... it's just an awesome phone all around. I don't give 2 shits if I have 4G in my area yet or not.

plus sprint ALSO DOES lameass caps of 5GB data for 3G (but gives 4G unlimited, check the fine print)

Yeah... for their mobile broadband plans. Smartphones get unlimited data all around.

Since Sprint is abandoning their 4G and switching to 4G LTE, will this be compatible?

I think their plan is to have a hybrid network.
I really like the slide keyboard though, and Samsung has HORRIBLE software for the phone from my experience with the Epic. I think I'll hold off for now, perhaps.
Would never use Sprint after hearing about my bro-in-law complain about how craptacular their coverage was. He couldn't even get it in his home! We're talking 1/8" of glass to transmit through, 10 miles outside of Atlanta, not some underground concrete bunker. That's pitiful.
Would never use Sprint after hearing about my bro-in-law complain about how craptacular their coverage was. He couldn't even get it in his home! We're talking 1/8" of glass to transmit through, 10 miles outside of Atlanta, not some underground concrete bunker. That's pitiful.

Everyone is going to have different services in their location. I know several people who get horrible/no Verizon coverage but have great Sprint coverage.
Everyone is going to have different services in their location. I know several people who get horrible/no Verizon coverage but have great Sprint coverage.

It's funny, I work in a 14 floor US government office and everyone is using work issued blackberrys, the BB's only work near a window and the top floor, if you're anywhere between floors 2-6 and in the middle of the building your phone is screwed but my Sprint phone gets 5 bars.
It's funny, I work in a 14 floor US government office and everyone is using work issued blackberrys, the BB's only work near a window and the top floor, if you're anywhere between floors 2-6 and in the middle of the building your phone is screwed but my Sprint phone gets 5 bars.

Similar experience here in NYC. I have Sprint for my personal phone, an AT&T Blackberry most of the time and a Verizon international-provisioned Blackberry when I'm sent overseas. Verizon's coverage in my building is terrible (1-2 bars normally with dropped calls), AT&T service goes to absolute shit during peak business hours (usually need to dial 3 times before getting through and then bad connection), but Sprint 3g and 4g coverage is flawless.
I personally find the galaxy S2 to be an utter dissapointment. Yes it has a very large nice display but it is only the same resolution as the previous S1. Also I too was very disapointed that it dropped the hardware keyboard that is the thing I love most on the epic 4g and miss most when I moved to an evo 3d. Software keyboards can never hang with hardware keyboards. This is really bad for sprint IMO because I felt the software was better on the HTC phones but the screen and keyboard were what pushed many people from the evo to the epic. Now the s2 has less going for it. Given samsungs lack of good software support and updating I think they will have trouble out pacing the evo 3d.
I personally find the galaxy S2 to be an utter dissapointment. Yes it has a very large nice display but it is only the same resolution as the previous S1. Also I too was very disapointed that it dropped the hardware keyboard that is the thing I love most on the epic 4g and miss most when I moved to an evo 3d. Software keyboards can never hang with hardware keyboards. This is really bad for sprint IMO because I felt the software was better on the HTC phones but the screen and keyboard were what pushed many people from the evo to the epic. Now the s2 has less going for it. Given samsungs lack of good software support and updating I think they will have trouble out pacing the evo 3d.

Well I for one am glad it doesn't have a hardware keyboard.
You may not like a keyboard but you have to admit from the standpoint of differentiating your products that was one thing samsung did right with the epic 4g. There was no other high end smartphone with a keyboard in sprints lineup. I have to ask are you actually going to buy this, if so why?
You may not like a keyboard but you have to admit from the standpoint of differentiating your products that was one thing samsung did right with the epic 4g. There was no other high end smartphone with a keyboard in sprints lineup. I have to ask are you actually going to buy this, if so why?

I'm probably going to buy this or the Motorola Photon 4g.

Why? I'm (probably) switching to sprint so that everyone on my family plan can get a smartphone for about the same price as just me having a smartphone on Verizon and I think these are the two best phones they have, as they have everything I want, large screen, dual core, 1gb ram.
You may not like a keyboard but you have to admit from the standpoint of differentiating your products that was one thing samsung did right with the epic 4g. There was no other high end smartphone with a keyboard in sprints lineup. I have to ask are you actually going to buy this, if so why?

I'm buying cause I'm on a Nokia e71x, and anything is better than a symbian phone in 2011.
And its a GREAT reason to finally dump AT&T.

Hot phone. dont care what the nitpickers say.
Hope they have a similar offer for the Nexus Prime... on Verizon. ;)
Hope they have a similar offer for the Nexus Prime... on Verizon. ;)

Assuming any of the Nexus Prime rumors are true (doubtful).

Nothing adds up right now for it. Chances are, it'll just be the Droid Prime, not a Nexus phone at all.
I'm probably going to buy this or the Motorola Photon 4g.

Why? I'm (probably) switching to sprint so that everyone on my family plan can get a smartphone for about the same price as just me having a smartphone on Verizon and I think these are the two best phones they have, as they have everything I want, large screen, dual core, 1gb ram.

The evo 3d also has a large screen, dual core, 1gb of ram. The biggest differene being the evo has 3d if you care, and a higher resolution which makes it better for viewing web pages, and most everything else. This is my point all these new generation phones are very close in specs and features. Dropping a keyboard on the galaxy S2 would have at least made it stick out and made up for the stupid decision to not increase the resolution on the phone. IMO they need to at least keep stay even with the competition. I really for the life of me cannot figure out what all the hype around the galaxy s2 is. It is the same as every other new phone out there in most specs but fails to deliver on others.
The evo 3d also has a large screen, dual core, 1gb of ram. The biggest differene being the evo has 3d if you care, and a higher resolution which makes it better for viewing web pages, and most everything else. This is my point all these new generation phones are very close in specs and features. Dropping a keyboard on the galaxy S2 would have at least made it stick out and made up for the stupid decision to not increase the resolution on the phone. IMO they need to at least keep stay even with the competition. I really for the life of me cannot figure out what all the hype around the galaxy s2 is. It is the same as every other new phone out there in most specs but fails to deliver on others.

I can't see 3d and that phone has terrible battery life. The photon has good batterylife, and the GSII supposedly has good battery life, we'll see.
So you are basically saying the only difference is battery life? But in order to get that you need to either sacrifice resolution or sacrifice 3d or sacrifice CPU speed. Also BTW I have and evo 3d and the battery last longer than any other smart phone I or my family have every used. Anyone I know with one also says the battery is fine or good. Not sure where this terrible battery life is coming from but I am just going with it for arguements sake. Maybe it really does have a worse battery but if you are a heavy user of a smart phone you will not get through a day with a battery on ANY phone period. And if you are a light user you will go through a day with any of these phones.

My point is still valid IMO put a keyboard on the S2 and it would have been a solid phone without it we are really picking at details to choose it and sacrificing resolution is just as deadly as sacrifcing battery to many people.
How do you figure?

I had the Evo 3D for a week, returned it. The 3D is just a gimmick that I hardly ever used because I only had green hornet and the 3D movies were too expensive to rent. The battery died pretty fast with moderate use, the phone was also pretty thick and the camera quality was poor. Hardware wise it's a great phone but it's still lacking in cosmetic and functionality.
Ok, so I found from WireFly the $119 link was only for WireFly employees.
I had the Evo 3D for a week, returned it. The 3D is just a gimmick that I hardly ever used because I only had green hornet and the 3D movies were too expensive to rent. The battery died pretty fast with moderate use, the phone was also pretty thick and the camera quality was poor. Hardware wise it's a great phone but it's still lacking in cosmetic and functionality.

That is hardly what I would call a long shot. That is a couple things personal to you. For instance I cannot stand pentile screens they look like crap to me. So the 3d has a superior display. I know the battery lasts longer on my evo than any smart phone myself or my family members had previously. It lasts me all day so thats all I care about. I am willing to sacrifice a little battery life to get a non pentile display and faster SOC. So you got a case of trading blows depending on your particular interests. I also am confident that HTC sense is the best UI out there. This is what bothers me people make these sweeping statements but the specs just do not stand up to the claims of Phone X being so much superior to Phone Y. In particular areas it may be a little better depending with your desires, eye sight usage, how important it is that you have a phone that is 1 mm thinner than the next guy etc.... In the previous generation the epic Tied the specs of the Evo so you got a better display and keyboard to sell the epic as a better choice to many than the Evo in exchange you lost the good UI and support of HTC for most of my family members that placed an Epic in their hands. This generation samsung trashed all its advantages it blows my mind that no one can see that.
Does anyone ahve experience with wirefly ? I'm a 11 year sprint user; and I'm tempted to make this upgrade (from a non-smart phone). When I add it to the cart the plan shows up as $70 instead of $80.
Btw I agree with the fellow above the photon >> evo-3d. Some folks do not like the display (i think the photon has the better display which is very viewable outside; the evo3d completely washes out). I do not like moto-blur.
That is hardly what I would call a long shot. That is a couple things personal to you. For instance I cannot stand pentile screens they look like crap to me. So the 3d has a superior display. I know the battery lasts longer on my evo than any smart phone myself or my family members had previously. It lasts me all day so thats all I care about. I am willing to sacrifice a little battery life to get a non pentile display and faster SOC. So you got a case of trading blows depending on your particular interests. I also am confident that HTC sense is the best UI out there. This is what bothers me people make these sweeping statements but the specs just do not stand up to the claims of Phone X being so much superior to Phone Y. In particular areas it may be a little better depending with your desires, eye sight usage, how important it is that you have a phone that is 1 mm thinner than the next guy etc.... In the previous generation the epic Tied the specs of the Evo so you got a better display and keyboard to sell the epic as a better choice to many than the Evo in exchange you lost the good UI and support of HTC for most of my family members that placed an Epic in their hands. This generation samsung trashed all its advantages it blows my mind that no one can see that.

So we could say the same thing to you about your keyboard fetish :p

The galaxy 2 and the EVO 3D both have 1.2 GHZ procs... not sure if there's much speed difference. Those 2 and the Photon all have 1 GB RAM - phton just has a slightly slower clock speed but it's the nvidia tegra that supposedly handles graphics better. Also both do better video than the EVO 3D (1080p vs 720p).

The only downsides I can see are the screens, either smaller or PenTile/AMOLED which all look different than standard LCD.

Galaxy 2 also has gorilla glass... ooohhhhh ahhhhhhh, lol