$500 upgrade budget


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2005
Over spring break I am going to upgrade my computer. I have about $500 MAX to spend on the rig in my sig. (that rhymes, lol) I was thinking a new mb for oc/ watercooling/ and a new video card. Any suggestions? If anyone knows some good deals at somewheres like CC/BB/COMPUSA that would be nice so I dont have to wait on shipping. Any suggestions would be helpful.
MB: a nice DFI board
VC: 6800GS
Not sure about the watercooling
I think you have the right idea upgrade wise, but $500 won't get you very far at any of the B&M stores you listed. I would consider an e-tailer if I were you in order to maximize your budget. There are always good deals listed on the [H]ot Deals forum. If you have to go to one of the stores you listed, be sure to compare prices. I take it that you don't have a Fry's Electronics near you. Fry's tends to have an ad out almost daily that has some good specials.