50C at idle?????


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2004
Do I have too much thermal compound on the p4 or not enough. I smirred it around on the chip and the heatsink, smoothed it with a card, then put a tad more on before tightening down.

I'm at 50C no load really. just on here and have a few background apps running.

it was around mid 40s but has been on all day...

So will too much compound hurt that bad or did I not get enough?

BTW this is stock clock speeds too, I finished putting it together friday afternoon...
If you minus like 13 from your temp it will give you the real temp around there.
ah, so everything is fine?

says case temp is like 34*

So how do you go about getting the corrrect temperatures? Just subtract the 13* (which doesn't really excite me) or add another probe..?

Also while im thinking of it, I guess I should update the drivers etc? All I have now is what came on the cd.

Thanks for the reply !
did you use Arctic Silver 5? because you really don't need much -at all- on their site it recommends something like the size of a grain of rice... I dunno whether that really is the ammount but that's the guideline I followed and so far so good... though that shouldn't affect your temps at all.

Just though I'd ask since some people say their mobo's have fried because the stuff oozed out.
The abit temps are wrong, although not usually by that much when idle. a 34C sys temp is warm, but we know nothing about the ambient room conditions.
i used ceramic artic silver

34c for system temp, the room is right around 72*
you say that the sensor is wrong. Is that for AMD boards too or just Intel boards?
BoogerB said:
i used ceramic artic silver

34c for system temp, the room is right around 72*
that's very warm for 72 ambient, if it's 72 i'm assuming it's AC'd so it should be fairly dry. How's your case airflow, are your cables somewhat neat?

My room is 70-72 ambient and my system temp probably isn't even 27C right now.

edit: while i say it's very warm, it's not going to kill your computer, its well within operating temps, but warmer than i'd like.
I'd like it to be cooler aswell, but If the sensors are off wouldnt the ambient be off aswell?

airflow seems fine, I cleaned some cables up so its now at 32C but still high coming from your 27*

Keep in mind this is a stock wavemaster with 2 80mm in and 1 out + the power out. The air coming out of the 80mm behind the processor seems decently cool, nothing very warm..
The abit overreporting problem is only in the CPU AFAIK. My temps are a testament to that. And from what I've seen and read its just the CPU they botch the temp readings on.
My temp is 50C idle also. It is just abit mobo have high temperature.
Slava said:
My temp is 50C idle also. It is just abit mobo have high temperature.
They do. But don't let that be an excuse to justify poor airflow or bad heatsink placement. They overreport the temps, but you're still probably idling at least at 40C, which is a bit warm in a room that's 72F.
i've had 3 ic7's now their temp sensors were off between +3°c and +20!!°c
W1zzard said:
i've had 3 ic7's now their temp sensors were off between +3°c and +20!!°c
Yeah, which is why it's good to know someone with a comparable system to check against. I know a number of people with abit boards, and only a couple are off by more than 10C.
hmm i usually get 39 at idle with my P4C 3.2ghz according to the abiteq program... is that a normal temp with the zalman 7000a-cu? i thought it would be a tad lower :D
I looked around on abits site and lots of people had the same temps as me or very close.

Some went to a little better cooler than the zalman.... which I may do if I find one that isn't horribly loud.
My Temps say 57C in the bios

I used a seperate thermal probe and tested the temp... and i am at 31C

thats a big difference... so i know my mobo sensors suck
USMC2Hard4U said:
My Temps say 57C in the bios

I used a seperate thermal probe and tested the temp... and i am at 31C

thats a big difference... so i know my mobo sensors suck
Not necessarily a good way to check. Using an external temp probe gives you almost no information about how hot the core of the CPU actually is.
So when should I start worrying according to the abit temps?

I'm at 3.3ghz now at 52idle. Is that too much?

When running prime I got in the 60s, where does it need to be?

Should I ditch the zalman?

Thanks again.
Have you gotten the most recent Abit BIOS releases? Although the actual temps are the same, Abit offered "calibrated CPU temperature" updates for all their i865/i875 boards around May of this year. My BIOS used to read 60C load, but now it's rarely above 50C. It's not a solution if your chip really is running hot, but it will offer peace of mind if the problem is simply a thermometer mis-calibration.
updated tonight
in prime 95 with it running at 3.3ghz i was seeing 66*C on the torcher thing.
Idle my 3.0 @ 3.51 is idle at 52*C Stock HSF with the thermal pad crap.