512mb GPU

Killdozer said:
I dunno, considering how long 128mb has been around and not even being used for the longest time, then 256mb cards come out and that extra ram was utilized pretty quickly. Same thing could happen to 512 cards when they're released.

I won't entirely disagree, however, game designers know that with many of these current cards, people aren't going to be upgrading in any desperate hurry. You've noticed how Doom 3 can run on even a GF3 TI and still look pretty darned good? They aren't going to make any games that can't look darned good with 256MB because if they do then the people with 256 are less likely to buy those. HOWEVER, if you see some new game that makes 256MB look good and you have a 512MB card, you probably will still get that game. Do you see the idea? In fact, most of them still try their best to at least run smoothly on 128MB for obvious reasons, though they are finally starting to give up on keeping the quality nearly the same as there are so many 256MB cards now.

In other words, give it a little while and it will be worth the upgrade (in the meantime, you've saved enough cash to get the very latest greatest hardware with, perhaps 1GB at the time, lol.) For the meantime, it's not worth the waste of cash that could be used on getting a much better system to lessen any CPU limits and to increase your RAM or whatever. Many of these things would give you a much larger speed boost in things like Doom 3 than a 512MB card.
nst6563 said:
I want one. since humans supposedly only use 10% of their brains to begin with, I may as well use the rest for saved game storage and DVD rips right??? :p

that's a load of it. ask any physiological psychologist.
milling_hordesman said:
that's a load of it. ask any physiological psychologist.
did you read the word "supposedly"???? Apparently not, b/c then you would have realized that I was not basing that statement off of proven facts.

so, since I don't know any physiological psychologists, post us some links to enlighten us o great one...
nst6563 said:
. since humans supposedly only use 10% of their brains to begin with, I may as well use the rest for saved game storage and DVD rips right??? :p

That is a myth ;)
All the areas in the brain have a function and are used...

damn...doesn't ANYONE see the friggin' smiley at the end of that sentence??? IT'S CALLED SARCASM. Not sure why you all missed that, but perhaps re-reading it will give you the full effect....and next time, don't forget to look at the smiley at the end.

nst6563 said:
damn...doesn't ANYONE see the friggin' smiley at the end of that sentence??? IT'S CALLED SARCASM. Not sure why you all missed that, but perhaps re-reading it will give you the full effect....and next time, don't forget to look at the smiley at the end.


Don't blame the student, blame the teacher...
Or in this case:
Don't blame the reader, blame the author ;)

nst6563 said:
did you read the word "supposedly"???? Apparently not, b/c then you would have realized that I was not basing that statement off of proven facts.

so, since I don't know any physiological psychologists, post us some links to enlighten us o great one...

well, since you asked, though i hardly feel it's necessary.



and i do so enjoy being called a "great one"; it's about time someone recognized my true worth ;) :p

and this being a forum, you can't always convey the tone of a post; re-reading it with your commentary in mind puts it in a different light, but i was just responding to the statement that i read.

Yeah, and on the topic, I would really like to see 512mb cards. I'm hoping that the new Radeon has 512mb GDDR3 and PS3.0, but I think it's a little too much for me to ask for. Well, maybe a 6800 GT refresh with 512mb will be in order for me then, or something, leaving me to skip this generation of graphics (since it'll be next gen by the time they come out for PCIe :rolleyes: )

So, do we need 512mb right now? No. But I want it when I buy my next card, whenever that comes around.
What is it that the statement "there is no need for 512 MB graphics cards" remind me off?

ahh now i remember!! :)

Bill Gates : "There is no need for anymore than 640K memory"! ;)

With games needing so much memory (512mb or even more in the future), it seems to me that the old unified architecture model is becoming more attractive - that's where system and graphics memory are one. Your video card will have 0 mb and will use system memory instead - as much as it needs. It hasn't been practical to date because system memory has been too slow.

But when you have 512mb or a gig of video memory, it starts to make sense to use if for both system and graphics.
SoLiD_MasteR said:
All 256mb owners will tell you the same thing "there is no 512 this year"


ATi next generation cards will lunch on October with 512 mb ;)

you got the lunch part right! assuming you meant launch, as we often realize launch != mean you can buy it
xSyzygy666x said:
i wanna see a review of doom3 done on the matrox parahelia and the quadros and the like....just for the hell of it :D

supposedly the Quadros make not so bad Gaming cards
(for those that use them in a dual role)
the main difference between it and a GeForce FX5900 are the optimized drivers for 3D aps
and "slightly different requirements in the memory configuration and power circuitry / balancing" dual DVI ect

and is supposedly a fairly good gamer

some doom3 benchmarks on legacy cards
seems the FX3000 might be a pisscutter at Doom3,
(the FX 5900 XT being singled out)
sorry I cant give you any real 1st hand info

on the other hand, leave the Matrox to Video Editing
it suxs at 3D and Gaming (basically they no longer push it in either market segment )
i don't get it.. we see this come up every once in awhile where someone wants to know when the 128 mb cards, the 256 mb cards, and now the 512 mb cards are going to come out. when there is market demand, the cards will be made and released.

wait, i have a good idea: maybe if you travel to nvidia or ati hq and ask real nicely, they might give you one. ;)
Jerry1978 said:
wait, i have a good idea: maybe if you travel to nvidia or ati hq and ask real nicely, they might give you one. ;)

I'm sure they'd take a trade ....your $800 for a 512mb engineering sample that may not even work right.
actually they follow the workstation cards into the general public
(high end gaming cards) as the games require

tech is developed for the 3D animation field, and sold at a very steep premium and the tooling up paid for, then it gets rolled out to the enthusiasts

so the link between the extreme workstation cards and the gaming cards is alot closer than many of you are crediting (at least for nvidia and ATi)
as I pointed out earlier, its often the same core with driver optimizations that seperate those cards

more SLi cards will be being bought by animation houses at first than gamers