55" Hitachi Plasma 1080i $1978.00


Nov 19, 2005
Sams Club has the Hitachi 55" plasma 1080i for sale $1978.00 online only... I have searched far and wide for reviews on this and have yet to find anything on it, appears to be a new tv according to Hitachi. I have seen this TV in person at the store and it was quite impressive while hooked up to a blue ray player, it blew away a lot of the 1080p sets..Anyone know anything about this TV? experiences?

Personal experience aside. If I'm going to spend nearly $2K on a TV at this point in time, I want 1080p. Especially at 55" size where it is noticeable.

But again I don't have any personal experience with this particular set.
I was hoping to get more input from people who have seen the display model at Sams Club...not really any feedback here at this forum
For that much money you might as well go with a Samsung 1080p LED DLP set. You might want to look into them.
So you are looking for people's opinions on this TV?

So why did you post it in the hot deals section?
I have the 1080i 50" version of this. Great TV, looks gorgeous in COD4 and HD broadcasts.

Although I paid $976 about 2 months ago.

I would really not pay another grand for 5 extra inches. Well, in a TV atleast.

ooh ooh oh my god lulz what a comeback.

You fail sir.

Go home.
OP they're right about what should, or shouldn't, be posted in the [H]ot deals forum.

You might have better luck getting info on an uncommon plasma TV by starting a thread here @ AVS. (and take note of Adionik's statement in post #6)

Good luck, hopefully it works out well for ya.
I hope you dont plan on hooking up a PC to it. It has a native res of 1280x1080 which is non square pixels.
Hitachi Plasma's are OK for what they are. You get HD and big sets for not a whole lot of dollars. That said, what they are is really good marketing.

The H401 series is "1080i" only so much as it's defnitally not 1080p. Hitachi did this weird thing with the cells on their plasmas where they were able to put them (horizontally) closer together. As far as I know it's one of the few patent's that Pioneer doesn't own on plasma's. So, what you get with that H401 is 1280x1080 resoultion. Think of it as a true 720p set with an extra 360 lines crammed in in one direction.

The scaler has to work in a pretty weird way, if it's getting a 720 source, then it needs to stretch it vertically, if it gets a 1080 source, it needs to compress it horizontally. The picture that you end up with tends to look blurry with either. And we still haven't talked about the color of the glass hitachi uses in the H401's (go back to Sam's, the blacks look green).

It's kind of unfortunate, because their plasmas a year or two ago were great. Especially their Director's Series.

Long story short, you're better off going with something like a Samsung 5064 or 5084. The 64 is 720p and the 84 is 1080p. They've got great black levels and some of the best color accuracy you can get short of a Pioneer. Also, I've heard numbers of up to 14% failure rate on hitachi plasmas. Which is not acceptable. The H401 does not have an anti-glare screen, and after looking around on Sam's website, most of their TV's are older or very entry level models (probably why they're priced a little low).

The 64 should retail for around 1900, and the 84 for around 2400. But, to throw a wrench into it, if you're looking at that 2.5k pricepoint, take a look at the Pioneer 5080. That TV is freaking amazing. It's 720, but your color is bar-none (except the Elites) best that you can get. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...=5080&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1179165074464
Thank you for the very specific and informative information... it was exactly what I was looking for... It seems like according to the specs and the way it works it is somewhat of a marketing gimic rather than a true high end plasma tv