560 ti 448 core smart idea?


Limp Gawd
Feb 20, 2012
Heres my situation I just upgrade my phenom 965 be to a I5 2500K My last rig i was running 2 gtx 460 in SLI which when SLI worked it really worked but when it didnt it felt like a waste to have a 2nd card.Problem is now i have a mobo which only supports one video card so i was thinking of going with a gtx 560 ti 448 core for 289$ im thinking this will keep me good for a year then maybe go next gen.Kind of need an inbetween card.I personally think the 7950 and 70's are to much card for playing at 1080p and not worth the price.Maybe if the 7950 was 400$ flat id consider it.My understanding is these 448 core cards are faster then the ati 6970's or atleast on par with them.good idea for me to do this?Im kind of regretting not getting a sli/xfire board but to be honest SLI only worked in less then half the games for me.I am a big arma 2 player and the gtx 460 single card just barely cuts it.thanks for any input
what resolution? a gtx560ti 448sp is a decent card and you can find models cheaper than $289 too.
what resolution? a gtx560ti 448sp is a decent card and you can find models cheaper than $289 too.
He said 1080p in the post, so I'm assuming it's 1080p.

I think going single card is a good idea, more consistent performance and fewer issues. The GTX 560 Ti 448 is overpriced at $289, there are cheaper models out there. Furthermore, if you're big into Arma 2, I'd recommend an AMD card: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2011/12/22/amd-radeon-hd-7970-3gb-review/4 . Not only do their GPU's have an advantage in this game, the extra vRAM on board really helps out. Do you overclock? I think a 6950 2GB + overclock would be the way to go: http://www.amazon.com/Sapphire-DL-DVI-I-SL-DVI-D-PCI-Express-100312-2SR/dp/B004TA6RY0 .
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Thanks for that Mr Im sold on the 6970 now.Ive just always had problems with ATI for some reason but ill try them again see what happens.thanks for that bench ive been fiding it hard to find good arma 2 comparisons.If it were your money which would you get the HIS IceQ Turbo 6970 or the MSI R6970 Lightning?I realize the 7950 isnt much more then the the lightning but im not a big fan of reference cards
Thanks for that Mr Im sold on the 6970 now.Ive just always had problems with ATI for some reason but ill try them again see what happens.thanks for that bench ive been fiding it hard to find good arma 2 comparisons.If it were your money which would you get the HIS IceQ Turbo 6970 or the MSI R6970 Lightning?I realize the 7950 isnt much more then the the lightning but im not a big fan of reference cards
Well, what exactly is your budget? Also, are you looking at overclocking? I personally wouldn't buy a 6970 simply because it's an overclocked 6950 2GB with a few extra shaders (and you then of course can unlock those shaders, but I digress), so why spend the extra money? The 6950 I linked to offers a lot for ~$250 (note that I don't believe it can be unlocked, if you were looking to do that), and really, I don't see you getting much more until you get to the 7950 for ~$450. Unfortunately there's a big gap in the ~$300 range right now, one that hopefully will be filled by AMD's new 78xx cards and NVIDIA's GK104, but those will be released in the next month. I should mention that that's another option, if you are looking in the ~$300 range, it would be prudent to wait for the 78xx cards to drop.
the GTX 560 448 is an awesome card, I am running the MSI right now, playing skyrim at 2440X1600 with HD pack and all settings pretty close to max, getting 50 fps outside, 40 in cities and 60 inside, have it overclocked to 950/2100 which benchmarks pretty much like a GTX 580 and well above a 570.

This card is NOT overpriced that is for sure, and after rebates you can get one for $250-$260 pretty easily, and if you watch the deals on newegg, $230-$240 is possible (they had the EVGA standard card for $235 after MIR the other day, and the Galaxy for $230 last week).

Plus if you do SLI these it will blow away anything else out there in the $450-$600 price range. At 1080p you shouldn't need to go SLI though. Also memory on the card doesn't matter unless you go over 1080p and I have not had any issues at my resolution with it.
ok then the 6950 it is.I dont overclock my gpu to much but have my I5 2500K overclocked to 4.5 ghz while gaming.4.8 stable.Now you got me thinking about getting the 6950 and with the money ill save grab a xfire board then another 6950 later on hmm
I've been very happy with my 560ti 448c. I got this one ($264.99 after $30 MIR, plus free Batman: AC), overclocked to 825 core, 1650 shaders, 2048 memory on stock voltages in Afterburner, which puts it a bit above a stock 570 performance-wise. Highest I've ever seen temps go with default fan profile is 69C after an OCCT GPU test. After hours of BF3, it's usually only 63-64C.

BF3 runs with all settings on ultra and 2x MSAA on 1920x1080....haven't had any crashes to speak of. FPS are generally 65-80, with drops to 48-50 when lots of stuff is flying in the air. This card makes me glad I didn't drop the coin on a 7970 right now...
alot of good points.I do have a gtx 460 and ive read the benches but i want imput also from anyone coming from a gtx 460 to a 560 ti 448 does it seem like a big upgrade?Id only be running one though as by the time i got a sli board im sure they would be out of them since there limited edition cards.Im thinking 6970 for the little extra arma 2 performance but the 6970's are so long its crazy.the gtx 560 448 look much smaller
Honastly your kinda of splitting hairs. Both cards 6950\70 or the Ti560-448 are going to give you a rock solid performance.

What I might look at is Are you more AMD or Nvidia? Do you want a aftermarket cooling solution? Is Anyone bundling any games with their cards? Warrenty? Customer Service? (Evga and XFX come to mind for that).

The other thing I might try to find is instead of looking a bunch of benchies. look for benchies for the games that YOU will be playing and make a decision from those.

Either card will crush any current game at max settings.
yeah the biggest reason I favor NVidia is their drivers, seems like they always update them well before AMD for games, especially their BETA drivers. I have been using NVidia for about 12 years and never had a single issue, so why switch? unless AMD comes out with a card that is much cheaper with similar performance I will always favor NVidia, not because I am a fanboy but because I have had really good experiences with their chips... Just like Intel vs AMD
Well ya and thats fine, but for people that are trying to decide on a card they need to ask more then what card gives better performance for my price b/c they will sit there and spin around in circles.
Im on the same boat. Just returned my 7970's bc of drivers. I've always prefered Nvidia. Now i was thinking about getting an evga 560 ti 448 and just do the step up program in 90 days whenever kepler is released. I was wondering how does it work exactly? Does the upgrade card have to be priced higher then the 560 ti? Anyone had good experience with it? Tia.
I've been very happy with my 560ti 448c. I got this one ($264.99 after $30 MIR, plus free Batman: AC), overclocked to 825 core, 1650 shaders, 2048 memory on stock voltages in Afterburner, which puts it a bit above a stock 570 performance-wise. SNIP This card makes me glad I didn't drop the coin on a 7970 right now...

Also very happy with this same card MSI 560Ti/448OC card, running at 900/1800/2250 here with just +100mv bump 1.062v, runs everything on max and was a great upgrade from crossfire 5870s while I wait for Kepler to come out and prices to stabilize with 7970 etc. Temps are really amazing too, idle at 33c and peaks at 62c after hours of gaming.

This card is so good that I feel in no hurry to upgrade for now.
I was gonna say you just got your 560-448, i would at least skip a Gen. or if you can just SLI later on. upgrading every generation is a pain and waste.
I was gonna say you just got your 560-448, i would at least skip a Gen. or if you can just SLI later on. upgrading every generation is a pain and waste.

Yeah the main reason I may pick up a Kepler late this year is for 3 monitor support (hoping it does it without SLI needed) otherwise I may just pick up another MSI 560Ti/448OC for SLI.
The 560-448's are supposed to be a limited run so those of you hoping to SLI them in the future may be out of luck. But who knows.
The 560-448's are supposed to be a limited run so those of you hoping to SLI them in the future may be out of luck. But who knows.

Interesting experience I had with my MSI GTX470 and MSI GTX560ti 448. I was able to run SLI with with them and had decent SLI performance for what it is.

I still prefer single card play but the GTX 470 was able to SLI with GTX 560ti.
Also very happy with this same card MSI 560Ti/448OC card, running at 900/1800/2250 here with just +100mv bump 1.062v, runs everything on max and was a great upgrade from crossfire 5870s while I wait for Kepler to come out and prices to stabilize with 7970 etc. Temps are really amazing too, idle at 33c and peaks at 62c after hours of gaming.

This card is so good that I feel in no hurry to upgrade for now.

I'm right there with you. I just bumped mine up to 900/1800/2100 with +75mv and I get roughly the same temps. It performs great, handles what I want it to, and the price is perfect for me. I'm not a skyrim 2 player with everything maxed out, I could care less about upgrading to kepler (assuming its worthwhile) for at least another year maybe two. This is a solid card and I'm very happy with it.

I'm using the MSI TwinFrozr III. I came from the MSI 460 Hawk with the TwinFrozr II and they're both great coolers. Solid line of cards for anybody who doesn't NEED to run the latest and greatest at maxed settings. YMMV
I had to make this choice last week with GTX 560 Ti 448 and 6950. The Newegg deal for the GTX 460 Ti 448 + 5% discount code + MIR + Batman was a really good deal.

But, then I thought I probably want to CFX/SLI in the future. The chances of me probably getting another GTX 560 Ti 448 at that price seems pretty slim and most Nvidia manufactures don't have transferable warranties (so buying used isn't too appealing).

6950 2GB on the other hand is relatively ample in supply (bonus, used with warranty). Prices can be from $225-260 depending on reference card or not.

So I ended up buying just buying the 6950 2GB (unlocked). My first AMD card since 2004-2005, when BF2 released haha. Radeon 9800 Pro 256 MB or something like that.
I'm right there with you. I just bumped mine up to 900/1800/2100 with +75mv and I get roughly the same temps. It performs great, handles what I want it to, and the price is perfect for me. I'm not a skyrim 2 player with everything maxed out, I could care less about upgrading to kepler (assuming its worthwhile) for at least another year maybe two. This is a solid card and I'm very happy with it.

I'm using the MSI TwinFrozr III. I came from the MSI 460 Hawk with the TwinFrozr II and they're both great coolers. Solid line of cards for anybody who doesn't NEED to run the latest and greatest at maxed settings. YMMV

Don't forget, these coolers have a selectable BIOS switch midway on the top of the card marked "silent/performance". The silent profile is considerably more quiet with almost no impact on temperatures when I tried it, performance is the default shipped setting. You will need to reboot for the changes to take.