5600+ Cpu14xMulti memory Problem Need input please.

Apr 10, 2007
Ok i can run my 5600+@ 3.1Ghz and FSB 222Mhz stable with memory @ 1:1 divider with 4xHt .So here is the problem my Patriot 6400ELK 2.2v was @1000Mhz 5 5 4 6 with a Am2 Orleans3200+ @2.53Ghz and 250Fsb on this same board .It used a 5/Fsb divider in Cpu Z. With the 5600+ the same mem wont do more than 888 Mhz @5 6 5 12 on a 14/Fsb divider in Cpu Z. Im guessing the Memory controler is limiting my Oc . Memory will run @667 speed but under 800Mhz. Is this normal for a High CPU multi of 14 to hold my memory back that much?

Any other options i should try ? Also my FSB is stable up to 260mhz

thanxs in advance