5700Ultra Troubles Please spare some time.


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2003
I got an EVga 5700 ULTRA 128 MB card and have some problems. Befort I explain the problem here are the computer specs.

Asus P5S533-MX
P4-2.4b 533FSB
512 Kingston Value Ram PC3200
EVGA 5700Ultra 128 MB
S3112 SATA Controller card
2 Raptor 36.7 drives stripped

The problem is that I have a ATI 9000 Pro card in there and the performance was great. I actually could play Far Cry demo with no problems. CS rates were around 65-70. And no problems what so ever playing Halo and Max Payne 2. I put the card in, removed the drivers from the control panel and reloaded the 52.13 Nvidia drivers. then that were everything went to hell. White blocks on screen. Games would lock up and freeze. CS would get if I was lucky 5-15 frames. So I took the plunge and reloaded the OS. Now it gets real fun. OS wouldn't load. Kept getting Moemory core dumps all the time. So I took the card back and got another. Nope same problems. So I replaced the memory, and still no dice. Drank a beer went to bed. Got up This morning and tried one more time. Low and behold it loaded. But still very crappy performance. I want this machine to just play Vice City with all mods and CS. Nothing else. Where is the bottle neck if there is one. The computer in the sig is great does everything but I had the parts from the other one wanted to use it. I also removed the SATA Drives and tried a Maxtor 120 GB Max9 drive still the same thing.

Any suggestions will be greatly accepted. Flames are okay. I am a noob. Thanks in advance.
Your sig says you have an ATI 9800NP? Is that correct? Or is it actually the 9000?

Did you actually format and reinstall the OS? Or did you just do a system restore or something similar? Also, what OS are you using?

Also, check the card and the motherboard around the agp slot for damage. Look for missing resistors or capacitors on both the card and the board. Check all of you drive cables etc... make sure everything is seated correctly. Another possibility is overclocking, are you? And did you install windows in an overclocked environment?

I do have a question though, If the 5700 was in your budget is there a particular reason you just didnt get an ATI 9600XT? They both perform about the same and you could have saved yourself alot of headaches.
a few things to maybe try:

check and update chipset drivers (and RAID controller/motherboard drivers), and Windows updates (especially DirectX)

check, re-check, then check again that you didn't jar the motherboard around when you switched cards. this is an obvious easy first step. sometimes people force AGP/PCI cards into the slots to hard and end up cracking the motherboard, or when they pull out their old card sometimes those stupid clip on motherboard standoffs pop loose. give the motherboard and case a good once over, look for any loose objects rattling around.

second go into the BIOS and load setup defaults.

You've eliminated the gfx card. Memory is a possibility which BIOS defaults should fix, and any resource conflicts/bad gfx card driver uninstalls would have been fixed with a fresh install of windows.
The sig is right, But that is my trusty AMD. The system in question is another system. It was just an internet machine but I replaced that. I did play games on it when the main machine was doing some ripping or burning.

To answer your questions. I did reload from brand new XP Pro disk(Other one was activated to many times, MS said NO to the 4th time) I have went over the system and components with a fine tooth comb(Work at Medical lab, We have great Magnifing glasses.) No sign of damage. I did go ahead and replace Mobo. Still not playing my game.

I went with the Nvidia, because I have had ATI for awhile and reviews I read went both ways on performance between the 9600XT and 5700 Ultra. So I rolled the dice and shot craps.

I put the card in my AMD XP2000 machine and what do you know. Didn' work. Performance was worse. So I went to Best Buy and exchanged it for a 9600XT, darn sucks about the HL2 coupon but what the hell. Everything works great. Must have been the card.
format, xpsp1, critical updates, chipset drivers, video drivers

that's the order to make sure nothing goes to hell don't do the window's update for drivers. My sound went to shit when i used that.