5850 vs 5870


Jul 19, 2008
Many people are mentioning that their OC'd 5850 has the same performance as a 5870. If that's the case, is there any point for an OCer to purchase the 5870? Wouldn't the debate be more between the 5850 and 5970?
Yeah, one could OC the 5870 to even higher performance than what a OC'd 5850 could do.
Oh... Wait, then what's the point of people comparing an OC'd 5850 to a stock 5870? An OCer would get a 5870 to OC anyways...
Because the 5850 costs over a hundred bucks less? Sometimes it's about value for the money instead of raw performance.
Oh... Wait, then what's the point of people comparing an OC'd 5850 to a stock 5870? An OCer would get a 5870 to OC anyways...
because when BOTH are overclocked to their respective limits the difference is only about 5%. in other words you can usually get close to the same max clock out of each card and so the 140sp/8tmu difference will be about the only advantage the 5870 has.
because when BOTH are overclocked to their respective limits the difference is only about 5%. in other words you can usually get close to the same max clock out of each card and so the 140sp/8tmu difference will be about the only advantage the 5870 has.
Ding! Winner!
They're the same chip and both have similar limits (typically ~1050MHz on the core, ~1250MHz on the RAM), and the extra shaders and TMU's do very little for performance.
Depends on resolution too. They are pretty close in performance at lower than 1920X1200 res.
NOt the same chips .....one has more cores than other.
ya but 2 5850's are better