5870 gray screen crash.

Wow.. one of the issues it claims to know about...lol.. ill be happy when thats on the fixed list.

Intermittent grey screen or vertical line corruption may randomly appear on the

yeah I saw that. five months for and official acknowledge. How many months for a fix?


There are lots of BIOS here to try for 5770
Upping your vcore on the processor, and giving your ram more juice or relaxing the timings helps big time, as of now, the 10.1s still say that it is an on going problem. Mine were fixed when i upped my 2d clocks and mem and upped my vcore a tad on my CPU and relaxed the settings on my ddr3 2000 3X2GB modules.
Upping your vcore on the processor, and giving your ram more juice or relaxing the timings helps big time, as of now, the 10.1s still say that it is an on going problem. Mine were fixed when i upped my 2d clocks and mem and upped my vcore a tad on my CPU and relaxed the settings on my ddr3 2000 3X2GB modules.

This fix is for ppl whos issue is that particular problem. This will not fix everyone. For instance for me I had to disable the ATi HMDI Video driver in Device manger and I never got a single gray screen crash after that. The Grey screen is like a BSOD.. it could be anything that causes it. Unstable system, driver issue etc. I never thought the thread would get this long when I started it.. I had only run into a select few who had similiar problems. When its not hardware related and its not audio related I believe what the others are saying in this is possibly a power play issue.
Ive tried two XFX,5770,
One Saphire 5770

all three had same problem in two differnet machines...

Ups will be delivering me Two More ATI's (ASUS 5750) This will be Cards 4 and 5:rolleyes:

Im going to try Single and Xfire and see if Both sytems still do this..
My 3870x2 runs fine ,,my 4850 runs fine ,,My GTX260 Core 216 all run fine in both sytems...I havnt had time to test 5850 or 5870...

If these cards Dont pan out soon . I wont be going 5870x2 or 5890...That was my goal.. Im glad ive only had to exchange cards ive already had. Yes its time consuming and dealing with shipping suxs..So far i havnt had to pay any shipping...

What ever the problem ,,
Bios ,,Driver or Power Play , Something isnt right.

Some cards may of had a Bad batch of ram or simply they had too much OC from factory. I personally think this would be a unlikely cause. Ive tested three different Cards with same problem. One card used Hynix Ram and two used Samsung..... i believe its a combination problems related to driver/hardwareBios(videocard)

Remeber this affects across mutiple brands and all Versions of 5xxx cards not just Upper end or lower end cards.. It also dosnt affect every one.

For the Most part ive been reading seeing all the problems first hand ..Ill be happy to post more after the weekend.. I have two more 5750's to try to further my results. These will dictate for me on how and when i will be going DX11. I kinda expected to deal with drivers(new technology) ...

Ive used ATI/Nvidia along time and dealt with the 38xxX2 stuff and power play and Nvidia 8800GTS Ram issues ..This is no different. Were all Beta testers when it come to new tech.

I Hope its just a Bios flash and in need of a great driver to get things on track. These cards do perform.

Ive tried two XFX,5770,
One Saphire 5770

all three had same problem in two differnet machines...

Ups will be delivering me Two More ATI's (ASUS 5750) This will be Cards 4 and 5:rolleyes:

Im going to try Single and Xfire and see if Both sytems still do this..
My 3870x2 runs fine ,,my 4850 runs fine ,,My GTX260 Core 216 all run fine in both sytems...I havnt had time to test 5850 or 5870...

If these cards Dont pan out soon . I wont be going 5870x2 or 5890...That was my goal.. Im glad ive only had to exchange cards ive already had. Yes its time consuming and dealing with shipping suxs..So far i havnt had to pay any shipping...

What ever the problem ,,
Bios ,,Driver or Power Play , Something isnt right.

Some cards may of had a Bad batch of ram or simply they had too much OC from factory. I personally think this would be a unlikely cause. Ive tested three different Cards with same problem. One card used Hynix Ram and two used Samsung..... i believe its a combination problems related to driver/hardwareBios(videocard)

Remeber this affects across mutiple brands and all Versions of 5xxx cards not just Upper end or lower end cards.. It also dosnt affect every one.

For the Most part ive been reading seeing all the problems first hand ..Ill be happy to post more after the weekend.. I have two more 5750's to try to further my results. These will dictate for me on how and when i will be going DX11. I kinda expected to deal with drivers(new technology) ...

Ive used ATI/Nvidia along time and dealt with the 38xxX2 stuff and power play and Nvidia 8800GTS Ram issues ..This is no different. Were all Beta testers when it come to new tech.

I Hope its just a Bios flash and in need of a great driver to get things on track. These cards do perform.


I suggest you try your system with everything at stock clock and also try to disable the HDMI Audio driver in Device manager.. This will rule out a couple things.
Well, I kept bumping my CPU Vcore 'til I hit 1.37500, and then Windows would go absolutely bonkers when I booted into it... So, apparently 1.36875 is my limit, but still getting BSODs...

I think I'll try completely undoing my computer's OC and see what happens...
Just got myself a 5770 to replace my aging 8800gt and very happy... not happy when I get home to see a solid gray or light blue screen.

Trying to narrow it down here. HDMI is in use (XBMC via that and HDMI audio to Receiver) but crashes even when not loaded. Increased the fan speed so far and been running for a while with now an issue when I left it idle. Temps are low... mid 40's C. 10.1 Cats since I put in the card (did the MSI ones first, now ati cats)

Going to try and clock up the 2d and see if it is stable.

Missing my 8800gt now.... since that could stay on for weeks with no problems... :(
I now see tom's hardware has an extended forum thread and not just that, but an article up now addressing this issue.


Not only that but tons of people suggesting different "fixes" for the gray screen/horizontal bar freezing and or crashing. Here's my suggestion, cross your fingers and hope for a quick fix. ATI themselves addresses this as a known issue in the catalyst 10.1 release notes. RAM this, CPU that.....STOP IT ALREADY :eek:

There are now loads of people running these cards on systems that have exhibited flawless behavior prior to the installation of the 5000 series cards. Hearing comments like "The 5000 series helps you expose flaws in your system"......RUBBISH!!

IT'S A KNOWN ISSUE IN THE CATALYST RELEASE NOTES!!!! what more do you need besides a hopefully fast and suitable fix? whether or not this is denial run rampant or fanboys sticking up for the red team, stop blaming everything except the drivers and/or cards.

and now a quote from tom's hardware....

" Today Dave Erskine, an AMD spokesperson, informed us that, "only a small number of ATI Radeon HD 5800 series and ATI Radeon HD 5700 series cards are exhibiting the behavior," and that the team is closing in on a fix for the apparently software related issue.

"The team is testing a driver hotfix and initial tests indicate that it resolves the issue," Mr Erskine said. "We need to test it further but we expect to make the hotfix available shortly."
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" Today Dave Erskine, an AMD spokesperson, informed us that, "only a small number of ATI Radeon HD 5800 series and ATI Radeon HD 5700 series cards are exhibiting the behavior," and that the team is closing in on a fix for the apparently software related issue.

"The team is testing a driver hotfix and initial tests indicate that it resolves the issue," Mr Erskine said. "We need to test it further but we expect to make the hotfix available shortly."

Software issue that only affects a small number of cards?

Release the hotfix as a beta or even alpha and let affected users tell you if it helps!

Also, after increasing my CPU's Vcore I no longer have GSODs, but I now have BSODs... After this hotfix, I am going to put my Vcore back where it was (stable before the 5xxx card), and see if both issues are resolved.

Also also, I wasn't having BSODs before increasing my Vcore, so maybe my system's no so unstable from that that the system isn't up long enough to run into a GSOD? (meaning it's not a fix at all, just my system can't last long enough for the GSOD...)

Either way, he 10.1s don't let my monitor sleep like they should, so something got broken in the 10.1s either way...
Mmm... what are the chances that the 5770s on Newegg.com will not have this gray screen issue?

I'm about a week away from buying one but starting to get hesitant given these posts. I'm still using a 3870 and plan on Crossfiring them when a friend lets me have his 3870 next week, as more of a stop-gap measure until I decide which 5770 to get.
Mmm... what are the chances that the 5770s on Newegg.com will not have this gray screen issue?

About the same chance as a new Toyota Camry will have of not being a part of Toyota's current recall.


A complete fix may be imminent, but I'd still advise waiting if you're on the fence.
Touche. You have a good point. ;)


Tried playing Alpha Prime, BSOD within minutes. But again, STILL no GSOD...


I put my CPU Vcore back where it was (rock-solid stable) before the 5870 card...

Now, no GSOD/BSOD...

Time will tell, but oddities aside (monitors don't sleep correctly with 10.1, and Alpha Prime's textures for the flame thrower were wrong, since I just finished the game two weeks ago, I know this problem didn't exist with the 9.12s...), I think my system may be stable again... (and first time stable with the 5870 card...)
About the same chance as a new Toyota Camry will have of not being a part of Toyota's current recall.


A complete fix may be imminent, but I'd still advise waiting if you're on the fence.

Good advice. Considering Fermi is around the corner and people are still having gray screen problems I think it's wise to wait. Best case scenario is that the issue is officially addressed and the cards get cheaper; worst case scenario is that the issue is still prevalent and the cards are cheaper. :)
Good advice. Considering Fermi is around the corner and people are still having gray screen problems I think it's wise to wait. Best case scenario is that the issue is officially addressed and the cards get cheaper; worst case scenario is that the issue is still prevalent and the cards are cheaper. :)

We are also assuming that Fermi will have no issues.

Not sure what Nvidia should do though? Problem with Fermi? Release and new users of it are in the same boat as ATi. So, they can't just jump ship. But if they play the waiting game to make sure Fermi's rock solid after seeing ATi's debacle, they lose some sales.

I think N should just get it released. If there's a problem somehow to both new techs, what choice do people really have?
Yeah, I was more or less suggesting that if he's unsure about the 5770 he should just wait until Fermi so that the 5770/5850/5870 will drop in price...not necessarily to wait on Fermi to purchase it. Whether or not Fermi has issues of its own, it's bound to push ATi prices down. It has been hard to resist jumping on the 5870 wagon but with Fermi so close I will wait and hope that the price drops well below $400. Not like my 260s are struggling as it is, you know? I wouldn't mind going back to a single GPU but there's no way in heck I'd buy a 285 at their current prices (the only single GPU nVidia card worth considering when coming from SLI'd 260s). A 5870 would be a much better path but I just don't want to pay $400 and have to deal with these issues, so I'm hoping they'll be addressed soon.
Yeah, I was more or less suggesting that if he's unsure about the 5770 he should just wait until Fermi so that the 5770/5850/5870 will drop in price...not necessarily to wait on Fermi to purchase it. Whether or not Fermi has issues of its own, it's bound to push ATi prices down. It has been hard to resist jumping on the 5870 wagon but with Fermi so close I will wait and hope that the price drops well below $400. Not like my 260s are struggling as it is, you know? I wouldn't mind going back to a single GPU but there's no way in heck I'd buy a 285 at their current prices (the only single GPU nVidia card worth considering when coming from SLI'd 260s). A 5870 would be a much better path but I just don't want to pay $400 and have to deal with these issues, so I'm hoping they'll be addressed soon.

I've been testing my system all day, and since the 10.1s and putting my Vcore back to what it was initially, my system's handled everything fine...

Doesn't sound like much of a sample, but my system was having trouble sometimes even surviving booting up to the Windows desktop... I think I had my Vcore too high...

I don't know much about OC a system, but when I put my Vcore just one more notch higher, Windows and apps (especially Skype) were just absolutely freaking out... Dropping my Vcore back down a notch was an immediate fix... And my Vcore barely got tweaked from where I started (1.33750 is back where I am now, rock-solid stable in the past, and I only got it to 1.37500 before everything freaked out, but 1.36875 my system was still fine...)
As far as this affecting some cards it makes me wonder if its a combination that is causing the problem.. certain motherboard, certain types of onboard audio etc. My new system with the same exact card taht gave me issues before has not crashed even with the HDMI enabled yet before on my old system disabeling the HDMI solved the problem for me. Really glad this has become a well known issue that will hopefully get resolved for everyone.
For me, I was getting GSOD's with the MSI Afterburner tool installed/running. Reguardless of my settings in the tool (Stock or vcore up/overclocked)

Uninstalled MSI Afterburner=100% stable again, even with an overclock of 800/1150.
From another forum, 10.1 Hotfix. I have not tested as I resolved my problems another way. Still will be upgrading later today.

Note: Download not working yet :/
Yeah its just gone live in the last few minutes, i tried it 10 mins ago and it was not werkin.

I would like to know exactly what they did to fix the issues.
Hi Dave, seeing as ur an ATI man would you be able to tell us what the gray screen with vertical bars means, is it a sort of code that tells the engineers what went wrong.

What did your guys do to the drivers to fix it? all us in here just love that kinda technical shit and would like the skinny on what was wrong.
Hi Dave, seeing as ur an ATI man would you be able to tell us what the gray screen with vertical bars means, is it a sort of code that tells the engineers what went wrong.

What did your guys do to the drivers to fix it? all us in here just love that kinda technical shit and would like the skinny on what was wrong.
My single slot 4850 overheated in my small Shuttle system and gave me the vertical bars. The thing was going over 100C.

This patch does not work for me. It makes things even worse. PC crashes more often now. Only difference is that now when it crashes, screen is black.

Tbh this hurts. I have very nice PC. Everything is brand new and I can't use it. Makes me pretty angry about getting this card.

I wonder is this happening only to people with first batch of HD 5870 (actually all 5 series first batch)?

When did it started for you? Mine started acting up like month ago.

my setup:

Asus HD5870 stock speed Ati drivers
Asus PT6 Deluxe rev.2
i7 920 water cooled
OCZ reaper triple channel kit DDR3 1600 777 24
Two velocity raptors 150 in raid and one Hitachi 1TB + ESATA quick port.
Silverstone Strider ST750
SB X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS PCI
Two DVD RW Nec and Sony/NEC
Antec 1200

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I would deffinitely RMA that card, sounds like its duff.

I remember back in the early 80s when Sinclair had a problem with their ZX Spectrums not working, Commodore got a whiff of that and i remember Commodore's xmass adverts saying "If you want a computer that works this christmas, choose commodore".

I wonder if Nvidia will try that angle when fermi gets here :D, something like:-

"If you want a Direct X11 graphics card that works, choose fermi"
Only difference is that now when it crashes, screen is black.

Mine also now only does a black screen of death. I've undone my computer's OC (which never failed any tests anyway...) to take that out of the equation. Still problems. Never happens in game, either, only at desktop.

Hard to justify RMAing a card that works with flying colors for its intended usage (gaming) though...
1 of its intended usage's is for the 2d desktop as well, without crashing, i know its a pain but don't get stuck with a bad part.
1 of its intended usage's is for the 2d desktop as well, without crashing, i know its a pain but don't get stuck with a bad part.

Bad *anything* should fail when stressed... And I'm sure this fact is actually confusing AMD to finding the issue...

There are people with 5970s that can game with flying colors, but it's on hope and a prayer that they can initially boot In Windows...

People are seeing worse results sometimes with each new driver...

I think they should ditch Powerplay 'til they figure out the bugs...
Worse thing is that it was working so well. Never needed to OC it (single 26” screen).
So it broke over time? Way I see it, it can be driver issue (disregarding is it combination of driver with windows update or just driver itself) or cards itself is broken. New process? Metal migration or oxidation? I think it might be that first batches came out without good test due to a huge demand. They have improved new process now but was it any good back then?
I have checked and cooler system on my graphic card is clean (case has filters and enough cooling it’s an Antec 1200 with all fans installed). Temperature is OK even really cool comparing to any other card I have ever owned.
CPU is over clocked but I have never seen more than 50 degree C in normal working conditions. Even when burning all cores CPU stays less than 70 deg. C (typically 65 to 68) plus this happens also when not OC-ed. CPU runs hours of Orthos with normal usage next to it with no issues. Doing normal daily things I can’t even notice difference when running one instance of Orthos or not.
Water cooling setup:
Swiftech Apogee XT 1366
Swiftech Laing DDC-1Plus MCP355 12V with XSPC Laing DDC Acrylic Reservoir
TFC Xchanger 240 Double radiator
Tygon R3603 – High Flow - 1/2 ID - 3/4 OD – Silver tubing
Bitspower G1/4 True Silver 1/2 Fittings
Thermochill EC6 Non Conductive Coolant - Clear/UV Blue
Tecnofront AirBox Plexi 240 – Double Fan Shroud and pair of Cooler Master LED fans sucking air out of it. Intake is exhaust of 200 mili fan on top of an Antec 1200 case.

Memory is at normal speed with normal timings and system can run memory tests for days.
When CPU or memory is OC to far Orthos crashes instantly.
Settings I have now are 100% stable. And to be sure I have used idiot BIOS settings with CPU on stock speed and memory on default speed (under clocked actually) and I get same issues.
It happens totally random and with new patch even more.
I have uninstalled patch and drivers then installed new drivers and patch over it with same results. Black screens and PC crashes more often. Last night it would crash once in 6 to 10 minutes making any online gaming impossible. After so many crashes it is pretty hard to make sure OS is working well. BTW I run Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate.
Good OS. Due to RAID0 and CPU and memory speed it reboots in no time but till you do start a game you are dead and useless.

At least with my system, with the 5870 in it, I needed to undo my OC and go to normal settings on my motherboard to keep from getting the typical BSODs.

You could call my OC unstable, but it was absolutely rock-solid without a single BSOD ever when I had a 9800GTX+ in it.

The BSODs were getting to be a few times a day...

Even with undoing the OC, I no longer have any BSODs. I am still getting the darn black screen of death now, but maybe only once a week.

I'd still prefer rock-solid stable, and am willing to undo my OC to get it.

If I come to a point I don't care about stable for a while, I can easily just re-OC in my mobo's BIOS anyway...
Before this patch it was wild and random. Some days whole day long without any gray screens of death and then next day 15 times in one night. Last night after this patch it was impossible to play anything. After 5 to 10 minutes PC would crash and I would get black screen of death.

I'm the exact opposite; my desktop is unstable, but gaming is perfectly fine... XFX XXX 5870 here...