5870 Heat/Noise Question


Limp Gawd
Oct 16, 2009
Hello, I'm considering upgrading from a 9800GTX to a 5870 and have some concerns regarding the heat and noise of the 5870.

1) How does the 5870 compare to the 9800GTX in terms of heat/noise?
2) How does it compare in terms of power usage?
3) And how does it compare in terms of size (length)?

Ideally I would like a quieter/cooler card, but as long as it's not any worse than the 9800GTX I won't be too concerned.

Finally, does anyone know how this card will run on an EVGA motherboard? (750i) I know Crossfire is out of the question, but I'm not even considering it. I was just wondering if it would have any performance hits or stability issues.

Any insight from people that have made such upgrades would be much appreciated :) !
Well, I run a 5870 on an EVGA x58 SLI LE. No problems. I can say that at idle the card is at the noise level of my undervolted fans in my not-quite-SPCR silent Antec p183. It's much quieter than my old ASUS 4870 Dark Knight -- but that's because it exhausts heat, unlike the previous card.

Can't compare it to NV for you, but the idle/max power usage figures are easily searchable on the web, as are dimensions.
mine is silent and 45 degrees idle. 21%fan

Near enough silent at 60 degrees under furmark. 27% fan

At 950mhz the fan has never made a noise i can hear 2 feet away thats louder than any average fan on low speed.. Up to 25% max gaming, under every game, speed and load.

My zalman cooled 4870 was inaudible. And my gtx295 was a gale force wind compared. Only quiet nvidia card ive ever seen or heard was my zalman cooled 9600gt.
Thanks everyone. It appears that it is .25in longer than the 9800GTX (10.75in). Hopefully I can get it fit in my mid-tower case. And as long as it's quieter/cooler than my current card (which it sounds like it should be) I'll be happy!
21% fan to me is easily heard. If you are truly big into complete silence the card isn't quiet. I have used MSI Afterburner to throttle my card down to 10% fan speed when its under 50C and this keeps it much quieter and I have my own fan curve made to keep it in the temp range I like under load. The card still idles in the 30's at 10% fan and is spinning around 1,100 rpm. The fan has a slight grumble to it but to be expected from that type of fan. Overall its not bad.