5870 to 5770 downgrade. MW2 performance?


Dec 1, 2009
so im considering a 5870 to 5770 downgrade. Only games i play are cod MW and cod MW2. I play with a phenom 2 550 @ 4ghz at 1920x1080. I want to have everything maxed though settings and aa wise. At the moment its silky smooth but the 5870 seems overkill, do you think a 5770 would cope roughly the same. Looking to offload the 5870 whilst its still worth something before stock comes and they tank in value.

I dont have a dual pcie mobo tho so dual 5770 is off the radar unless I buy a 790fx mobo and another card later. Prefer not to though.

Anyone running something similar in MW2 to comment?
Why downgrade? After you sell your current card at a loss and buy the new one what are you really going to gain?
loss...100 bucks profit is more accurate.

Im just asking aboout the performance. The decision to sell or keep relies on that, not price. Could even get a 4890 for roughly the same.
How will you profit? You might be up $100, but still lost by buying new and selling used.
Probably your best bet is to read some reviews and see how it stacks up to your 5870. I think that HardOCP actually did a review of the 5770. Probably best bet is to start there.
I think you're losing about 40-45% performance by downgrading to a 5770. Basically 5770CF is about = 5870. Perhaps it would make sense to downgrade to a 5850 considering the CPU. Going down to a 5770 might be quite a disappointment for you. But the 5850 is close enough that you probably won't notice it, especially if overclocked.
I understand the performance hit. And its not an issue of having 100 in hand. Im selling the 5870 for a hunj more than i purchased it for (thanks price gouging retailers since october). Its just a question of if the 5770 will be playable at the same settings. Its useless that every review on the internet uses an i7 975 at 4.4ghz or some crap instead of realisticc midrange cpus.

Downgrading is not the [H]ard way, hang on to your card because future games will benefit from the 5870 (and Crysis!).
you're right. It's the [F]laccid way....ill keep it and buy a 965BE for xmas just to cement it in . Stuff it :)
Single HD5770 will not be as great as HD5870 however it should be able to play many of your favorite games no problem. Not as great but ok and for money savings sounds like a good idea that I would consider myself.
LOL ^^^

id keep it man youll only regret selling it once you know how much of a performance hit youll get once you downgrade. its like going from a 5870 to a 4870 and thats if the drivers mature
LOL ^^^

id keep it man youll only regret selling it once you know how much of a performance hit youll get once you downgrade. its like going from a 5870 to a 4870 and thats if the drivers mature

I had a HD5850 that I over clocked like crazy. It was very powerful. Overkill for most games.
Ended up going with Xfire HD5770 now. Over the last month or so I've been running single HD5770 and it plays games fine. Does MW2 well as well.

On ebay a used HD5870 could bring in a possible profit. I'd try it to make some money and the HD5770 can play games.
stupid thing was i sold a 4870 after a months ownership for a loss to get the 5870. Zzz. Screw computers and this tech itch my wallet keeps scratching
I don't have MW2, but expect about 50% of the performance of the 5870 at 1920 x 1080.
I would suggest buying 2 more monitors to get a totally better experience. You will cream your... You get the picture.
stupid thing was i sold a 4870 after a months ownership for a loss to get the 5870. Zzz. Screw computers and this tech itch my wallet keeps scratching


Get out now before it's too late and you spent several G's on the computer. Over a year from now all this gear will be worthless anyways!

If the 5770 is capable at playing your games now then get it and sell the 5870 while it is at a premium.
For me with eyefinity, the user experience is now more important than the eyecandy as now I have no desire to upgrade for a long time. Once I bought into the experience, for the first time I felt like my computer is more complete (this is coming from someone that went from a 4870x2 to a 5850), than it ever was as I have no desire to do benchmarks, constantly check my fps, and talk about how powerful my system is anymore. Instead of looking to see if I am running 60fps constant, I tune my settings to a smooth gameplay by eye, not numbers, and just enjoy the experience and gameplay. It was a completely different feeling about gaming when I got my eyefinity setup running. How many threads are in the forums complaining about eyefinity? That will be your answer.
I like the 57xx cards, they are no slouches for their target market. Performance equal to last gen's top cards at budget prices. Seriously, that's a win for the green back conscious.