5970 Temps GAMING


Dec 23, 2006
After a discussion with a friend of mine he asked what temps I am getting with my MSi 5970...I told him idle is late 30's and max high temps are late 60's (never seen higher then 66)

He told me there was no way I was getting them temps and If I was I was running the coolest 5970 around. And quoted me temps from Guru3d & Anandtech etc etc......

Can peeps with a 5970 plz posts their temps (Not Furmark etc) as a way of a comparison...as I was told that my card may not be running properly. However I am getting excellant performance in all new titles maxed out BFBC2 and DIRT2 etc....

I am constantly monitoring the cards temps and GPU 1 and 2 usage with MSI afterburner and CCC along with GPUz...and I can check in game temps on the fly with the MSI app on my G15 heyboard.

I also have my CPU watercooled so no hot air from a HSF and I have a 250mm side panel fan blowing directly onto the card...and a very good airflow case setup.
Any suggestions?
It'd be a little better to say what fan speed you're running. I remember idling around 40-50, gaming rose into 70's constantly, on max fan..which annoyed me so much I bought a water block for it.
It'd be a little better to say what fan speed you're running. I remember idling around 40-50, gaming rose into 70's constantly, on max fan..which annoyed me so much I bought a water block for it.

in a good air flow case, its 30-40 ish on idling for me. and 60-70ish on gaming...
While playing BC2 @ 930/1300 It gets to 78c max, Asus 5970 games like Metro 2033 push it to late 80's sometimes 90's if the temp in the room is hot. Fan goes to 70%, 100% is just much to loud to game with.

It idles at ~37c, fan @ 40%
really depends on the games your playing and ambient temp and if the cards overclocked.. if your playing games that arent heavy on the GPU's then those temps look about right.. your friends dumb for quoting temps on a review which are all based off running Furmark not games..