5970 yellow/green squares/freezing and recovering??


Jan 15, 2005
Hi all, i have a XFX 5970 BE, and i can game fine, all day at at that, i can overclock fine, i have great temps at full load.....mid 60sC. However when on the internet and only the internet i get yellow and green, sometimes black squares for a sec, then my mouse will move but cant do anything followed by a complete lockdown and then a min or 2 later it recovers. Says driver stopped responding and has recovered. Most of the time it recovers, only once has it not so far. Anyone else experienced this problem? Why can i game for hours or run 3dmark vantage all day with no problems but when im on the net, it freezes like i said and recovers. Any insight would be great!
You didnt state the idle temps. Check the fan still spins when not gaming.

If your idle clock speeds dont drop but the fan speed does (check with ATI Tray Tools - Hardware/Monitoring), then that needs addressing as it could be running too fast for the 2D voltage and lesser cooling.
I was thinking maybe thats it.....its not overclocked at all, my idle temps are about 40 when i look in CATS, but maybe more investigateing is neccasary, thank-you for your input.
You didn't put your OS down. I had some problems with windows explorer and display driver crashes in Win 7 x64 and it was fixed either by uninstalling firefox and going to an older version, or uninstalling a game that came infected with Tages. One of the newer versions of Firefox can crash Win 7 even when closed. It's an extremely odd problem that took a lot of searching to find out about.

You also might have a card that can't stably run your OS at its 2d clock speeds. People with 5870s have been upping the 2d speeds with profiles to cure crashing.
Well if it helps at all.....

My 5970 was giving me the odd "out of range" error upon booting. Then a reset and it would boot....all my games were fine. I only had one crash after hrs of hard gaming. But I would get the odd lock up on desktop and internet.

I sent sapphire tech an email...and they asked my to send my vbios to them using GPU-z and a snapshot of the cards info....2 days later they sent me a new bios and a powerpoint presentation on how to flash the bios with a differnet one. Apparently I got a bios not intended for the OC version which I have....so the OC version they sent me I will flash tomorrow and see the difference.

So maybe the lockups you are getting and others upping the speed of the 2D clocks is becoz of a wrong vbios.

I too am using Win 7 64.
i am using windows 7 64 and i can game fine, all day, but while on the net or even sitting on the desktop, i get freezes and it mainly recovers, but once and awhile it wont recover. I just reinstalled windows 7 and all seemed good for a day and now the problems are starting up. I hear people who raise there core and mem at idle arent seeing these problems, i just dont know hoe to do that. Its GOT to be a driver issue. I game with no problems all day, spend 5-10 min at idle and it will freeze, then the screen goes black and i get " driver stoped responding and recovered". My major concern is right before the lock up, i get little green and yellow artifacts for a second or two, then the lock up, rinnse and repeat. What to do? Wait for Cat 10.1??
It's REALLY easy to solve that annoying driver ''problem''. Just do a CCC profile with higher 2d clock settings. Raise your 2d clocks from 137/300 to 400/900, and you will never have that problem again. It has nothing to do with your card, your hardware, your fan, your idle temps, your Windows installation, Explorer etc...

My 5970 was doing exactly this (driver has recovered blah blah blah), and after raising my 2d clocks, I never had that problem again.

Just follow the instructions here, post number 10:


But be careful, those settings are for the 5870, not the 5970. Just change the good values. The want_0 are your 2d settings. You have to change CoreClockTarget and MemoryClocktarget for both cores.

So it needs to be like this for BOTH CORES. Those are the values I changed for my 5970 in bold.

<Feature name="CoreClockTarget_0">
<Property name="Want_0" value="40000" />
<Property name="Want_1" value="55000" />
<Property name="Want_2" value="73500" />
<Feature name="MemoryClockTarget_0">
<Property name="Want_0" value="90000" />
<Property name="Want_1" value="101000" />
<Property name="Want_2" value="101000" />

Easy to do. Did it with my 5970... no problems anymore. :) My 5970 is rock-stable since 3 weeks now. Not a single crash, BSOD, freeze etc. Gaming, Photoshop CS4, surfing, heavy video editing, etc, almost 12 hours a day in the last 7 days. Not a single problems in 2d and 3d. :)
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i have tried that, but i raised my idle clocks to 250 core and 375 mem, and upped the voltage in the same profile a tad so my core is at 1.0375 and goes to 1.0500 at gaming, and memory i left alone. It has def made things better but this mourning i started my comp up and got the artifatcs for a sec, with lock up....and i had to hard boot it. It hasnt happened since though, today so far. I played ST4 for 3 hours but gaming wasnt ever an issue. Ill run with it for a few more days but if i keep getting lock ups in 2d, i will have to RMA. I RMA'd my first 5970 because the fan was loud, had clicking noises like a hard drive crunching. I get my new one and the fan was the same so i installed my fan from my 5870 and its silent, but i get the lock ups. I hope to god that the lock-ups stop. I would be golden. But time will tell. So, i got 2 new cards from XFX and both cards had a crappy fan. They must have had a bad batch, but ive fixed it myself. I wish i had kept my first card and installed the fan from my 5870 and id be in heaven as that card never had problems at all. So, it has to do with the card somewhere. Granted the fix does work alot better than it did without it! Time will tell.....
Also, the want_0 and want_1 are 2d, the first one is complete idle, the second is for running windows media player or minor graphic stuff, the third, want_3 is for 3d no doubt.
250/375 wont work. Like I said, raise it to 400/900. Alot of people with 5970 did it and it worked.

If you stay at 250/375, you will still have the same problem. If you want to get rid of it, then 400/900.

I recieved my new vbios for my 5970 and everything so far is PERFECT. In fact the card seems alot more responsive all round.

The 5970 I got from sapphire either was shipped with the wrong vbios or had an outdated vbios....the vbios they sent me was only for a particular batch of OC cards....I was told in no uncertain terms not to use this bios unless my card was from this stock and was indeed an OC version.

I know have both temps showing in CCC instead of one (not a driver issue) and the card performs the way it should.

Fingers crossed its all good now.

So if you have to artifically up the speeds of the core and memory to stop lock ups I would indeed look into a bios update with the tech support....which BTW Sapphire was EXCELLANT.:eek:
I wonder if by raising the core to 400 and mem to 900 you by passed the 2d voltage? The 2d voltage is set at 0.095 wile upper 2d is 550/1000 and full 3d is 725/1000. Will try it plus an idea i have an post back.

The vbios flash has corrected the "Out Of Signal" error....but I am still getting the odd 2D crash. Looks like I will have to profile the 2D clocks to see if that will fix it.

It's REALLY easy to solve that annoying driver ''problem''. Just do a CCC profile with higher 2d clock settings. Raise your 2d clocks from 137/300 to 400/900, and you will never have that problem again. It has nothing to do with your card, your hardware, your fan, your idle temps, your Windows installation, Explorer etc...

My 5970 was doing exactly this (driver has recovered blah blah blah), and after raising my 2d clocks, I never had that problem again.

Just follow the instructions here, post number 10:


But be careful, those settings are for the 5870, not the 5970. Just change the good values. The want_0 are your 2d settings. You have to change CoreClockTarget and MemoryClocktarget for both cores.

So it needs to be like this for BOTH CORES. Those are the values I changed for my 5970 in bold.

<Feature name="CoreClockTarget_0">
<Property name="Want_0" value="40000" />
<Property name="Want_1" value="55000" />
<Property name="Want_2" value="73500" />
<Feature name="MemoryClockTarget_0">
<Property name="Want_0" value="90000" />
<Property name="Want_1" value="101000" />
<Property name="Want_2" value="101000" />

Easy to do. Did it with my 5970... no problems anymore. :) My 5970 is rock-stable since 3 weeks now. Not a single crash, BSOD, freeze etc. Gaming, Photoshop CS4, surfing, heavy video editing, etc, almost 12 hours a day in the last 7 days. Not a single problems in 2d and 3d. :)
I have a HD5970 and I had this grey/green dots problems and i set my clocks from 157/300 to 250/400 and it didn't help but by changing them to 400/900 it works perfectly,thanks a lot :)
But with this my temps have become higher,i set my fan speed to 30% in order to keep it on 52c on idle,is it safe or shall i set my fan speed to auto(my temp will rise with this) ?

thanks a lot :)