6 Monitors


Nov 2, 2004
Can you run 6 independent montitors with two ATI or NVidia cards? Not looking for 3D or gaming, just individual screens.
with 2 ATI 5xxx series cards yes, with 2 Nvidia cards NO, you'll need at least 2 display port capable monitors (or with 2 active display port adapters) to run 6 monitors with two ati cards. You can only do 4 monitors with nvidia.
Yes, you have 3 options.
1 ATI card that supports eyefinity (assuming all of your monitors have display port).
2. Install 2 more cards video cards. They don't need to be anything special. Plain pci cards work fine.
3. Get some USB to DVI external video cards. These are probably your best option, although far from the cheapest.

Edit: With 2? Only option is ATI's eyefinity if you dont want to purchase more hardware.
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Single Card:

ATI 5870 Eyefinity 6, requires at least 4 monitors to have Displayport, or get 4 Active DP->VGA/DVI adapters.... EXPENSIVE, definitely above $500

Dual cards/other adapetrs

or get Two of these 5550, 80 each and each card comes with an active DP->VGA adapter...$160 is definitely cheaper, and everything you need comes with the card(unless you need >1080p displays, then you need to spend $100 for Active DP->duallink DVI adapters

or get USB->VGA/DVI adapters, $60 and these eat up your CPU cycles

or an expensive business class(think stockbroker who wants more screens) USB->3 screen adapters that cost a lot
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I've seen the 5870 x6 review and video, expensive and more graphics power than needed since it's not for gaming in this case. The downside to USB to VGA is lower video quality. I thought maybe a pair of 5750s would work for less money and less power.
Yes, 2 HD5750 will give you upto 6 displays. 2 displays will require DP connections or you need 2 ACTIVE DP adapters. The ACTIVE single link DP-to-DVI adapter or DP-to-VGA will work upto 1920x1200 resolution and both sell for ~$30. For 2560x1600 you need the dual link DP-to-DVI adapter. They sell for ~$100.

So, for 2 HD5750 + 2 active DP-to-DVI adapters your looking at ~$280?

I'd pick up a model with 2 DVI ports, 1 DP port, and 1 HDMI port. Seem to be fewer and fewer these days.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102859&cm_re=hd_5750-_-14-102-859-_-Product (rebate only good one per house hold)

Here is a link for the ACTIVE single link DP-to-DVI Adapter.

Also, be aware that each HD5*** GPU supports up to 3 monitors (as long as it has a DP output), but you will NOT be running Eyefinity to get 6 monitors. For 6 monitors you will just use the standard windows clone or extend options. (To enable Eyefinity all monitors will need to be plugged into one video card).
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Dual cards/other adapetrs

or get Two of these 5550, 80 each and each card comes with an active DP->VGA adapter...$160 is definitely cheaper, and everything you need comes with the card(unless you need >1080p displays, then you need to spend $100 for Active DP->duallink DVI adapters

$160 with all you need included(active DP->VGA)...

add in that active DP->DVI if you can tell how crappy/good VGA is at 1920x1080
$160 with all you need included(active DP->VGA)...

add in that active DP->DVI if you can tell how crappy/good VGA is at 1920x1080

Only reason I like the OP idea of the HD5750 is because you can get the single link ACTIVE DP-to-DVI adapters and have no VGA/analog connections.

With those 2 HD5550 you would be running 4 monitors through VGA. VGA looks good, but might get annoying for graphical/text work.

I use the DP-to-VGA adapter for my Eyefinity setup and love it but I don't think a DVI/digital connection matters much when gaming.

We are talking over $100 more though, $280 vs $160. So more decision for the OP.

Ofcourse 2xHD5750 + Eyefinity would be a great reason to start gaming a little. :)
Thanks all. Sounds like the 2 x 5750 may be the best bet. 6 screen eyefinity isn't needed here, it's a work system.
Can you run 6 independent montitors with two ATI or NVidia cards? Not looking for 3D or gaming, just individual screens.

You can run 6 independent monitors on a single Radeon Eyefinity 6 edition card.
The catch is the dongles. Eyefinity 6 requires displayport monitors or active adapter dongles.
The active single link displayport to dvi adapter dongles cost around $30-35 each and from what I hear are in short supply.
If you've got the slots to spare, a pair of the cheaper series cards will do fine, and it will cut down on the dongles you need to buy.