$60 for an expansion pack? Halo 3: ODST underwhelms


Oct 16, 2005

$60 for some multiplayer additions that should have been released through DLC and a three hour long campaign?

What's there to like? Why is Bungie further reducing the standards of quality for video games? Single player experiences are becoming shorter and shorter with every game that is released. Soon everything will be an iteration of Guitar Hero, some mindless Korean MMO, or a 30 minute long indie game.
I'm definitely waiting to try this game before succumbing to that pessimistic review. Every major review site I've been reading has been placing it around a 9.0 (I'm aware of the fallacies of major review sites). I'm not going in any direction on this one until I've played it through.

My best instinct on this one is that if you're a fan of the series you'll enjoy it. If you've always disliked it, chances are this is a great opportunity to crap on the smallest Halo project yet.

$60 for some multiplayer additions that should have been released through DLC and a three hour long campaign?

What's there to like? Why is Bungie further reducing the standards of quality for video games? Single player experiences are becoming shorter and shorter with every game that is released. Soon everything will be an iteration of Guitar Hero, some mindless Korean MMO, or a 30 minute long indie game.
because they know everybody who bought halo 1, bought halo 2, and those who bought 1 or 2 bought halo 3 so with deduction, everybody will buy odst. It is such a well known triple AAA title that they can charge it at peak prices without being scared of sales dropping.
I'll definitely be skipping out on this one. I suppose if you're a Halo fan and didn't buy any of the Halo 3 DLC it might be worth it.
I'm definitely waiting to try this game before succumbing to that pessimistic review. Every major review site I've been reading has been placing it around a 9.0 (I'm aware of the fallacies of major review sites). I'm not going in any direction on this one until I've played it through.

My best instinct on this one is that if you're a fan of the series you'll enjoy it. If you've always disliked it, chances are this is a great opportunity to crap on the smallest Halo project yet.

Destructoid gave it a good rating and they are very fair on games review
Destructoid gave it a good rating and they are very fair on games review

Good to hear. The gamer inside of me dies a little bit when I see people happy over the possibility that it's not up to par.
what do you expect from a company that charges $100 for a wifi adapter?
Good to hear. The gamer inside of me dies a little bit when I see people happy over the possibility that it's not up to par.

It's amazing how many people are still butthurt that Killzone 1 didn't turn out to be the Halo-killer it was hyped as.
It's amazing how many people are still butthurt that Killzone 1 didn't turn out to be the Halo-killer it was hyped as.
What amazes me even more is why people even give a shit about how well system exclusive titles fare. I bet most of those people are too young to have a job to afford both consoles. :rolleyes:
A three hour campaign, you say?

Man, I'm going to have to camp out at blockbuster to rent this game.
im buying it primarily for the Firefight mode. and i never bought any of the DLC for halo3..
Bungie makes the game, they do not need MS to make/publish an awesome game (either that, or they aren't the real talent here...).

Nobody said they needed MS, so you're making zero sense. MS = Publisher = determines the price.
Also, Bungie was still a part of Microsoft Game Studios when Halo:ODST went into production. Microsoft paid them to do it in the first place, unlike other 3rd party developers who have a project and then try to get a publisher to fund it, MS put up the funds first. I believe it's the last Halo project that they're contracted to do for MS, unless they wrote up another contract for a project announced (rather likely).

Edit: I completely forgot it was coming out.
I was a little more excited for it when the price was going to be 30 dollars.

60 dollars seems high for what is really the same game I've played a million times already. Oh right, this time my grizzled space marine shoots aliens with a red laser. Totally different from the last one where my grizzled space marine shot aliens with a blue laser, or the one before that where my grizzled space marine shot aliens with bullets.
Considering its on sale several places, you'd have to make a conscious choice to actually pay full price for it. I'd say its definitely worth the $40-45 that it can easily be found for today.
I'm enjoying it so far. It's not the gap from Halo 1 -> Halo 2 -> Halo 3, but it's an enjoyable mixup of what they offer.
Demand determines the price.

If you don't buy it, the price will drop or the developer will lose money.
I'm very satisfied with the game thus far, I played about half the campaign and some firefight last night. I like the business model too. I wasn't planning on buying the map packs individually but bundle it all together and I don't feel like I'm being nickel and dimed. Companies often spend a huge portion of their time designing a game's engine and infrastructure, and then make one game and move on to something else. Why not get more use out of the engine and refresh the series a bit without making fans wait years and years between games?

I personally don't care one bit what they said it might originally cost or how long the project took. I've bought plenty of games for more money (again this is on sale lots of places) that took forever to develop yet gave far less gameplay, especially in the multiplayer department.
Considering its on sale several places, you'd have to make a conscious choice to actually pay full price for it. I'd say its definitely worth the $40-45 that it can easily be found for today.


It takes very little effort to get it at the prices above. And more than worth it if you plan to play firefight and didn't by any of the down loadable content.
So those of you talking shit about it actually have played the game? Or are just talking shit cause it makes your pee pee tingle?
I got it, it took a lot longer than 3 hours - I did coop with my friend and it was at least 6 hours. Firefight is crazy fun, although I don't like the fact that you can't host and get random people - only friends and recent players. I thought it was worth it since you get the complete multiplayer disc as well - then again my Halo 3 was stolen so it meant a lot more to me.
I have enjoyed it quite a bit so far. I played through the campaign solo on normal, and then coop on legendary. I also played some Firefight with a friend of mine. So far I'm right around 19 hours of playtime. Getting the rest of the Firefight achievements will take quite awhile. I paid $30 for it at Best Buy and compared to some other games I've purchased recently, I'd say I got my moneys worth for sure.