60 fps in bf2 low or high setting


Aug 10, 2006
I am getting 60 fps in any setting low or high in bf2 with a 8800gts 512 card. something is got to be wrong . and thats with COD 4 also . my frame rtes will not go over 60 fps in these games . I know a 8800gts suppose to do better or am I wrong . vsync is off :confused:
uhhh? You are being so vague. Newest drivers? What do you get in other games? Are you sure vsync is off??? it's in the control panel for your GPU not in bf2. What resolution are you running? Background programs...? fraps? xfire? etc.
Try and give more information when you post. VSYNC is the most likely culprit here, though you say it is off.
way to hijack your own thread...

I think he just wants the specs so he can compare it to his own system.

If your frame rate wont go over 60 fps it sounds like V sync is enabled somewhere, either in the game or control panel.

edit: if your running vista then you might have the same problem as these people. Which might mean you need to install monitor drivers or edit your registry..

sure it should be higher than 60fps w/that card, but doesn't it play perfect at that fps?

the only difference i can tell between 50+fps & 120fps in that game is at 120, I feel like I drank a gallon of caffeine & everything's hyper-vivid

do any other games give you problems running well below what they should?
Turn of Vsync in game AND in the nvidia control panel. The only thing that would cap you at 60fps is that.
I've never heard that BF2 has 60 fps cap, so it must be Vsync, you need to turn it off BOTH in game setting and nV Control panel/center.
nösferatu;1033053128 said:
I've never heard that BF2 has 60 fps cap, so it must be Vsync, you need to turn it off BOTH in game setting and nV Control panel/center.

QFT. The fps cap in BF2 is 100, not 60. It definitely sounds like a Vsync issue to me as well.
As others have said - Check your nVidia control panel. If that is off in both the specific application AND global settings, check to see if you have nHancer installed. Even though nHancer is supposed to change the control panel's properties as well, who knows hehe.