6300 vs 6600


Limp Gawd
Aug 7, 2006
Alrighty - TigerDirect has an e6300 combo with the intel 975x board for 399 - they also have the e6600 combo with the same board for 549. Personally - I am just going to overclock anyway, is it REALLY worth it to go for the 6600? I realize there is a 2MB L2 cache difference, and yes I realize that the cache is dynamically allocatable - not just 2 megs per cache (which by the way makes me a happy panda). I hear of people running the e6300 at 3.4ghz and 3.6 all the time but yet all the people with the e6600 are having a hard time running stable at 3.6. So again I pose the question - is it worth it?
I would go for the E6300 hands down. My roommate just put together an E6600 system after seeing how my 6300 system performed (2gb xms2, ds3, 7900gt) and he went with a much more expensive build (asus p5w dh, e6600, same mem, 1900xt). My system scores 50 points less in 3Dmark06 while overclocked, his running at stock speeds.

I think for the most part the 6600 doesn't overclock as well as people had hoped, possibly due to the fact that there isn't much of a selection of chipsets this early, but the gigabyte p965 boards do the trick, and quite well too. I've got mine running at 3ghz stock volts.
Your somewhat in error.. there is no guaranty you will reach 3.6 with an E6400 or a E6600. Making presumptions based on the max overclocks you've seen is not wise it will only result in disappointment.. If you buy a E6400 you might max at 3GHz, if you get a E6600 you might get a decent one and max out at 3600+.. Key word there... IF.

But the E6600 does perform better at the same clock speeds then the E6400 due to the extra cache.. In games I think its like 6% difference at the same clock speeds and E6600 also runs hotter due to the extra cache... It really depends how lucky you feel.. :D
Shocky said:
Your somewhat in error.. there is no guaranty you will reach 3.6 with an E6400 or a E6600. Making presumptions based on the max overclocks you've seen is not wise.. If you buy a E6400 you might max at 3GHz, if you get a E6600 you might get a decent one and max out at 3600+.. Key word there... IF.

But the E6600 does perform better at the same clock speeds then the E6400 due to the extra cache.. In games I think its like 6% difference at the same clock speeds and E6600 also runs hotter due to the extra cache... Ot really depends how lucky you feel.. :D

Agreed, considering the average overclock of the 6300 in the OC database and the consesus at xtremesystems, the 6300 is just a solid performer for the price. I don't think the difference in price between the 6300 and 6600 is worth seeing such a small increase in performance. And definitely not considering the overclock potential of the 6300.
Just remember that on that board your going to get 50% at most out of your processor without moding the board.
Who makes the DS3? And from everywhere I read - the Intel board is amazing - great for overclocking and 4 sata connections on the pci-e bus instead of on pci.

Lets open this up for discussion. I want a board that is crossfire compat - yes i know im an ati fan boy - but i want dual (whatever dx10 cards are rthe best) and i need at LEAST 2 sata connections on the PCI-e bus - I need overclocking - and at least 4 ram slots.

Let me know guys. I preferr to keep the board a dark color like deep blue or black if possible - I am going with a professional looking mod that I plan to submit for contests and need things to look proper - dont get me wrong - if the performance is there - the performance is there ya know?

Let me hear those thoughts!
aldamon said:
Yeah, you can make your own $350 combo with a DS3 and an E6300.

wow I am a tard therefore i = fail. I just checked out your sig - Gigabyte makes the DS3 - but I want 975X not 965. Let me know.
Endrithius said:
wow I am a tard therefore i = fail. I just checked out your sig - Gigabyte makes the DS3 - but I want 975X not 965. Let me know.
You need to read some reviews and do some math:

You want 3.6GHz. The E6300 has a 7x multiplier, so you will need a FSB of 514MHz to reach that. The Intel 975XBX tops out at a FSB in the mid-300MHz range, and the Gigabyte DS3 seems to be hitting 450MHz. 514MHz is an ungodly high FSB, I really wouldn't even hope you can hit that. Let's be safe and say the 975XBX can hit 350MHz and the DS3 can hit 450MHz. With that in mind, your max overclocks are:

975XBX + E6300 = 2.45GHz
DS3 + E6300 = 3.15GHz
975XBX + E6600 = 3.15GHz
DS3 + E6600 = 4.05GHz

That's a rough estimate of you overclock, assuming you get a semi-decent board and a golden CPU.
Endrithius said:
wow I am a tard therefore i = fail. I just checked out your sig - Gigabyte makes the DS3 - but I want 975X not 965. Let me know.

Let you know what? The DS3 is a 965 board and it doesn't have Crossfire. Seems like it's eliminated. I hope you enjoy the combo even though, as InorganicMatter has said, your goals are a tad optimistic.
with the intel 975x + a good e6600 you might get to 3.5 after you mod the board (conductive pen across some missing jumper locations) to unlock the core voltage, if you have some good cooling.
I guess I was mis informed about the 975x board - I was told that in revision 2 they unlocked all the overclocking tools, I am definately going to have to do my homework again.

So does anybody have any ideas for what I should be looking for? As I said before the things I REQUIRE are crossfire - and at least 2 sata ports on the PCI-E bus. I would really LIKE to have 975x chipset but - if its going to hinder my performance - then I am willing to go other places.
Endrithius said:
I guess I was mis informed about the 975x board - I was told that in revision 2 they unlocked all the overclocking tools, I am definately going to have to do my homework again.

So does anybody have any ideas for what I should be looking for? As I said before the things I REQUIRE are crossfire - and at least 2 sata ports on the PCI-E bus. I would really LIKE to have 975x chipset but - if its going to hinder my performance - then I am willing to go other places.

You might want to wait for the ATi RD600 boards. Hopefully they will be out next week.

I can tell you for sure 975x and 6300 is not a good combo. For some reason they cannot get as high FSB. With a P5W DH I topped out at 2.8 and with the DS3 I am at 3.2 so far.
Well, I guess I can wait, lol. I am not going to be ordering the board and proc for a few weeks so hopefully something nifty comes along in that time.

So if what everybody says is true - and I will assume it is since well, a I dont have a conroe and b i think you guys do, i guess im going to go for the e6600 anyway. Although I cannot say I am very disappointed about that - seeing as how I will have the 4 megs of dynamic L2 cache :)

Thanks for the info guys, also can someone link me to the ati rd600 board i would like to take a look at what they are "supposed" to be