64 MB vs 128 MB, is 128 MB worth it???

One thing that pissed me off during those time is when they offer larger capacity but slower RAM.

I bought a Radeon 9600 Pro that came with 256MB, only to find out that it was using the slower TSOP RAM chips and not the faster BGA ones that the Pro cards was supposed to use.

Anyway I'm glad that no longer happens today, AFAIK anyway. RAM spec are more standardized rather than have each card manufacturer do whatever they wanted with the RAM.
Psh WarCraft III only requires 32mb for recommended you could easily get away with 8mb, 128mb what is that your system ram, don't be crazy.
Guys, please. This is nonsense. There is no way games will need more than 64mb.

Jesus, like ram even matters.
Deadskull why did you edit out your 256MB 5900 ultra comment lol? Now my second post looks kinda wierd!