650i Or P965 ?

The Doc

Jan 2, 2005
I need a board based on one of these two chipsets although I'm having trouble choosing. Any ideas?
the 965p is a very good mb to overclock with and is well known and pretty mature by now .

the 650i is sort of new but looks to be a really good mb as well. although there are only one or two on the market --but more are just around the corner.

i like the gigabyte ds-3 rev2.0 and the asus p5b-e in 965p for overclocking .

the asus p5n-e-sli 650i--is looking to be a very good overclocker and it offers sli in 8x8x mode . it is brand new and will likely need a few more bios to get to where the 965p is--which is too say very good . if i was buying today i would likely get the p5n-e-sli .

but you know i allready have a gigabyte s-3 965p --and it's a very good mb . so which one depends on the features you need mostly.
Review over at anandtech for the ASUS P5N-E SLI, 650i based motherboard, and noticed that NVIDIA's chipset are lagging Intel in HD performance. Hopefully this is something they can improve upon with BIOS updates as the results were doubled in recode.
In our Nero Recode test we consistently found the performance of the 680i/650i to be lacking due to disk access issues. The conversion process would consistently slow down while the disk was being accessed. The quality of the video conversion was not affected but it appears under heavy CPU usage that disk performance suffers at this time with both NVIDIA chipsets.
This hasn't been mentioned in the other threads here. While not a deal breaker it's still something to look at esp. when prices are so close together. Well....not taking in to account SLI compatability ;)
Second wave of 965 boards with second generation chips coming out in january too. I'm holding off as long as I can.
FWIW, got a P5N-E Sli today, running my e6300 with 2GB of Wintec Ampx DDR2-800 at DDR2-950, 5-6-6-16-2T timings; 475fsb 7x multi = 3.325GHz..... could go higher but I bought this thing to be economical, not [H]ard; and 3.325GHz is [H]ard enough for a 1.86GHz CPU anyways...... with this board, 2T command rate is a MUST for fsb OCing, at least with my RAM, 1T causes all sorts of issues with my SATA RAID controller....... anything over 350fsb is a bust, 2T will go up to 500fsb, but somewhat unstable....... but this board isn't supposed to be a RAM OCing board anyways, so if that's what you're after, give it a pass, for a nice free speed upgrade it is great though.......
Second wave of 965 boards with second generation chips coming out in january too.

I know about second wave (apply mostly to the G) but second generation? Where have you read P965 will be improved? I'm curious what could be the improvement.

We were also informed that the upcoming enthusiast level Intel P965 motherboards from ASUS and Gigabyte among others should easily reach 550FSB levels with 500FSB being the minimum level of FSB overclocking capability. The manufacturers are very comfortable with the chipset now and the next wave of boards should show additional maturity in their designs. Of course, this comes right before the launch of BearLake in the spring so if you are currently using Intel be prepared for more growing pains with this new release.
Also, we were told that motherboard requirements for the Quad Core series of processors have been clarified and to some degree "tightened" up by new Intel specifications. This is another reason why generation two P965 and generation three 975X boards will be introduced shortly.

Got my eye on the Abit AB9 QuadGT featured several pages later.
Thanks deeznuts for the link. So I guess it's better to wait another month. I was set for around March so no problem. Plenty of reviews to read soon!