66.xx drivers...so fast...but sucky...


Jun 9, 2004
man i wish they would get these thangs working right. my d3 bench goes from 61 fps with 65.xx and down to 84 fps with the 66.xx's. most other games have same results...especially dx9 games...

its almost worth playing with tearing...
Huh? lol

Your fps go from 61 fps down to 84 fps? I believe 61 -> 84 is UP not down.

And what are you talking about tearing? Are you referring to using v-sync?
I think he means with the 65.XX drivers and down the driver numbering scale, i.e. 65.01s, 65.00s, 64.XXs etc.
burningrave101 said:
Huh? lol

Your fps go from 61 fps down to 84 fps? I believe 61 -> 84 is UP not down.

And what are you talking about tearing? Are you referring to using v-sync?

no in cs and some of the 3dmarks u get wireframe lines where textures meet. they show up in random places, like where water meets a wall. i hear if u turn off AA it fixes it, bu ti want aa. the increase is so huge with these drivers..i wish there was a way to fix this problem...
Freakaloin said:
no in cs and some of the 3dmarks u get wireframe lines where textures meet. they show up in random places, like where water meets a wall. i hear if u turn off AA it fixes it, bu ti want aa. the increase is so huge with these drivers..i wish there was a way to fix this problem...

You are complaning over the preformance with BETA-drivers :confused:

Terra - ???
Freakaloin said:
no...i think the performance is great...quality was the subject...

His point was that they are BETA drivers. You should expect problems.
I used to have the same problem with all the 66 class drivers. I've been using the 65.73's because they still work flawlessly.

But Guru3d.com has the 66.82's that are WHQL, I tried those out and now I have the increased speed but no wireframe problem. Try those out and see if they work for you as well.
Freakaloin said:
no in cs and some of the 3dmarks u get wireframe lines where textures meet. they show up in random places, like where water meets a wall. i hear if u turn off AA it fixes it, bu ti want aa. the increase is so huge with these drivers..i wish there was a way to fix this problem...
use the 66.51s from guru3d.com, they've been the best performing drivers for me with no IQ problems, no lines in CSS
i'm using the 65.76 driver now but my 3dmark05 score is 700 points lower and d3 is over 20 fps lower then the 66.72's
Freakaloin said:
no in cs and some of the 3dmarks u get wireframe lines where textures meet. they show up in random places, like where water meets a wall. i hear if u turn off AA it fixes it, bu ti want aa. the increase is so huge with these drivers..i wish there was a way to fix this problem...

I agree been playing source alot lately and before i upgraded to 66.81. everything lookd fine. Now you get seems in the textures and crap. Other things like the weapons look nicer, and things run faster but still.
Thats why they're BETA and not on the official Nvidia download site.
(yes, some may be on their FTP, but thats for dev's etc.... not for end-users)

And WHQL'd doesnt mean its perfect for all games. Especially games which arent even for sale retail yet!