660 Ti and APB Reloaded


Jun 29, 2005
Just got a 660 Ti and I've been playing APB for the past hour when my screen went all glitchy. When the game came back I was getting 15 fps. Do you think this is because I didn't reformat and switched from ATi to nvidia that's causing the problem? I'm gonna keep playing and see if it happens again. Just weird and I don't want problems :(.
went all glitchy is not descriptive enough. Old drivers do nothing if you are on windows 7.
The last time I switched (from an AMD 5870 to a GTX 570) I had a bunch of issues with the nVidia card until I reformatted. Try an installation on a new partition to see if the problem goes away with a fresh start.
The last time I switched (from an AMD 5870 to a GTX 570) I had a bunch of issues with the nVidia card until I reformatted. Try an installation on a new partition to see if the problem goes away with a fresh start.

Word up. I'mma do that at some point tonight. I've been playing for the past hour without it happening again. My game has been doing these weird hiccups every 15 mins where I get static noise and a complete stop for a second.

went all glitchy is not descriptive enough. Old drivers do nothing if you are on windows 7.
By all glitchy I mean screen went black for a second, then came back with red and white squares all over both of my monitors, then went black again and came back to a 15 fps game.
Lol 30 seconds after posting that I closed my game down and my monitors went white and black. Not sure if it had anything to do with me closing the game or just random.
It looks like it's just an APB problem. Go fiiiiiiiiiiiiigure. I swap out one card because it's dying on me and I get a new one with the same problems. :(
New 306 drivers didn't fix it :(. Gonna reformat today and see but I doubt it. I need opinions here dudes. If you were me would you send the card back to newegg and get AMD counterpart or should I wait and hope they eventually fix this?