6600 problem in games


Limp Gawd
Oct 29, 2002
Hiya guys, I was playing some nfs when suddenly the textures messed up. lighting, colour and everything else were completely mad. I originally thought 'hmm must be a problem with nfs' so i tried playing a bit of quake 4, and the same thing happened. Here's an image of what it looked like:


I've tried lowering the clock settings and reinstalling drivers. The card is firmly in place and doesn't seem to be overheating. Watching Videos and using 2D apps have not been affected.

Does anyone know what's happening?

Thank a lot
Check the temps of the card you should see what they are sitting at. Because that what it sounds and looks like.
right i'll monitor the temps and try and see if something is wrong. I've lowered my core all the way back down to 360 and i'll try a couple of games to see what happens. Ram is at 570

Update: No luck, every texture is still messed up. The graphics card seems to be drawing random textures. Could this be a problem with the core or memory?
would you believe it...i took the graphics card and gave it a good cleaning, replaced my zalman heatsink with the stock one, put it back and it worked. Strange stuff.

thanks for the help guys