6600gt or x800gt (128mb)?? That is the final question.


Nov 24, 2003
Have pci-express and am torn between these two cards. They are in the exact same price range (under 140) at newegg. Which is better? Please do not tell me to spend more cause this is all i got to work with, so which one is it? (if my emachine PSU is not up to it, may need new one)x800gt (128mb) OR 6600gt It look like the x800gt has newer features (2.0 openGL versus 1.5, etc), but performance wise is it the best option? Was leaning towards the x800gt 128mb version. Was searching for reviews and the x800gt 256mb was better than the 6600gt, but there is no reviews on the 128mb version. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

PC is (Emachine (don't ask), AMD64+ 3500+ (s939), 1 gig ram, and pci-epxress x16 linky

This is for my roomate (parents just bought him the PC) and he needs a vid card. It is his money we are spending not mine.
Well check this for BF2:

Doom 3:


The X800GT has 6 Vertext Pipe lines... 6600GT only has 3.... But the 6600GT has SM3, Higher clocks, and if you have a SLi board you can have two of them.

So if I was you... 6600GT.
i don't see 6600GT as a viable SLI card, for one a single 6800GT would give you roughly the same performance and less head ache

perfonally i like the x800GT better, they are really almost identicle, and i would just go with which ever one you would be more comfortable with, seeing as you probably will never be able to tell which card is under the hood (either the 6600GT or the x800GT)
so its between a X800GT 128mb or a 6600GT right?, well if i were you i would get a 6600GT for sure, because the 128mb model of the X800GT is crappy, the 256mb X800GT is alot better, i for one use a 6600GT and so far it has been great for a mid range card. I don't get why ATI make the 128mb model X800GT so crappy.
If you get a X800GT 256MB you have a good chance of getting a wicked overclock, or even beable to flash the bios to a far more superior card. With the GT02's we've seen people make X850XT's out of them.
well it looks like the 6600gt is the one to get since the 128mb version of x800gt sucks, but if my roomate forks over a little more cash, i will tell him to get the x800gt 256mb version. Thanks for the info.