670 Help


Feb 11, 2008
I have come to my wits end on this thing. At this point I have replaced everything except for the video cards so really there is nothing else to do but buy a new video card. But I figured I would post this up anyways to see if anyone had any ideas or had seen this before.

Let me start with my initial configuration:
Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3P
Intel i7 3770K
ASUS GTX Direct CU II TOP 670 x 2
16GB DDR3 G.Skill Sniper 1600
Corsair HX850 PSU
HP ZR30w LCD & Dell 2007FP

The issue only happens when I play BF4. The machine will either blackscreen and then reboot or I will get a Windows error alert and if I can alt tab I get the various errors similar or the same as the ones below. The errors are not always the same, but I have seen the insufficient memory a few times. I am able to play other games Skyrim, Dirt: Showdown, Diablo III RoS. Skyrim to me is just as graphically intensive as BF4 and I am able to play that no problem.



I have done all of the following for troubleshooting:
Fresh install of Win 8.1
Fresh install of Win 10
Fresh Driver install
Rolled back to previous drivers
I keep my games on a separate SSD and generally point the client(Steam, Origin or Battlenet) to the secondary drive. Saves me from having to redownload everything.
Nuked my game files after a fresh OS install and downloaded everything again.
Updated/Made sure my directx is up to date
Updated Punkbuster
Tried each video card individually
Tried different combinations of pci-e power cables
New mobo, CPU, RAM and RMAd my Corsair PSU

The reason I even RMAd my PSU was it seemed like when I used a certain set of pci-e power cables on a single card I would get the reboot.

My upgraded setup is now:
Intel i7 4790K
Refurbed - Corsair HX850 PSU
24GB DDR3 G.Skill Sniper 1600

Like I said above I think I am pretty much looking at a new video card(s), but just wanted to see what the folks of [H] had to say or if there is anything else I should try before dropping $600.
Skyrim its years far of being as intensive as BF4. in the other hand if the error mostly happens in BF4 I think its normal first because you are playing at 2560x1600 with a 2GB card.. so the issues are mostly you are running out of vRAM and the game its crashing.. have you disabled the PageFile?..
Skyrim its years far of being as intensive as BF4. in the other hand if the error mostly happens in BF4 I think its normal first because you are playing at 2560x1600 with a 2GB card.. so the issues are mostly you are running out of vRAM and the game its crashing.. have you disabled the PageFile?..

I have not done the PageFile, I will give it a shot.

I had been successfully playing with the original configuration since the game came out. So the vRAM possibility is puzzling to me. I know NVIDIA changed their drivers to "Game Ready" I rolled back to last non Game Ready driver and had the same issue.
I would check first the PageFile and RAM.. 24GB RAM sound weird for today dual channel and quad channel systems.. typo of 32GB?.

Reduce ingame settings (preferably resolution scaling, AntiAliasing and Texture Levels) and check in real time the vRAM usage.. if the problem stop with this then you can address all the issues to the low vRAM because that's where the second picture are pointing to..
You should always have at least a 1GB swap file available, in my opinion. There are still some programs and processes that require a swap file to be available. As Araxie said, if you're running out of VRAM the drivers may have tried to move the extra framebuffer data into virtual memory, and when it wasn't available the device hung and caused the game to crash.
24GB of RAM, because I had two extra 4GB sticks laying around so I added those to the two 8GB sticks I bought for the latest upgrade.

Forgot to mention I previously have 4 x 4GB sticks of RAM and tried them in many configurations to make sure I didn't have a RAM issue.
Have you tried the game at a lower resolution? That's an easy way to check for vram limits

And yeah, nothing has changed inn your setup...except for Windows updates, and likely BF4 updates. People have complained about Mantle getting broken with BF4 updates, so it's not unheard of.

Also, I recall way back in the day: a late-in-life update to Battlefield 2 broke the game for my 6600 GT. It was a memory leak, so it crashed randomly after X amount of time. What had worked fine for a year was fixed only with a new video card.

BF4 is also in that same late stage of life where they hand-off the updates to the summer intern. So could be that. Try lots of different video settings to see if one in particular is the trigger.
Well not paying full price for Hardline, now Battlefront that's a different story!

Thanks for the suggestions all. At work unfortunately so can't test till this evening. I will post back my findings.
Latest updated.

Decided to try the nvidia beta drivers for Win 10. Now I get to see my BIOS splash screen and then nothing. Will have to try and put in my installation media and repair windows, or just reinstall the OS again.

The saga continues.......
Found out with the Beta Win 10 Drivers it won't display with my second monitor hooked up. Disconnected and able to get into Windows.

Played some single player on medium, watching EVGA Precision memory usage didn't go above 210mb. Got through part of the level and as soon as I hit some fighting action it rebooted on me. Really not sure what the heck is going on.
One or both video cards could be on its way out. You have to go low-level and start eliminating potential issues one-by-one. I would start by testing one video card at a time and in different PCI-E slots, and then go after the system RAM.
One or both video cards could be on its way out. You have to go low-level and start eliminating potential issues one-by-one. I would start by testing one video card at a time and in different PCI-E slots, and then go after the system RAM.

Honestly I have done all that already, which lead to the upgrade in mobo, CPU and RAM. So at this point must just be something going on with the cards. Guess it's time to start looking....

Thanks for the responses everyone.