680 -> 780 worth it?


Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2012
Hey guys, have been in a dilemma quite a bit on whether i should stick with my 680 or go for a 780 although not being two generations forward, I game at 1080p and not going to shift to 2.5k anytime soon so need suggestions of gaming at that res. I want to be geared up for the next gen titles now that PS4 and the Xbox one is gonna launch soon. I like to game at a smooth 60 fps with details turned up with a bit of AA. what do you guys think?.
1080p can be maxed with a graphics rendering hamster I think :p
780 is only 25% faster than the 680, so unless you are struggling for FPS (which I seriously doubt at 1080p) I'd stick with what you have.
Just picked up 780s in SLi as well. Needed them for 144 fps 2D gaming or 60 fps solid 3D gaming. Should be good. Latest games were taxing my 680s (e.g., Metro Last Light and Tomb Raider) in maintaining 60 fps in 3D games.

I game at 1080P.
A second 680 would do you good, $300 used here on the forum, but only if you're having some low FPS. There are only a few games that really would need it, but I can understand because anything less than 60FPS makes my eyes feel a bit irritated.
Keep your 680 and buy another 680 down the road for SLI goodness.
Keep your 680 and buy another 680 down the road for SLI goodness.

I would suggest this as well. Second hand 680's can be had really cheap nowadays.

It was worth the jump for me, but in pure raw performance, two 680's will outperform a single 780.
Get a second GTX 680 or wait for the next generation GPUs. They should come out not long after the XBO and PS4.
A second 680 would do you good, $300 used here on the forum, but only if you're having some low FPS. There are only a few games that really would need it, but I can understand because anything less than 60FPS makes my eyes feel a bit irritated.

That's exactly what I did. 1080p gaming isn't going away anytime soon. Heck even the new gen consoles (Xbone & PS4) struggle at 1080p barely making 30fps on them I heard from some colleagues at my work. Only some games run at 60fps but those are fighting games like Killer Instinct etc.

I found this where it's being said, maybe rumored: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgnNqKcgO9Q
Some people dont realize. Sure 1080p gaming you should be fine for some, but some people want to run 120+ fps since they run a 120hz monitor.

You can't do that with 2x680's in SLI.

Like Kickass said in this thread, for 120hz+ people @ 1080p, 2x780 gtx's is the sweet spot.
Some people dont realize. Sure 1080p gaming you should be fine for some, but some people want to run 120+ fps since they run a 120hz monitor.

You can't do that with 2x680's in SLI.

Like Kickass said in this thread, for 120hz+ people @ 1080p, 2x780 gtx's is the sweet spot.

I didn't realize, thanks for the info.

Considering that my "gaming" PC is the same as my "everything" pc, I find it difficult to dedicate $1300 in GPU alone to have such little real estate (can't even fit 2 full sized website windows side by side) for non-game applications. My SLI 670's are playing Cry3 @1440p between 55 and 60fps. In my mind, that's just (and I mean just) enough power at a resolution nearly twice the size.

Also, I thought the eye can't see past 60fps? Am I mistaken? Or is it more to do with some other effect 120hz has?
Some people dont realize. Sure 1080p gaming you should be fine for some, but some people want to run 120+ fps since they run a 120hz monitor.

You can't do that with 2x680's in SLI.

Like Kickass said in this thread, for 120hz+ people @ 1080p, 2x780 gtx's is the sweet spot.

Yeah, I'm sure you'd need some serious power to run that, but this person wants 60fps at 1080p with "a bit of AA". Totally possible, I believe, for two 680s. Not to take away from what you're saying, but it's not necessary here to spend that amount of money to get the performance the OP is eyeing.
Also, I thought the eye can't see past 60fps? Am I mistaken? Or is it more to do with some other effect 120hz has?

When you play a game are you just sitting there in a chair, sitting back and watching?

You can "feel" the difference well beyond 100 fps and for competitive FPS gaming it can be a game changer.

If you have a lightboost enabled monitor (in 2D) you need to maintain that high of a framerate to take advantage of what lightboost has to offer (emulating CRT like motion, with practically no motion blur)
It is only worth it if your also going to update your monitor to lightboost, and take advantage of what 120 Hz has to offer. Otherwise the chip the 780 is based on came out last year, so the next gen will not be that far off.

Personally, I'm going to upgrade to the 780 since before I was at the x60 level, and now I can afford to keep myself at the x80 level, I'm gin g to just sell/give away my old card.
I'd wait. If you get high end cards x80's, you can almost go two years without an upgrade.

Since the newest console generation is almost upon us, games (and ports to PCs) will start to incorporate DX11 and hexa to octo core CPUs better. I unloaded my system a few months back.

I'm waiting for the next round of GPUs frankly... When we might start seeing 2nd generation PS4 and Xbone titles.