6800 AA/AF Explained?

Jan 8, 2001
Is there a guide up somewhere online that explains which types of AA/AF are available on the 6800 in the options menu. I've seen things about super sampling AA, etc, but how do I enable that/disable that, etc?
It's like this:

Right click on the Nvidia icon in the tray in the lower right hand corner.

Go to performance/quality settings
Under there:

Image settings:
High Performance - Bilinear filtering with optimizations
Performance - Bilinear filtering
Quality - Trilinear filtering with optimizations (Brilinear) - best performance/iq tradeoff, the best quality mode ati x800 uses
High Quality - Full Trilinear filtering (no optimizations) - best quality

Antialiasing settings
2x - 2x Rotated Grid Multi Sampling (RGMS)
2xQ - 2x RGMS with Quincunx - looks more like 4x at the speed of 2x, but kinda blurry
4x - 4x RGMS - excellent looking all around mode
8xS - 1x2 Supersampling + 4x RGMS - slowest but best quality

Ansiotropic Filtering:
Obviously various levels of AF are here. 8x is the best one to use, 16x is overkill.