6800 GT PCI Express or 7800 GTX PCI Express?


Limp Gawd
Aug 13, 2004
So the time has come for me to get my final piece of my new system - the Video Card.

But the other problem is money. I can only spend around $300-400 each paycheck on the new hardware, so I've been pretty limited on what I can get. I have splurged a little bit and put myself in an almost broke state for a month, but I've gotten a few great pieces so far for the new system.

But my dilmena is also this: I want a system I won't have to upgrade for at least another 2-3 years tops. The 7800 GTX would let me do that, but I'd also have to wait and save up for the next month to get one. $600 is prettty high. The 6800 GT however, is around $300-360. I can afford that, and it seems to be a fairly good card - and if I wanted to, I could get a 2nd one to run them in SLI Mode (got an Asus A8N-SLI Mobo).

So any suggestions? I'm leaning more towards the 6800 GT mainly b/c I can afford it. The 7800 GTX, although the better and more powerful card, is just a wee bit too expensive to buy in one chunk for my salary. :(

Please, no suggestions about getting an inferior ATI card. I don't need a load of garbage plugged into my new system. :eek:
Some others can chime in here and help you find some good places on prices, I know i've seen some much cheaper 7800 GTX's out there, check in the hot deals forum, there is some method of going through Dell and getting a cheaper 7800 GTX.

I'd strive for that though, since you aren't going to be upgrading for 2-3 years.
if you can afford the 7800GTX from dell, thats a great deal. and after that, you can go later a few months and splurge on another one!
at $460 its a much easier decision... go with the 7800GTX.

I've got to wait for either an AGP 7800GTX or maybe a complete system overhaul (to get PCIe). Personally, I'm hoping for an AGP 7800GTX by Xmas for my present to me from me!
there are also many other cards you should check out! Shop around on other cards too!