6800GS averaging 100C


Nov 25, 2005
This has been happening awhile now. Runing games like FEAR it is stay between 97-100, 100 normaly. This happens when just playing normaly. My fan is running at 100% and have other cases fans going aswell. One at the front blowing back which goes over the card. All the back bits are popped out and there are no other PCI or anything cards underneath the card to interfere. So i'm getting confused onto why it is running this hot. The card is OC'd to 480/1200 which is lower than other clocks I used to run awhile back, 535/1360.

Idle runs in the mid 50's with the fan at 25%.

Is it just an inefecient HSF? I don't know the difference compared till when I bought the card because I wasn't using Rivatuner at the time. Would getting the latest drivers help?

Any help would be much appreciated.

EDIT: I will see what other games like Company of Heros and Halo are like.
Has this always happen? Like you just got the card now and you dont think its right or this just started sometime ago?

If you just got the card, bad thermal paste contact?

If you had it for a while and now it started, maybe heatsink fan is failing or maybe just reapply the thermal paste still and see what happens.
Could just be the hsf, my stock cooler on my x800xl saw 80c and up when under load, I bought a zalman zf900 and idle temps are now 31c (in winter) :D I suggest getting one of these especially if your ocing even if the hsf isnt the problem, also try to monitor the temps with another program
From your sig, I am guessing that you overclocked it?
Some of those GS cards were just plain crap imo. The hsf really was meant for stock speeds. On the other hand, I have heard of insane overclocks with a new hsf. Give a Zalman a try.
Well it's Christmas (4 hours for me ;)) and i'm going away on New Years fora week so I can't purchase anything in the current week but product recomendations would be helpful.

Yes it's the stock HSF. I don't have any spare paste around and the stores are closed till January 4th or something where I live. Rivatuner also says the ambient temp is 38C but rises to 40C in games. That's kinda hot isn't it?

I've had the card since the 6800GS came out, which was last Christmas, so a year now.

I havn't been watching my card lazy because at the time, one I didn't really think I would need to for the obvious reasons and two I didn't have a 2nd moniter.

I did pick up a Dell CRT from my brother whcih runs at 1600x1200 which I use all the time with my LCD, I heard running 2 moniters raises card temp?


EDIT: What other programs can I use to moniter GPU temps? All I have is Rivatuner, Nvidia control panel (which is same as rivatuner) and Asus Probe which doesn't even measure GPU temps -.- My CPU temps are fine. Though it runs passivly cooled, could that be a contributing factor since it's above the video card?

Anyway, When I put my hand to the back bottom where the thigns have been popped out the air is cool, but next to the PSU it's hot...

EDIT2: Bloody hell!! I started up Halo and left the room to dry some dishes and I come back and on the other moniter I see the core temp at 99C!! It's just in the menu and nothing has been done. I'm not running anything else grpahicly consumng in the background or anything. It just slowly rose from 68C to 99C in 6 mins, leveling at 99C.
Having owned a 6800 GS for a year now myself, I believe I should put in my two cents. 100 degrees C is completely out of whack, and I suggest exercising your manufacturers' warranty. I played the heck out of F.E.A.R. demo, Halo, Half-Life 2, and a few other games before I upgraded to the Arctic Cooling NV5 fan and after I overclocked an already stock-overclocked card (as a reference, the XFX card I have came out of the box with a stock 485 MHz core clock and 1.1 GHz RAM clock, and I augmented the card with a different cooler only because the stock cooling solution was the noisiest component in my build). In both cases, before and after modding the cooling, the idle temp floats around 38 C and load temps never went above 50 C at any given point of time, even after hours of gaming. Something is definitely off kilter here, and I'm thinking either the fan is crapping out or maybe the GPU didn't take a year's worth of overclocking very well with the stock cooler.
When I ran games with the stock settings, 425/1000 it loaded at 80C and idles at 50C, exactly... I'll go have a a check on the time of the warrenty since i'm sure it's passed the good ol' 1 year.

EDIT: I found the invoice and that stuff so it's ready to return if need be but at their site they don't have the 6800GS anymore, i'll take care of that later, maybe I could upgrade to a 7600GT for free ;)

Anyone know how long the warrenty for galaxy products or any other 6800GS cards are for? I found the box but it doesn't have the warrenty length on it anywhere, unlike my Asus box :D I can't find the manual either so any help there would be helpful since i've searched galaxy's site, leadteks, gigabites, newegg and the site I bought it from all with no luck.


EDIT2: Well here's a SS on where I was playng FEAR for about 10-20mins, the first few levels.

I was messing around with changing 2xQ AA on and off via Nvidia control panal, since I like that better than normal AA :) And the sqaures are when I minimized and maximized. It was averaging 99C at the end as you can see for awhile. Though it's nearly midnight and i've got Christmas tomorrow so I need some sleep ;) I am using drivers 91.45, modded ones from 3Dguru which allows me to use transparancy AA on my 6800GS. That shouldn't make a difference right? I will try the latest if you guys think it might help.

Could this be a problem with running a CRT and LCD? It's in dual screen not horizontel. But it shouldn't rise the temp this much right?
What temperatures do you get when you clock it back down? The reference 6800GS is pretty heavily clocked for the 6800 series anyway, so it may just be that the reference speeds are already pushing the limit of the stock cooler.
Well I played FEAR, Halo and Company of Hero's earlier and took pictures after awhile, normaly about 10-20mins each actually.



Company of Hero's:

As you can see those tests where done with the stock clocks and 100% fan speed. The picture was just a normal screenshot saved as a JPG, with fraps running. Though on CoH I must have caught it at a bad moment :( Anyway, that is high none the less. I was going to wait for what you guys say before I send an email off to the store asking for a replacement or something, even though they don't sell the 6800GS anymore.

All of the games where played without AA which was off for me...

That should be enough proof to send via email? Should I play some Oblivion or BF2? :p Testing is very much important ;)


EDIT: I did play FEAR with just the LCD for 10mins and the difference was having FEAR 2C less, 95C.

I runs in the 50's idle. Right now it's 51C but changes when i'm in other things like photoshop, where it goes up to about 54C.
I played Oblivion and same problem, though since it's all picky about screenshots I didn't get one with rivatuner on the other screen :( Tried fraps, but that only got oblivion.

Does anyone know the warranty? Would be very helpful :)

EDIT: Even with not great airflow around the card would make such a difference when I have an opening at the back where air can flow freely easily. Should I try moving a 120mm fan to be blowing under the card like when i did my Ghetto Mod to the card ages back :cool: I didn't use it long though. Was to scared the fan would drop off :p It ran about 5C cooler when I did that. I also have a picture of the idle temp when I did it if I look.

Found it.

See how it's alot cooler when I did that comapred to now where it's 50's? So I guess it's semi recent.
I have the AGP version of the 6800GS and the idle is around 49c with an ambient of 38c. On a load the card never goes above 60c with the AC5 I installed.
I didn't see that anybody had ask this so I will, have you cleaned out the heatsink? If it's all clogged up with dust in there it'll get insane temps. Take a can of air duster and blow thru it see if that doesn't help some. If that doesn't help you might just have to apply a fresh coat of your favorite TIM.
another vote to CFHS. You gotta take the cover off to get the really caked up dust outta there. Also check the fan blades for buildup that will lower its efficiency.
while you got the cover off, I'd suggest reapplying some thermal compound, silver preferrably, just not TOO much.
Well after actually finding the screwdriver I took off the cover and yes there was a little bit of dust. Now loads at 60. Thanks.
Oh yeah, might as well warn others that dust can make a 40C difference if not attended too :eek:
aZn_plyR said:
a "little" bit of dust dropped load by 39c LMFAO.

Ok, so the airflow was a little restricted by the dust :D Anyway, I put it at 25% fan speed and it's only running at 81C load. I guess that awhile ago I started using 100% for load and that made the collection of dust become alot more, so... I feel so stupid :(

EDIT: Why don't I jsut use my ghetto design and then there wouldn't be a collection of dust anymore :D