6800gt and Call of Duty: UO


Jan 24, 2001
Wasn't sure if this should go here or in the Games section, but I thought I would try here first. I am having issues here guys and need some advice/help.

I currently have a PNY 6800GT 256 in a system with:

P4 3.2 @3.2 HT
1 GB PC3200 Corsair LL
Abit IS7
WinXP Pro
256 MB aperture set in BIOS
latest WHQL Detonators 71.24?, but same with 61.77 and 66.93 which are the other ones I have handy. I have used Drivercleaner between each new set of drivers.
Same problems running stock 350/1.0 or OC'ed 415/1.12

I am having issues in COD:UO where I getting a MAX of 80 or maybe 90 fps @ 1600x1200 (using a Dell FP2001 monitor). My avg fps is hovering more around 50ish. These numbers seem really low to me and I am wondering what the heck I can do to get them back to normal. I have checked to make sure that Vsync is off and that AA and AF are set to application specific in the profiles and are off in the game.

The part that is weird is that even if I drop to 1280x1024, which is the only other res that the monitor can use, the framerates stay the same. This leads me to believe that perhaps it is a driers issue or Windows setting that is wrong.

Does anyone else out there have any suggestions that I can try?
He allready said he did.
I dont know why 50avg and 80max is so bad. I mean as long as it is playable.
believe it or not Call of Duty is a very taxing game. Your frames seem fine for what you have. Turn texture quality down from Very High to High see what happens

Edit: Call of Duty : UO is taxing. The regular Call of Duty isn't that bad. Sorry for the confussion.
there is something definately wrong with that. i play cod professionally (well did)... damn you cpl... lol

i have a 9600xt 256mb and it plays cod capped out at 125 frames.

did you install the latest drivers... not only for you video card, but also for your chipset/mobo?
^^ sorry to nitpick... but jeebs do you mean CoD or CoD:UO. In UO Very high sounds like it would net the poster those frames. I know I dropped one or two options down to HIGH for multiplayer and the extra frames. I play Single all maxed. Oh, and yeah relevance is I have a 6800GT too. 1600*1200 2xAA/8xAF. Sometimes for MP no AA.
Check your monitor refresh rate and if possible see if you can raise it up. If it's running at 60Hz that's probably why your FPS is low. I've found with COD that raising refresh rate has actually increased my framerates. I raised my refresh to 85hz at 1600 and it raised my framerate to ~90fps with my 6800gt. The only problem is, with nvidia's drivers you have to use other apps or patchs to get refresh rate override. I've round that some of the registry patchs to get refresh rate override caused issues and actually killed performance in other things. Good luck. :)
wow... that's pretty sad guys... everyone i know in teamdfi that have 6800's or 6600's for that matter are getting well over 300 frames. the 256 ultra guys are capping at 333 in game. you only need to get to 125 and then put the cap on the frames with the in game command. 125 is the best frames for making all of the jumps.

^just a little off topic =/

anyways... with that setup, something is extremely wrong for you to only get that much frames. somethings not set up right.
"everyone i know in teamdfi that have 6800's or 6600's for that matter are getting well over 300 frames. "

I'd rather have an [H]'er with a 6800GT tell me he gets 120fps average, or something else blowing me away, at my settings of 1600*1200 2xAA/8xAF. It's not that it won't run well higher but for MP it's nice to have frame rate to spare. I just get an ever so slight annoyance here and there with all very high... in MP. I'll try your guys advice though thats for sure. That "some guy over at" 3rd person stuff doesnt do it for me.
i didn't read your post fully and see that you were playing at 1600x1200. but uo shouldn't be that much more taxing than regular cod. granted it does have alot more stuff going on and the maps are larger.

but believe me or not... there are plenty of people capping at 333. they may have their setting in game turned down though... that i can not tell you, but try changing the in game settings like another poster suggested. are you willing to drop the resolution to 1024x768?
Thanks for the responses so far guys. In response to return questions and observations posted:

  • vsync is disabled
  • rates I posted are with in-game graphics settings of High, NO AA/AF :mad:
  • i865 chipset drivers are current as of last week when I really started looking into this.
  • While I am averaging 50 fps, which is playable, I see dips into the 20s and such <-- not so playable
  • Monitor is an LCD and therefore effectively capped at 60Hz refresh. Same rates with/without Coolbits hack.
  • FPS does not change more than 2-3% FPS even when dropping to 1280x1024 <--- definitely an issue here regardless of how intense the game is
  • All the benchmarking information I can find out there and players I have talked to seem to indicate that I should be able to do 16x12 WITH AA/AF and still be in the 100s for avg FPS. Even adjusting for the inevitable e-penis brags. ;)

I am willing to try anything to remedy this since it will annoy me until I get it fixed.

Anyone willing to post or PM me a list of driver/CoD:UO/console settings for comparison?

Thanks again for all the help so far.

<------ Thanks xENo!!
guys that haven't played Call of Duty: UO have no room to talk about the game and how "taxing" it is, so please keep your comments to yourself. Call of Duty: UO for whatever reason is way more taxing than regular Call of Duty. Granted, if you are dipping down into 20's, that is a bit low and there is probably something not right with your machine. Still that as it may be, do not assume COD: UO at full settings will play like any other quake 3 engine game because it will not. Same goes for Metal of Honor: Pacific Assault. That game is about equal to Call of Duty: UO performance wise. While at the same time, MOHAA is easy to run, just like Call of Duty.

Localan, here are some things you will need to check/fix

Set AGP aperture(sp?) to 128 instead of 256.
Set drivers to quality instead of high quality.
Set in game settings texture quality to the 2nd highest (i forget what they call the highest, it is like Very high or something, change that to high)
In response to the fact you dip into 20's, realize that although most games are fine with 1gb ram, not all games are. More ram *could* help. But, i think u would be fine if u changed the above.
Run 1280x1024 resolution

Keep in mind i play this game, and i nearly have the same setup as you and this is how i play and it runs fine.

I hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggetions Tygerwoody:

AGP aperture to 128: No difference
Drivers quality: Currently set to High Performance to get the results I started with
in-game quality. currently Set to High, not Very High
Ram: I think this can help some. I run two instances of Folding in the background all the time and sometimes those use up a bit. I hae never really had any issues running it before with any other game going, including Doom3 and HL2/CS:S but I turned them off yesterday and played a bit and that seemed to yield me about 10% better rates, so maybe it IS time to invest in a second Gig. CachemanXP reports that typically when I am running the game I still have 2-300 MB available though. And for typical use (like right now) I have ~675 MB running.

I see from your sig that you are really close to my setup. Would you mind posting or PMing me your driver version, game settings, etc? Maybe a copy of your config file? And perhaps run through a particular map and keep track of what you see FPS-wise through the in-game counter? Preferably at 1600x1200 if at all possible. I know it is a lot to ask, but I can still hope, right?

Then again, this comp has remained untouched for about 1.5 years now except for the addition of the Video Card and PSU at the time 9 months ago. maybe it is just time for a complete rebuild and/or to get in on some of that sweet A64 action!


<------ Thanks xENo!!
you did run driver cleaner before driver installs right? i use the newest Nvidia approved drivers. 7x.64 but i have used others and they work the same. Also one thing u should do since you said your computer has been "untouched". download a program called ccleaner.exe and just run the basic cleaner scan. It should get rid of all your temp files without having to search around. When i get home ill look to get you that cfg file.
Localan said:
P4 3.2 @3.2 HT

The part that is weird is that even if I drop to 1280x1024, which is the only other res that the monitor can use, the framerates stay the same.

These are the parts of your post that seem more interesting to me.
For me , gaining nothing from lower resolution = cpu limitation.
Which seems reasonable , since you're not using a particularly powerfull cpu.

If you're not comfortable with overclocking the cpu , you could try UNDERclocking it (heavily , try 2.6Ghz or lower) and see if framerates drop , in which case your cpu is the problem.
I read through the post but I am not sure the poster understands that cod capps your fps at 91 even if vsinc is off. Hopefully these commands are right.

Type in the console /com_maxfps 200

Most people put the number at 125 because the word is it's a sweet spot for strafe jumping with the Q3 engine.
JHefile said:
I read through the post but I am not sure the poster understands that cod capps your fps at 91 even if vsinc is off. Hopefully these commands are right.

Type in the console /com_maxfps 200

Most people put the number at 125 because the word is it's a sweet spot for strafe jumping with the Q3 engine.

Very true with all that you have said.