6800gt locking up comp


Feb 7, 2004
lately my video card (evga 6800gt, not OCd) has been acting up a bit and causing my comp to crash while playing most games. after about 5-10 minutes of playing any game (cs works fine somehow) i get this--


its not ram, i ran memtest86 multiple times as well as prime95. during full load the gpu temp is 70 max. Ive had the card for about 5 months but i havent had any problems until yesterday.

any help would be much appreciated.

specs- 3.2c on p4c800e-d, gig of corsair 3200LL 1.1, 460w enermax, some drives and stuff.
Well, if it ran fine for awhile, it hasn't been overclocked, and you diddn't freshly install/upgrade anything, sounds like RMA time :)
sounds like your power supply isnt up to par. see if anything is coming out of the exhaust fan for the psu. you could also open up the case and the psu and see if it doesnt have any substantial dust built up if it does go ahead and clean it and try then.

trying the card on another system would help if you could.
Yeah, check your PSU as others have said...also, which drivers are you running?
The earlier 7x.xx made games and my desktop lock randomly and even gave me "RAM settings are too tight issues" (which has never gone wrong before or since) but with either the last official drivers or latest 71.80's...no problems.