6800GT vs X800XT Performance Analysis

I prefer......

  • the ATi Radeon X800XT

    Votes: 62 49.6%
  • the NVIDIA GeForce 6800GT

    Votes: 56 44.8%
  • Neither thanks, my FX5200 0wnz j00!!

    Votes: 7 5.6%

  • Total voters


Jan 11, 2002
I'm looking around for a new card to replace my beloved 9700Pro and have been checking out the new uber-geepeeyous (as have a few of you other blokes). The high-end models (6800U/UE, X800XTPE) are out of my price range so I've been looking at the next cards down - the 6800GT and X800XT. Conspiracy theorists have assigned shouts of "bias!!" to any review site around that scores one manufacturer above the other these days but I've always trusted AnandTechs reviews. Therefore I looked at their review of the new Leadtek cards to see where the two cards I'm considering stand in performance terms....

LeadTek 6800 and eVGA 6800 Ultra Extreme: New GeForce on the Block

I only looked at the high-end tests because I believe they give the best indication of the cards ultimate 'horsepower'. I doubt many folks would want to invest in one of these cards and not bother with AA and AF being enabled so the tests @ 4xAA and 8xAF were of most interest to me. The only two results @ 1024x768 noAA noAF I included were ones where no higher res/AA/AF settings were tested. Unfortunately, the latest 4.7 Catalyst drivers were too late for the testing so that must also be taken when considering the results. Also, the results for Homeworld 2 showed the XT whupping the XTPE so assuming a typo I transposed the two numbers. The first number is the fps/score of the X800XT and the second is the 6800GT, then the performance advantage is indicated in % terms.


Comparing the numbers between the two cards I found that neither card dominated the other overall but some were clearly superior in certain games. So, in performance terms we see that both are exceptionally fast cards - which one to get depends on the games you play. The X800XT does put in some big wins and the 6800GT some rather small wins though.

The thing that impressed me most about the GT was that it could be so competitive with the X800XT even with the XT's 43% advantage in fill-rate/MHz - very AMD-esque!! Also, the GT has an advantage in overclocking potential versus the XT and it's cheaper too. Those last two points probably swing the decision for me in favour of the GT because there's not much to separate the two cards in performance terms. NVIDIA's uncanny ability to shove vast sums of cash into developer's bank accounts is also worth considering - that could mean better support for 6800 features (ie. SM3.0) in future games. Also, NV may be able to squeeze more fps out of their card through driver development but with the release of the 4.7 cats it's a debatable point.

I'd be very happy with either card quite honestly. The X800XT puts in some very impressive performance numbers but the GT's price, performance and overclocking potential probably put it slightly ahead for my own personal requirements. I'm not saying one card is better than the other, just that the GT looks better for me.

Now, how about a civilized discussion of your personal 6800GT or X800XT preference with mutual respect for other people's opinions and a level of maturity beyond pre-school?? :p
The 6800GT looks good. Price/performance seems to be slightly better than the X800 version it competes against, so I'd go for it if I were you.
NOTE : This is my opinion, feel free to differ!
According to ATI the X800XT will only be available in PCI-Express, and it could retail for as much as $449 when it comes out. On the other hand the 6800GT is available now in AGP form and goes for $399; it's direct competitor pricewise is not the x800xt, but rather the x800PRO. The 6800GT appears to beat the PRO in most games performance wise.

But, even if the x800xt were to become available in AGP, I would go with the 6800GT anyway. It has a superior featureset and is more "future proof" with Shader Model 3.0 and FP blending for HDR. For example, the v1.3 patch of FarCry will feature HDR Lighting on the 6800 series, but not the X800 series, because the ATI cards lack the technology to do "true" HDR with FP16 blending.

The x800 series features 3dc, but that is pretty much just an improved version of DXT5 which the 6800 supports, so you won't be missing out on much there.

In addition, if you are looking for best image quality you might also want to consider the 6800 series. Only the 6800 series offers full trilinear filtering via the control panel (the best the X800 can do is a bilinear/trilinear mix), and only the 6800 series features FP32/128-bit shader precision.

On top of that though, the 6800GT is readily available:

While the X800XT AGP has not even been announced yet, and the x800xtpe agp is nowhere to be found.

Plus most 6800GT cards can be overclocked to 6800U speeds fairly easily using a simple overclocking utility with no modding and using stock cooling.

All in all, the 6800GT seems to be the best choice, especially if you want your card sometime in the next couple of weeks :)

P.S. - The FarCry scores that Anand posted in that review were only using SM2.0, the SM3.0 patch significantly boosts performance for 6800GT cards.
I think I'd choose 6800 GT due to higher performance in OpenGl becouse i prefer Jedi Academy , enemy territory and other q3 based games to D3D titles like Farcry.
Second Nvidia has slight lead with it's DirectX9.0c features which ati doesn't
Third i think 6800GT will be better overcloaker than XT.
I am an ATI fan, usually thats all i buy, but i cant deny the price/performance in my opinion is the 6800GT, however since i always by the high end stuff a x800xt performs a little better with all the eye candy on so that is the one i ordered for my own machine, either way no matter which brand you go to, its a win win, These new Cards are smokin !!
I want to know why the heck Anandtech keeps including an X800XT along with the PE in their review and where they are even getting one when i havn't seen them available anywhere.

They also have the vanilla X800XT listed at $540 with the vanilla 6800u so that would lead to suggest the 6800u extreme and X800XT PE are the top of the line and considered the equals instead of the vanilla 6800u vs PE.

I wish ATI would make up their mind whether there is going to be an X800XT AGP 8x or not.

Is anandtech just downclocking their PE to 500/500??


And in case someone didn't notice, Anandtech didn't re-run the Far Cry benches. They just copied and pasted the scores from the previous run-through.

For this test, we used the scores from our recent FarCry patch analysis article. We pulled the shader model 2.0 numbers for an apples-to-apples comparison, but the numbers from the previous generation cards were run with the 1.1 version of FarCry. So, these numbers relate less than other benchmarks. Still, we've had plenty of requests for a reference point, so we decided to include the numbers.


And if you look back at one of their previous reviews here:


You can see the X800XT AGP only had a 0.4 fps lead in Far Cry at 1600x1200 w/ 4xAA + 8xAF.

You could give these sites the same video cards, same drivers, same everything, and they would all produce completely different results each time lol.
burningrave101 said:
You could give these sites the same video cards, same drivers, same everything, and they would all produce completely different results each time lol.

I think that reflects the fact that neither of the two companies cards really stand out over the other one. One is a bit faster here while the other is a bit faster there depending on how the card is tested and the drivers used. That should tell us the reader something about the hardware.
Although I have enjoyed ATI for some time my choice is the GT, My suspicions about this card have been born out. It effortlessly clocks to Ultra speeds and for the money, I believe its the best card choice for me at this time. I will be upgrading to the ultra to get dual dvi and for the even more oc potential afforded by dual power inputs.
I actually have an x800XT-PE already and I am very pleased with it.

However, if I were going to by a card today I would probably get the GT simply because almost everyone seems to be able to get really good Overclocks with them and this is bringing the GT numbers up to PE ranges in many games, while costing $100 less. You can't complain about that!
burningrave101 said:
I want to know why the heck Anandtech keeps including an X800XT along with the PE in their review and where they are even getting one when i havn't seen them available anywhere.

They also have the vanilla X800XT listed at $540 with the vanilla 6800u so that would lead to suggest the 6800u extreme and X800XT PE are the top of the line and considered the equals instead of the vanilla 6800u vs PE.

Well the PE is at least shipping. More or less. I mean people actually have them though up here in Canada they are basically non-existant. Rather irritating actually. I *want* to buy an XT PE, I *have the money* to buy an XT PE, I just cant get one. And if it comes down to the 6800GT vs the X800Pro, with no XT PE in sight, I'm going 6800GT in a heartbeat.
Well like it or leave it I went for the GT this round Price and Availablity namely. I should be able to overclock it fairly well and its all good. I am an ATi fanboy since the 8500 but I am also a performance hound we will see!
I'm planning on getting a 6800GT as soon as I get a new job. Well, that is as soon as I get a new job & can find the BFG 6800GT OC in stock somewhere w/o a massive markup. (I'll pay $430, but I'm not paying $450)
I'd get an Ultra, but it won't fit in my rig. The X800XT-PE would be interesting if I wasn't a Linux whore. So a 6800GT it is.

edit: Got an interview today in 2.5 hours. Wish me luck!
zandor said:
edit: Got an interview today in 2.5 hours. Wish me luck!
Good luck! Give 'em hell buddy, that's the only way to get people's attention. Y'know, smash the place up a bit, shout and use foul language. Hasn't worked for me so far but I think the theory is sound. :p
Wow, now this is a great thread. No flaming, no insulting, etc., just good natured discussion over the merits of both cards...great read and a fresh approach to the flame wars lately.... :p
Well, I cancelled my order for the XT PE over at PC Connection, they said they *should* be getting it around 7/15, but I seriously doubt that. And seeing so many good things about the 6800 GT, I decided go with that instead because of its price, overclockability, and performance. For 400 bucks, that's pretty darn good for what you are getting. 399 w/free shipping at newegg :)
TheRapture said:
Wow, now this is a great thread. No flaming, no insulting, etc., just good natured discussion over the merits of both cards...great read and a fresh approach to the flame wars lately....
Yeah, I'm pretty pleased with it so far. I just hope we can maintain the air of civility.....

....you jerk. :p

Hehe, just kidding. ;)
Tenks said:
For 400 bucks, that's pretty darn good for what you are getting. 399 w/free shipping at newegg
You're lucky. It's hell trying to find one in the UK - and they're about $540+shipping. :mad:
TheRapture said:
Wow, now this is a great thread. No flaming, no insulting, etc., just good natured discussion over the merits of both cards...great read and a fresh approach to the flame wars lately.... :p
I've noticed that too. It's so nice to see ATI and NV so close to each other that both sides are finally getting respect. I remember the days before the 9700 when NV users would harass ATI users about having slow cards. Of course I was being harrassed through both periods for being a Matrox owner, but whatever. Now I'm an NV whore, but I'll start looking at ATI as soon as thier Linux drivers catch up.
zandor said:
It's so nice to see ATI and NV so close to each other that both sides are finally getting respect.
I agree. When two companies have their top products competing so closely the real winners are us - the gamers. The competition will drive prices down and speed-up development of driver performance, gaming eye-candy and even faster hardware (NV48, R430). I'm also pleased to see NV back in the game finally, it seems like they've been getting their asses whupped since the 9700Pro starting beating the Ti4600 with a sock full of quarters back in ought-two (dagnabbit). :eek:
TheRapture said:
Wow, now this is a great thread. No flaming, no insulting, etc., just good natured discussion over the merits of both cards...great read and a fresh approach to the flame wars lately.... :p

Yeah I know right! Everyone is happy so good job to both companies.
coz said:
Good luck! Give 'em hell buddy, that's the only way to get people's attention. Y'know, smash the place up a bit, shout and use foul language. Hasn't worked for me so far but I think the theory is sound. :p

Whenever I've gone to an interview, I always wait until the interviewer asks "What position are you applying for?" then I get this funny look and say "...yours". :cool:
advanced101101 said:
Lets also not forget the OCing power of the x800pro!
Wow, nice overclock. Your 20% overclock is far better than the average though. A quick check around a few X800Pro reviews (not cherry-picked, just the first ones I found) show the following overclocks (core only).........

513MHz [H], 567MHz [H], 528MHz (Bjorn3D), 533MHz (VRZone), 527MHz (VRZone), 550MHz (Digit-Life - with extra cooling), 520MHz (Hothardware), 542MHz (Hothardware).

So, the average overclock here is 535MHz - 12.63% over stock core speed (475MHz). However, I've seen plenty of GT owners/reviews hitting the 420-430MHz range - that's 20-23% over stock core speed (350MHz). Also remember that's 20% more performance from 16 pipes instead of the X800Pro's 12.

When I get a GT I'll have to balance the overclocking performance gain against the extra fan noise - I like things quiet right now!! Then again I'll probably get some water-cooling hooked up on the GPU n' CPU to make it even quieter. :)
Whoa!! The poll is looking pretty close (33-GT 30-XT) right about now. :)
I have to say that I'm amazingly impressed with both cards. My hat goes to nVidia this time though, for several reasons.

1. It's a PS3.0 part. They'll have a consumer part in the market, with feedback, driver issues, etc all worked out already when we start needing PS3.0. ATi doesn't have that luxury yet.
2. They kept up/outperform, on a totally new core! That's always impressive.
3. It's a down-clocked ultra, so OC and you're the same. ATi cut the pipes on the Pro, so you can't keep up with an OCed XTPE.
BTW coz the results in this poll are gonna be messed up for one reason:

when you say x800xt, many people are thinking x800xt-pe because the x800xt is pci-express only and not out... OTOH some are thinking X800PRO.

Your poll option should have been x800pro versus 6800gt if you were looking for comparison of $399 agp cards. :)
tranCendenZ said:
Your poll option should have been x800pro versus 6800gt if you were looking for comparison of $399 agp cards.
I was after feedback for the two cards I was interested in purchasing - the X800XT and 6800GT. I didn't realise that the X800XT was PCIe only though so my comparison should have been X800Pro vs 6800GT......as you said. :)
First off, hats off to ATi for creating the best Anisotropic Filtering so far. With their patent-pending technology there isn't a noticeable image quality reduction at all, and only a slight hit to performance even at 16x AF. This is an example of what nVidia should continue to strive for.

From the perspective of an image quality junky that plays MMORPGs and RTSs, you just can't compete against the 6800 series period. Why? 8xS Anti-Aliasing baby! I've been impatiently wishing for the day when they finally release a card that can smooth out the jaggy looking crap for vegetation, tree branches and monsters' extremities out there. 6800 is it!

Also the $300 (+$22 tax) deal for a 6800 GT made me buy it =P
I ordered an X800 XT but Im getting mighty tired of the notices saying delivery has been pushed back another week. Just got one today that says 7/15 is the date now. I ordered back in early June. ATi needs to get its act together or this long time fan is going to buy a GT :mad:
Unit-0 said:
First off, hats off to ATi for creating the best Anisotropic Filtering so far. With their patent-pending technology there isn't a noticeable image quality reduction at all, and only a slight hit to performance even at 16x AF. This is an example of what nVidia should continue to strive for.
Yeah. The X800 series card's AF performance is awesome.
Dorsai said:
I ordered an X800 XT but Im getting mighty tired of the notices saying delivery has been pushed back another week. Just got one today that says 7/15 is the date now. I ordered back in early June. ATi needs to get its act together or this long time fan is going to buy a GT
Being an early adopter really brings true meaning to the term 'bleeding-edge'.

/rant mode on

Last Tuesday a UK supplier (www.overclockers.co.uk) announced a 'large quantity' of XFX 6800GT cards arriving Thursday (yesterday) with 'plenty' left after back-orders were fulfilled. I placed an order soon after the announcement and started my patient wait. On Thursday I checked their forums for any mention of the arriving cards and found a message by an OCUK employee that they were getting only 50 GT cards in sometime next week. I asked why they had told us so many were available for Friday delivery when in reality it would probably be only a few (I doubt 50 would cover original pre-orders) and much later than announced? I didn't get a reply so I asked the question again and mentioned that it was no wonder they scored about 3 our of 10 on a UK reseller rating site. When I checked the thread this morning my post was gone and I was banned!! Now the thread is full of angry people without the cards they have already paid for while OCUK sit and earn interest off their money! All they have to do is keep telling people there will be stock 'any day soon' and they gather huge numbers of pre-orders and money in the process. One guy has been waiting 2 months for his card, all the time OCUK have had his money. Ok, it's not their fault they don't have the cards in stock but they're misleading people about when to expect them so they can gather pre-orders and take their money!

/rant mode disabled

Now I've cancelled my order with them and will begin to patiently wait again until someone else has one in stock. Maybe one of my American chums will send me a $399 GT eh? :)
I had a x800xt pe pre-order, but I cancelled it because of the $299 price tag for the 6800GT at the time, should've bought like 5 of them at that price.
Anyone know if the only component missing from the GT is the molex connector? Or are there some other parts not populated as well? I would like to know the possibility of throwing another molex on there to get more power into the card like an ultra. Can anyone with one elaborate?
101 said:
Anyone know if the only component missing from the GT is the molex connector? Or are there some other parts not populated as well? I would like to know the possibility of throwing another molex on there to get more power into the card like an ultra. Can anyone with one elaborate?

6800GT has slower memory chips, missing a molex, and is dvi/vga instead of dual dvi.
tranCendenZ said:
6800GT has slower memory chips, missing a molex, and is dvi/vga instead of dual dvi.

Actually, after pulling my card apart yesterday, I found out its not just a missing molex connector. Theres two voltage regulartors missing, two mosfets, along with some other circuitry as well.
101 said:
Anyone know if the only component missing from the GT is the molex connector? Or are there some other parts not populated as well?
It depends on the manufacturer. The NV reference 6800GT was missing the 2nd molex connector, some caps, resistors and mosfets too. eVGA's GT looks like it has all the same components (excluding the 2nd molex) as the Ultra though - at least looking at the picture of one on their website. You'd have to verify that with an owner of a retail eVGA GT card.
Yeah the two FETs for the VT223 are under that skinny heatsink extrusion kind of hard to verify unless you remove it.
I've found both cards at a pretty cheap price, but I would have to side with ATI this time. Their job with the Af is amazing. Although, nVidia's PS 3.0 might have a chance to win me back.