6850 is downclocking, how to stop it?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 17, 2000
Hey guys, I've been annoyed by this strange issue since I got my 6850 at the end of January this year.

I finally tracked it down to that when a youtube video is playing on the secondary monitor the card clocks down (300Mhz GPU, down from 820Mhz courtesy of MSI Afterburner) regardless of what I'm playing on the primary monitor (usually WoW, BFBC2, whatever).

Now I'm not over or under clocking this card, I don't think I've got any CCC or other stuff configured to do this. Is this something in the card's bios that I can change? Heat isn't an issue, nor is power consumption.
I do not have specifics, but I suspect "2d mode" as being the culprit. Check ccc to see if it has a 2d mode or comparable mechanism set to automatic activation.
Right click the YouTube video, settings, uncheck "Enable Hardware Acceleration"

Worked for me with the same issue, good luck
two options, change the 2D clock mode using MSI afterburner, second option copy your bios using gpu-z and modify the bios so that your 2D and 3D clocks are the same.

but like richardwertz suggested, turning off hardware acceleration is the easiest since the 2D accelerated mode trigger(which is what you are suffering from) is part of the drivers.
Agree with richardwertz. If you have a good modern cpu you don't need GPU acceleration anyway.
I don't have "Apply current video quality settings to Internet video" check, nor can I find anything referring to the 300mhz 2d speed. The AMD Overdrive page doesn't reference 2d speeds.

In Afterburner the 2d profile was set to the same as 3d but it didn't seem to change anything. I don't know if I'm not running Afterburner with the right settings for that to take effect?

However like richardwertz said, unchecking "Enable Hardware Acceleration" on the youtube video worked as long as I start the game first, then play the video. I totally forgot about that setting.

Thanks guys!