6GB Gskill Kit and Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R 1366 Mobo $300


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2007
Not sure how [H]ot this is, but it seemed like a pretty slick buy.

From the reviews, it looks like very good memory (5 stars with ~200 reviews), and the motherboard looks pretty solid as well (Tom's Hardware Recommended Buy).

$80 off for the combo, and it seems like a good buy for those looking to get a new I7 system going.
That is wierd, I made a wish list a few weeks back and those are the exact items in my wish list. Wierd...
Why is this board getting such horrible reviews? Gigabyte usually makes solid boards, but those scathing reviews are keeping from being interested in this combo!
Why is this board getting such horrible reviews? Gigabyte usually makes solid boards, but those scathing reviews are keeping from being interested in this combo!

Based on the reviews it sounds like people got a bad batch (DOA or dead after a short time). Lots of 5 egg reviews as well, so I'd say it's probably just bad luck on their part.
I own the board and it rocked, but I did blow a mosfet on it pushing the voltage on my i7 920 kinda high. Not an issue though as Gigabyte replaced it and it is on its way back to me. Other than that fact (which I am not sure I can really blame on them) it is a great board for the money.

Excellent deal with the ram included.
Well this is poor timing. If Intel would finally reveal their retail deal I would know if I could use this or if I will need a 1156 board... This is a pretty good deal though OP.
Been trying to order this, damn credit card is giving me trouble.....
I'm tempted. I have two concerns though. The board has some mixed reviews. Also, I keep reading that memory prices will fall soon. A part of me says to hold off and wait.
effin A, I've been trying to buy this since friday but I'm getting problems with verification information bs... come on!!!
Great ram, great motherboard (although I prefer the discontinued ud4p). It is a bit silly though, a year ago this ram was regularly $80 and now it retails out at $160?
6gb of ram was 80 bucks a year ago? I don't remember ever seeing that.
6gb of ram was 80 bucks a year ago? I don't remember ever seeing that.

Yes it was.

I got 12GB for a little over $190 a year ago from Amazon.com... and this was premium, superfast DDR3, not your regular standard one.
Yeah I bought 2 6GB premium kits for 110 a piece when I built my i7 920 box right before quakecon last year (so some time in July).
I can't believe there are actually members of this forum who base their purchases on the newegg reviews... have you no common sense? :eek:
I can't believe there are actually members of this forum who base their purchases on the newegg reviews... have you no common sense? :eek:

With the level of intelligence I've seen around here I would have to say no.
I will admit the annoying buzzing my x58a makes is pretty damn annoying, turning off C1E fixed it.

At least I dont have to pay for power here :-o
With the level of intelligence I've seen around here I would have to say no.


The bad reviews on newegg are the main reason preventing me from pulling the trigger on this. The bad reviews are abnormally high from the usual high marks Gigabyte boards receive.
With the level of intelligence I've seen around here I would have to say no.

Yeah because you are a cut above everyone :rolleyes:

While it is true that you have to take some reviews at newegg with a grain of salt, it is also possible to make a good jusdgement of a product based on overall reviews. Most people are more outspoken about problems they have with a product.

The bad reviews on newegg are the main reason preventing me from pulling the trigger on this. The bad reviews are abnormally high from the usual high marks Gigabyte boards receive.

He does have a point thou. Most of the reviewers on the egg are either totally idiots or know just enough to think they know what they are doing. There are at least three members here vouching for that board.
Actually I find reviews very helpful, but you have to read all of them. You can usually see patterns of a bad design. Some of the reviews you shouldn't pay much attention to, like DOA boards and such, because a that will always happen with any product. But usually you can find out very useful information, like it will not work with this other hardware or case, many people reporting heat problems, noise problems etc. Many times they will recommend a better product that I didn't even know about.

Many products I owned and had trouble with I went and checked Newegg reviews only to find many other people posted they had a similar problem.

Newegg reviews are actually the best place to find out about products you are interested in. I disagree that only stupid people base their purchase on those reviews.
I just built 2 of these setups too bad I missed this deal...

One board made a high-pitch sound. I disabled C1 and then upgraded my power supply. The re-enabled it, and it works fine. The other board had no issue.

If my folks were ready for a new PC i'd build them one with this exact setup too.
Yeah I bought 2 6GB premium kits for 110 a piece when I built my i7 920 box right before quakecon last year (so some time in July).

I have seen it for 120 or something, but never as low as 80 dollars. But I don't remember what ram they were.

As for the newegg comment, its not like everyone who buys from that site and give reviews are incompetent, you have to sift through them and see patterns or what they say.
I have seen it for 120 or something, but never as low as 80 dollars. But I don't remember what ram they were.

As for the newegg comment, its not like everyone who buys from that site and give reviews are incompetent, you have to sift through them and see patterns or what they say.

I went back and checked my invoice from newegg and I was off by a whole $9.99. This exact kit was in fact $89.99 5/15/09. If you want I can provide a screenshot of the invoice to prove it.