70.90 Forceware Betas Out

Somehow isnt this a little strange name for drivers? I mean, arent suppose to be 7x.xx for 7th generation of GeForces? :S
SlasherDNA said:
Somehow isnt this a little strange name for drivers? I mean, arent suppose to be 7x.xx for 7th generation of GeForces? :S
NV41 and NV45 are the fall refreshes. The version makes sense. And guess what's been recently released?
Looks good. It is funny how the graph with HL with AA6xAF16 @ 1024 shows on par or better performance than without AA or AF.
KevinO said:
Looks good. It is funny how the graph with HL with AA6xAF16 @ 1024 shows on par or better performance than without AA or AF.
That is cause the 6800's do not support 6xAA so it defaults to no AA.
TC Magazine said:
The results above speak for themselves!

WTF, does that mean?! They give like a 1/2 fps boost in Doom3 and 1-4 fps boost in HL2! Whoopdee freakin doo

I'll wait until they actually make a decent improvement and/or have an official driver release.

They shoulda tested 3dMark b/c that seems all NV and ATI seem interested in tweaking for. Great, I can watch a stupid firefly demo at a slightly faster slideshow rate of 25fps instead of 23fps!!
chrisf6969 said:
They shoulda tested 3dMark b/c that seems all NV and ATI seem interested in tweaking for. Great, I can watch a stupid firefly demo at a slightly faster slideshow rate of 25fps instead of 23fps!!

If you really feel that way about 3dmark then you should stop encouraging them with your sig :D
zbose said:
If you really feel that way about 3dmark then you should stop encouraging them with your sig :D

HAHAAHAHAHAHAH PWNED!! heheh nice one :)
Yes, but does it provide shader replacement for HL2 on the FX series? That would be well worth it for me.
ok, beat my best 3DMARK 2005 SCORE (which was with the 67.02 Extreme G's):

extreme G 67.02 set:
3DMARK 2005: 5229

70.90: 5395

Can't fault this driver set so far; except for no 'clamp' setting--WHY??

...will test HL2 and DOW in a bit

edit: VST got about 4.5 sec boost to 128.50 seconds @ 1024x768 4AA 8AF settings max

I think the image quality with these drivers in HL2 at least is the best i've seen, there is more color and detail in color (for example slime on girders and stuff being more noticeable and pronounced) in these drivers than in the previous, and I'm not 100% certain, but it seems to me the stutter has been greatly improved with these drivers. I just loaded 2 levels I know where the stutter has been happening and they aren't stuttering (there's a subtle hitch and that's it, nothing like before).

It would be interesting to see if other people notice this has helped their stuttering as well.
trudude said:
That is cause the 6800's do not support 6xAA so it defaults to no AA.

ever try riva tuner? it has 2x aa, 4xaa, 6xaa, 8xaa and 16x aa. also has the 8xs and 2xq options along with i think 6xs
wow these drivers are nice :) i get a 4fps gain in cs:s vst.. from the non overclocked score of 82 to a score of 86 @ 1600x1200 4xaa and 16xaf.... i can now beat the 90fps mark :)

with my ultra clocked almost to ultra extreme speeds i get 91.24 fps from the 87 with the older drivers (67.02 and 66.93)

and i gained about 100 pts in 3dmark05.. heres the link :)


:) i am happy now hehe
Isn't there a bug in 6xAA on the 6800? I remember seeing benchmarks ran with 6xAA and 8xAA and the 6x actually performed a lot slower than the 8xAA.
Musashi is the name of my main rig, actually. Though I do use that name from time to time. However, I've not played Q3 for quite some time so its probably someone else.

Also, since these drivers are now in the 70s, does that mean that we should totally uninstall and driverclean? Also, I have coolbits reg key enabled on my 66.93 - do I have to use a different one now that we're in the 70's? Finally, will I loose any of my existing OC settings during the upgrade? thanks.
After installing the drivers, I can no longer force my overclocks instead of having to test them. Any ideas?
Honestly, with my 6800 GT, I've noticed little improvement from drivers 61.77-->71.02. Whether or not one program gives more frames really seems to impact me little when I'm in the middle of a room filled with 30 hungry gamers who've had too much Monster to drink :p What I did notice are fixes like the LOD clamp on some of the newest drivers. When 3d2k5 came out, there was a sudden 25% bump in improvement...but only on this benchmark. That's the kind of thing that just bugs me :( Where did they pull that from, ya know? I just hope it's not at the expense of image quality. So my end opinion is for 2 sets of drivers from nvidia.

1. Image Quality
- for those with higher end systems or folks that don't notice/need the speed improvements
- there would be options for AA, AS, Vsync, and the all important "Application does this shit for me"

2. Performance
- for those with older systems or folks that like to "racebench", a wonderful new winter sport here in NW Indiana
- there would be a plethora of options for optimizing a system to perform faster


Jod ;-)
So far since I've installed them, I've noticed two things, hl2 is a tiny bit faster, but when I play FFXI it blue screens and comp shuts off, uninstalled and got the drivers from nvidia.com as usual, ding problem fixed.
Robstar said:
Do these drivers fix the WMVHD bug on the 6800?
You can always try it.

nvidia doesn't talk about WMP9 acceleration on the NV40 anymore. It's a problem with the hardware.

And your CPU just isn't fast enough to decompress the HD streams in software smoothly. Either get another card, faster CPU or just live with it.