750G sata $140 shipped

I signed up for the newsletter yesterday...

I get "This promo code you entered is only available for specific programs." every time I try to apply it.

How long is this deal supposed to last?

fineprint at bottom says till feb 20th 2008
I dont want to threatcrap here but since you called me out in particular saying my info is odd i guess i have the right to answer . I called these particular WD drives "green" drives because WD themself called them so ...i know that "green" has nothing to do with the color or the suitability with raid setups. The problem with raid setups is that you want drives of same design and speed to minimize the posibility of failure . The problem with the WD "green" drives is that the customer doesnt know when buying at what speed they are running , speed is rated somewhere between 5400rpm to 7200rpm , so you can get drives with different speed. Drives with different speed are not very suitable for raid setups. If you do a search here in the forums you gonna find people who had problems with those particular called "green" drives and raid setups , it seems that certain raid controllers (hard or software) dont work with those WD drives . (sorry but im too lazy to link them all out since the search option works again)
So if i suggest somebody to do a little research if those drives are suited for his setup before spending money on 4 drives ... i think thats a helpfull information and not odd .

I find it odd that you would want to be helpful. :) BTW, I read something similar as well about the difficulty in RAID setups.
I dont want to threatcrap here but since you called me out in particular saying my info is odd i guess i have the right to answer . I called these particular WD drives "green" drives because WD themself called them so ...i know that "green" has nothing to do with the color or the suitability with raid setups. The problem with raid setups is that you want drives of same design and speed to minimize the posibility of failure . The problem with the WD "green" drives is that the customer doesnt know when buying at what speed they are running , speed is rated somewhere between 5400rpm to 7200rpm , so you can get drives with different speed. Drives with different speed are not very suitable for raid setups. If you do a search here in the forums you gonna find people who had problems with those particular called "green" drives and raid setups , it seems that certain raid controllers (hard or software) dont work with those WD drives . (sorry but im too lazy to link them all out since the search option works again)
So if i suggest somebody to do a little research if those drives are suited for his setup before spending money on 4 drives ... i think thats a helpfull information and not odd .

reading comprehension son, and for your little friend too. THIS drive, as well as ANY none RE2, or pre-NCQ drive, should NOT be used for RAID. If you like the benefits of the Green Power drives and want to use them for RAID, you need to get the RE2 versions. Anyone having problems with a Green Power drive in RAID is trying to use the non-RE2 version.

The "so you can get drives with different speed. Drives with different speed are not very suitable for raid setups." is plain ignorant - does your daddy work for one of WD's competitors? The variable speed nature of the GP drives has NO EFFECT on their suitability for RAID - so long as you get the version design for RAID usage.

Short answer (and actually being helpful) don't get this particular GP drive for RAID, but feel free to get the appropriate GP drives for RAID usage, and enjoy the silence and lower system heat while you're at it.
AFAIK, there is a RAID model of this drive, and one that does not work well in a RAID array. The non-RAID versions can enter into a deep recovery cycle, and subsequently drop part of the array. The true difference here is TLER (Time Limited Error Recovery.) I believe there was a recent firmware upgrade for just this problem, even in RAID edition drives... apparently newer drives are manufactured with this firmware. Several people have reported corruption. The info's there if you do a little digging.
I find that aggresive and offensive behavior of trying to be a smart... :rolleyes: .... nevermind , basically he said the same as i posted before ....those particular drives that are for sale might not be suited for use in raid .
(btw my daddy does not work and never did work for any hard or software related company)
end of thread crapping .
AFAIK, there is a RAID model of this drive, and one that does not work well in a RAID array. The non-RAID versions can enter into a deep recovery cycle, and subsequently drop part of the array. The true difference here is TLER (Time Limited Error Recovery.) I believe there was a recent firmware upgrade for just this problem, even in RAID edition drives... apparently newer drives are manufactured with this firmware. Several people have reported corruption. The info's there if you do a little digging.

This is correct.

The issue is that that auto recover the drive can dip into will make it appear offline to the array. Good RAID controllers have the autorecovery built in so it confuses them and they think the drive died.

RAID edition drives on the other hand limit the recover process to like 10secs or something (cant remember the exact number) so that the drive will not go offline and the RAID controller does not think it died.

That is the correct answer on why you should not use normal drives these days in RAID. They can still work just fine, but if any corruption or problem comes up, it can cause a big issue.
Got my drives today (yes, I ended up getting a second one :rolleyes:)... both were manufactured 12/20/2007, so no need to worry about warranty periods expiring.

Very quite, run extremely cool and pretty good performance.
I want a seagate :(

My WD drive I have now is making some weird noises.
Yeah, its odd. I've been deploying Seagate almost exclusively for over 5yrs now, yet suddenly I find that my workstation is holding 3ea WDC drives. Amazing.

That said, every mfg has drives that fail, including Seagate. Heck, the 7200.8 and, to a lesser extent, 7200.9 series drives had a pretty poor reliability rating. But ooh that 5yr warranty offsets much. :cool:
I want a seagate :(

My WD drive I have now is making some weird noises.

I'm noticing something weird also... I'm hearing a short "bzzzzzz" sound every few minutes and I know for sure it's coming from one of these new WD HDD's :confused:.
I'm noticing something weird also... I'm hearing a short "bzzzzzz" sound every few minutes and I know for sure it's coming from one of these new WD HDD's :confused:.

Is it your case vibrating? I've found with multiple hard drives/fans that the case will resonate with a frequency depending on the number of drives/fans installed...if you're sure it's just the one drive by itself, then I would suggest running the WD diagnostics on it, it might be defective. I've been running WD drives exclusively since 2003, been through 10-12 without a single defective one or "funny noises."
I'm noticing something weird also... I'm hearing a short "bzzzzzz" sound every few minutes and I know for sure it's coming from one of these new WD HDD's :confused:.

Well, I called WD and was told that the "bzzzzz" noise is normal with these drives. It's just the sound of the HDD spinning-up.

It kind of freaked me out because I've never heard a sound like that before coming from any HDD I've used or tested, but I guess with this new Caviar Green Power series, it's normal.

We'll see.

PS = One more thing, was pleasantly surprised with the warranty on my drives. They're supposed to have a 3-yr warranty based on either the manufacture date or the purchase date (WD adjusts it), but mine are (somehow) covered for a bit longer. Warranty expiration is showing 6-15-2011 on both, for a total of 3 yrs and 4 months of coverage :).
Well, I called WD and was told that the "bzzzzz" noise is normal with these drives. It's just the sound of the HDD spinning-up.

It kind of freaked me out because I've never heard a sound like that before coming from any HDD I've used or tested, but I guess with this new Caviar Green Power series, it's normal.

We'll see.

PS = One more thing, was pleasantly surprised with the warranty on my drives. They're supposed to have a 3-yr warranty based on either the manufacture date or the purchase date (WD adjusts it), but mine are (somehow) covered for a bit longer. Warranty expiration is showing 6-15-2011 on both, for a total of 3 yrs and 4 months of coverage :).

no buzzzing from mine, it was packaged ok , not great but ok , did some testing with hdtach so far speed is on par with a seagate 400gb 7200.10

seagate 65 mb avg
750 gp 63 mb avg

burst is slightly lower also but let me add runs a full 10c COOLER !!!

has anyone tried the wdtler program on this drive with success, i know this isnt the re version but if i were to buy 2 more and go raid 5 would i want to disable tler or enable it for 7 to 8 seconds ???

im thinking for raid you want tler enabled and set to r7 seconds, let me know if im wrong and for desktops you would want it disabled entirely so the drive does its own error recovery automatically ? correct ?