750HX best SLI choice


Dec 2, 2005
I have the Corsair 750HX. If I want to do SLI what are the most powerful 2 cards I can run and still be ok with this PSU?

I have 1 DVD burner, 1 7200 Hard Drive, and all that is listed in my sig. I don't have anything over clocked. Perhaps one day I'll have the guts to OC my 980x so factor that in and that I will add an SDD later this year.
A pair of GTX580s will work on that PSU. Recent [H] review showed a dual configuration pulling around ~680W, iirc.
According to the calculator here: http://extreme.outervision.com/PSUEngine

A quality 750W like your HX should be able to handle a OC on your cpu and 580's in SLI. However a 750W would certainly be working pretty hard, especially if you ended up overclocking the 580's. I personally would favor a bit more overhead to be on the safe side.
Wow that is good to know. Thank you very much. I did not think I would be able to SLI the 6970 or 580 with my PSU. I really don't won't lesser cards. I won't OC them although I may buy ones with a factory OC on them. I like those MSI lightning cards.