7800 GT $351 shipped!!

good price. makes me feel pretty good that I got the BFG OC 7800gt from dell over a month ago gor 353.00 shipped. :)
See, I'd get it if I didn't have bills to pay off. Hopefully another deal will come along. My 6600GT just isn't cutting it anymore. Never thought I'd be saying that.
Yesterday's Newegg deal was only $9 more ($360) and I believe it was the retail version of this video card (also by EVGA) and not just OEM. Tax might make or break the deal for some.
I oredered one last night from them. The guy called me today and told me it was an oem, but comes with all cd's and cables that the retail card has. It just doesnt come with the retail box itself.....wooptie-doo :rolleyes:
Any indications they will produce an AGP version of this? I am currently running an A64 939 rig but with AGP. It would be one helluva upgrade cost to go the PCIE for me....lets see.... a decent motherboard and graphics card at minimum would cost me around $500+....

Can't wait to sell my condo (just put on the market yesterday)....I will have about $120K to play with....
FrizzleFried said:
Any indications they will produce an AGP version of this? I am currently running an A64 939 rig but with AGP. It would be one helluva upgrade cost to go the PCIE for me....lets see.... a decent motherboard and graphics card at minimum would cost me around $500+....

Can't wait to sell my condo (just put on the market yesterday)....I will have about $120K to play with....

those guys who paid 650 to 700 a couple months ago must be kicking themselves.
Archaea said:
those guys who paid 650 to 700 a couple months ago must be kicking themselves.
Yeah. This is the reason I always laugh at people who buy things within a few months of being released. I always wait 6 months or so before upgrading to new things. And in another 3-4 months(maybe even sooner), the 7800GT will be below $300 so.....Ill buy one when it is around $270 or something.
While I agree with the above posts, remember that those who paid $600-$700 actually bought the GeForce 7800GTX, not the 7800GT...there is quite a difference and no amount of overclocking is going to make up the difference completely...
$120K ??

That's a shitload of money for a computer

Awe yeah! Of that $120K, $40K-$50K will go to a down payment for a new home in Idaho...$10K in gold will be purchased (security)....$10K will stay in my bank account....$20K-$30K will go toward an investment property and the rest....well...I think I can put together a pretty kickass system and then some.... :D
Cannibal Corpse said:
How's eVGA quality compared to BFG or XFX? I wish BFG had a deal like this.
EVGA made me a fan when they recently offered lifetime warranty on their video cards and offered trade-up policy for the first 90 days of the purchase. They seem to meet the spec well but I don't think they go much beyond it.
FrizzleFried said:
While I agree with the above posts, remember that those who paid $600-$700 actually bought the GeForce 7800GTX, not the 7800GT...there is quite a difference and no amount of overclocking is going to make up the difference completely...
The 7800GTX could be purchased for $500 immediately after it came out, not $600 and definitely not $700. The 7800GT could be purchased for $400 immediately after it came out. Take a look at benchmarks comparing the 7800GTX and 7800GT and you can see that there is very little difference between the two cards. After OCing the 7800GT it is ~ ultra speeds. The 7800GT IMO is a much better deal for the money($100 less than GTX). Throw 2 GTs in SLI and u have a godly system for a reasonable price.
nVidiaGuru said:
I oredered one last night from them. The guy called me today and told me it was an oem, but comes with all cd's and cables that the retail card has. It just doesnt come with the retail box itself.....wooptie-doo :rolleyes:

I emailed them amd asked the same question and they replied with the same info BUT he believed that eVGA OEM products only came with a "1 + 1 warranty" instead of the lifetime warranty on the retail.
I'm so close, but I can't bring myself to buy it. Is this really that good of a deal? No tax in my state, so $351 is what I would be paying.

Also, has anyone dealt with their support team? I've been very impressed with BFG's--how does this compare?
beowulf7 said:
Ouch! My condolence. :(

Folks in DE, NH, and OR make out like bandits. I don't know of other sales tax-free states.
I did not get charged in IL for tax either
I understand evga makes 2 versions of the 7800GT, would this be the better SKU?
This is a great price, specially free shipping. But i will wait until it comes down under $200
Donk3y said:
I did not get charged in IL for tax either
Oh, my comment was a general one as in general sales tax for each state. The vendor doesn't have an address in IL, so hence your not being charged tax. :cool:
beowulf7 said:
Oh, my comment was a general one as in general sales tax for each state. The vendor doesn't have an address in IL, so hence your not being charged tax. :cool:
Must have missed the smilee after typing that. It was more me being happy about no tax than informative lol :D
beowulf7 said:
Ouch! My condolence. :(

Folks in DE, NH, and OR make out like bandits. I don't know of other sales tax-free states.

There are 5 states in the US that do not have a sales tax, and they are:

DE., NH., OR., MT., & PR.

And they love it :)
digitalvynil said:
There are 5 states in the US that do not have a sales tax, and they are:

DE., NH., OR., MT., & PR.

And they love it :)
I didn't know that Montana is also sales tax free. :cool:

Since when did Puerto Rico become a state? :eek: :p
No tax charge to Georgia

Bought the XFX because of the bundle and full retail box.
$351 free 3day shipping
I paid $530 for my GTX...and it was still worth every penny. While people were waiting for a "better price", I was playing ;) If you thinks its a good deal and you will enjoy it, BUY IT. Hindsight is always 20/20.
